Seriously what is the deal with all the KR grassroots propaganda in the last week?
It is accepted practice to get a small group of people to "alpha test" something, then get them to champion it to the rest of the community. But it is rather strange that a small group is suddenly championing a client that will supposedly be replaced soon.
This is all my doing, nothing to do with EA/Mythic or anything insidious, and certainly wouldn't call it a "grassroots propaganda." This is much less than the "come play Siege" campaign or the non-stop "I DEMAND A CLASSIC SHARD" rant that is seen almost daily for the past year.
It's an idea that I got from Kelmo, in one of his "Come to Siege" posts. Kelmo said he had a house outside Umbra (I think?) on Siege that was available for new Siege players to use. I thought that was a great idea... a helping hand to those new to Siege. So I want to do the same thing... help those new to KR, or those who tried KR and it didn't perform well or didn't like the graphics, or whatever. KR is finally in a very playable form, and finally, I think, a better client than the 2D client. So I am encouraging people to try it once again, and I am offering whatever help I am able to get them up and running KR well.
Is that a bad thing? Am I forcing you to try KR? Not at all, just offering help and advice to anyone who would like to try it once again. So, this is an offer of help to anyone who would like to try KR for the first time, once again, or using it now but not happy with it. Is that a BAD thing to want to help someone else?
SA isn't quite soon-to-be released. No beta has been announced. So we have KR in its current form for a while yet. However, KR is finally in a playable form, with many bug fixes and the awesome mods available from players. And because KR was released before it was ready and was so awful, most people have tried it once or twice, haven't tried to optimize its performance, and haven't downloaded the BBE mod user interface.
Now that EA/Mythic is working on the updated KR client to become the new SA client, this is our/my chance to have some input on the design, and HOPEFULLY have it come out of the starting gate at least as playable as KR is with the current BBE mod. I like KR and don't want it to die for lack of players.
And just so you know, I'm not trying to get EA/Mythic to drop the 2D client (although, that would stop all of the old 3rd party cheat programs and client hacks). If for some reason KR gets dropped as a client in the future, I'll go back to playing 2D.
And I've never said, and I've never read a posting from someone else that said, "if they stop supporting KR I'm going to cancel all my accounts!"