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Bola Discussion!! Need some changes or reverts?

Bombastic Fail

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Just a discussion!

For those older players; they remember bolas used to have an "80 Tactics" requirement. This was pretty reasonable, and it didnt have a "100%" hit ratio. How do you guys feel about either of those being reinstated?

And while we are talking about bolas, what about making them like every other UO consumable and have XX uses, or one a 1 time use??

Let the world know how you feel!! Whether you like them/hate them/want them nerfed. :lick:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 80 tactic requirement would knock out a lot of mages from using them. I would think that if your char already has 80+ tactics then they have a fighting skill or is using a mage weapon and therefore have a method via weapon special of dismounting someone. Of course when SA is released with the new throwing skill, they could always put bolas into that skill group and add primary and secondary abilities.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I would like to see the cap dropped to 70 tactics, then with every point higher, you would have a higher percentage to hit your target, but even with 120, you wouldn't have a 100% chance to hit....la


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Oh, and if you used it, it would be a special move and thus would require mana to be used (even though I think these types of things should drop stamina)...la

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, and if you used it, it would be a special move and thus would require mana to be used (even though I think these types of things should drop stamina)...la
Thats not a bad idea; both of them, but I'd rather it be mana, since you cant just chug with a TR. But good ideas nonetheless :)


That's stupid.. out of any game ever mana has been related to magical spells..

You mean to tell me you must summon magical forces to throw some leather straps and some balls? give me a break


That's stupid.. out of any game ever mana has been related to magical spells..

You mean to tell me you must summon magical forces to throw some leather straps and some balls? give me a break
You need to summon magical forces to fire a crossbow in a special way, or throw a smoke bomb.
I think the concept of Mana is already stretched to the point where a mana requirement to use a bola isn't likely to change anything in that regard.

I always figured that Mana was more of a matter of mental discipline, or will, rather than some pool of brain-dependant magical goo.


Crazed Zealot
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However, the origin of the word mana is from pacific island cultures where it represents power, prestege and luck and (based on what little I've read about them) is actually closer to UO's more mundane "special stuff" rather than high fantasy "magical energy".

Green Meanie

i liked ricos idea with maybe a bit more of a twist

maybe start off with a base 20% to hit with and then tatics/2 as an added chance to hit so at 120 tatics bolas will hit 80% of the time but that works for a person who could just grab a disarm weapon and would rather take the higher hit chance of a bola. Give gargys with there inate throwing skill get 10% extra

As far as making it work off manna i could go either way on this and manna is more than magical power. Lets look at the ninja and who in most thems woudl use KI. No ki in uo. ki is inner power focused to use. Manna is inner power waiting to be focuse on a spell or weapon spec or animal form or a BOLA

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
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I agree that something along the lines of skill should be tied to them, however I do not think this should be limited to warriors or tactics mages. Instead, tie the bola toss to some other mundane skill so all that use them will be under the same disadvantage.

I also like the idea of making them a consumable...


I think the "ultimate" fix is to tie bola's into wrestling like stars/darts are related to ninja. Substitute wrestle for ninja in the formula... no brainer to implement.

Every other weapon skill has a dismount method associated with it except for wrestling.

Use the wrestle skill to determine hit chance.

*shrugs* Makes too much sense so I'm sure everyone will shoot the idea down:hahaha:

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the "ultimate" fix is to tie bola's into wrestling like stars/darts are related to ninja. Substitute wrestle for ninja in the formula... no brainer to implement.

Every other weapon skill has a dismount method associated with it except for wrestling.

Use the wrestle skill to determine hit chance.

*shrugs* Makes too much sense so I'm sure everyone will shoot the idea down:hahaha:
unless you tie it to something redundant to all players...you leave room for signficant imbalance to occur.


Babbling Loonie
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unless you tie it to something redundant to all players...you leave room for signficant imbalance to occur.
And since you talked about balance we should tie bola useage. To arms lore skill. Similarily ranged dismount specials basically a dismount shot from heavy should also be tied to arms lore. Make it so dismount attack don't require tactics but arms lore, just to make it fair.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please expand upon this... I'm confused as to what you are talking about here.
Basically hes saying by requiring wrestling to use bola you are a pro- Mage Online player and want to overpower mages. And he suggested it should require a "useless" skill in order to use such a powerful attack. So I replied my idea of Arms Lore and ranged dismounts should all be tied to the same (useless) skill.


Basically hes saying by requiring wrestling to use bola you are a pro- Mage Online player and want to overpower mages.
Not sure how requiring wrestling for bolas is pro-mage since 95% of mages don't run wrestling:hahaha: Most mages I see run mage weapons, 70-90 weapon skill/tactics.

As mentioned, every weapon skill aside from wrestling has a direct dismount option.

The only people who get the short end of the shaft by requiring wrestling for bolas is those without a weapon skill; for example the lamer tamer "PvPers":hahaha:

By requiring a "useless" skill such as armslore for all dismount methods(bolas and special), everyone would get the shaft and bolas would disappear.

I think the general sentiment we have going is bolas absolutely need to be tied to a skill. It is just picking that skill that seems to be in dispute :thumbup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure how requiring wrestling for bolas is pro-mage since 95% of mages don't run wrestling:hahaha: Most mages I see run mage weapons, 70-90 weapon skill/tactics.

As mentioned, every weapon skill aside from wrestling has a direct dismount option.

The only people who get the short end of the shaft by requiring wrestling for bolas is those without a weapon skill; for example the lamer tamer "PvPers":hahaha:

By requiring a "useless" skill such as armslore for all dismount methods(bolas and special), everyone would get the shaft and bolas would disappear.

I think the general sentiment we have going is bolas absolutely need to be tied to a skill. It is just picking that skill that seems to be in dispute :thumbup:
No dismount wouldnt disappear. If its THAT good people WILL makeroom for them. Tamer gimps didnt use to require Lore if you have high enough Taming, the "nerfed it" by adding Lore as a vital skill to use pet, did that stop any PvP tamer gimps? No, people fit that skill just do they can do certain things. As for dismount, its a tactics for many many zerg guilds. They wouldnt feel troubled at all if 1 or 2 of their 25 stealth archers (the biggest zerg-pvp guild on my shard have at least that manay) are required to have Armslore in order to dismount shot.


Seasoned Veteran
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Nerfing bolas at this point would do nothing but make it easier for the large amounts of speedhackers to run more than they already do.


Isn't sa introducing a "thrown" skill? a bola in real life is a pretty tricky thing to use, maybe it could be linked to this skill if and when it comes?


I think that if they disappeared after one use would solve alot of problems...No longer being able to dismount "ALL KILL", pick up bola rinse repeat. It would probably force the prices of bolas up. Since the need for more crafted ones would be present.


It would simply be a nerf to mages.

Every dexer has tactics...

Bombastic Fail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only reason I mentioned tactics is because back in the day (Pre-AOS) that was the skill it was tied to. Also back in the day; you had just as many warriors as you did mages with tactics, since the "Hybrid" or "Tank" mage was very common then. Good ideas though.

Usually though; even if the bola is "consumed" it only takes 1 bola to kill someone, hence the need for a skill-tie too; just like almost every other item/wep/consumable in the game. =]