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Update on the Collection

Rotgut Willy

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I did =)

I can't remember exactly what I did when I registered with them (it was about a year ago I think that I registered in the shop the first time) I'm *pretty* sure I had to "re-register" with their shop, use my regular UO login etc, but just for their shop.

Sorry, can't remember exactly what I did
Ah, gotcha. Maybe I'll give that a try. ;)


Here is what I was told from someone who has quite a few of them and this was told to me in confidence. Im not giving out any names as now quite a few of the tokens can be found on several vendors owned by different people.

Those tokens are being sold from 6mil to 15mil in game. For example, the earrings I have seen from 12-15 million. The dyes Im seeing around 6 million with the name "Japan Promotion - Tokundo Dyes".

The individuals I "spoke" with did not get them through the JP site, they bought them from another person, in bulk.. to the tune of 50 tokens for 3 mil each in-game.

The original person, bought them on a JP shard and did a shard transfer. That original person, bought them via the JP site.

Need I say more.....


Need I say more.....
LOL! Makes it sound like some kind of conspiracy, rather than normal cross-shard trading practise =P

6 mill for the tok dye tokens doesn't seem that outrageous to me? I usually see full tok dyes going around the 5 - 6 mill mark anyway =)

Good luck Rotgut Willy! I *do* remember having two different online translation sites open at the same time, and comparing the translation of every page/line =P Took me a really long time to register, i remember that, and even when I had finished, I still wasn't 100% sure I did it right, until I got the codes and used them =P

I know that on other sites I have had to fake a US address, if I wanted to buy items/gametime/other virtual stuff, so it's possible I had to fake a Japanese address for this one (probably not exactly a great thing to do, but meh! It's virtual items, on a virtual game, they still got my real money!) I remember doing it for a game site when the US$ amount for gametime worked out to be about half what they were charging in AU$ - my credit card is quite capable of paying in US$, so I just "virtually" moved =P


It's ridiculous that we even have to think about doing something like this. We have waited almost 3 months past the time we we supposed to be able to purchase them and they were up for all of one evening and then back down. I love UO and have been very much looking forward to purchasing this items. However, I am so soured on them right at the moment, that I am not sure I will buy any now.

Flora Green

Here is what I was told from someone who has quite a few of them and this was told to me in confidence. Im not giving out any names as now quite a few of the tokens can be found on several vendors owned by different people.

Those tokens are being sold from 6mil to 15mil in game. For example, the earrings I have seen from 12-15 million. The dyes Im seeing around 6 million with the name "Japan Promotion - Tokundo Dyes".

The individuals I "spoke" with did not get them through the JP site, they bought them from another person, in bulk.. to the tune of 50 tokens for 3 mil each in-game.

The original person, bought them on a JP shard and did a shard transfer. That original person, bought them via the JP site.

Need I say more.....
The tokens were purchased from the store and bought and transferred in the game. Happens all the time. :D 3 mil each for the dyes is a nice buy.


The tokens were purchased from the store and bought and transferred in the game. Happens all the time. :D 3 mil each for the dyes is a nice buy.
Perhaps you did not read my post correctly. I stated one individual bought 50 of them in bulk for 3mil each. That same individual is now selling them for 6million each.


LOL! Makes it sound like some kind of conspiracy, rather than normal cross-shard trading practise =P

6 mill for the tok dye tokens doesn't seem that outrageous to me? I usually see full tok dyes going around the 5 - 6 mill mark anyway =)
First, I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how wrong or right it is. Brings up healthy discussions.

So, let me make sure I understand you correctly. Person A on a JP shard buys the tok dyes for $3.00 each (Yen to USD) while US players can not purchase said tokens, yet US OSI has promised said tokens.

Person A cross shards the tokens, along with other items to a US shard. Now first question, why would Person A cross shard items? Is it to make ingame money, or real world money?

Then Person A sells said tokens to Person B, in bulk, for 3mil each. 3mil in game = $3 real world. Person B sells said tokens for 6 mil each, 6mil in game = $6 real world.

Now do you think OSI meant for players to buy said tokens for 6mil/$6 each when they were SUPPOSE to be available to US shards 3 months ago and were available for only one day, mysteriously.

Additionally, no it is not a conspiracy about the cross sharding. Its no mystery how rare and expensive items show up on shards via the cross sharding. How many sites sell ingame items for real world money, and how people make real world money off a virtual world. And how do you think the "pay" sites for gold get their gold? No its not a conspiracy however, its a real world money making operation just to play a game, and is borderline copyright and TOS issues.

So, did I miss any ethics issues here?

So the next time you want to buy something that you think is outrageous priced, and you need to spend $20 bucks in the real world to buy it via gold or straight out, remember, someone is making money off you.

Again, did I miss any ethics issues here?

I do not mean to turn this thread into something its not or a rant, however the bottom line is that there was a promise made by OSI to offer the tokens to US shards, was done one day for a very short time, and all that has been said since were words of promise..... when obviously the code is in place for the graphics and items.

Talk is cheap....... broken promises are not good business practice.


This'll probably take up a lot of space, cos it's easier to quote bits of your post =)
So, let me make sure I understand you correctly. Person A on a JP shard buys the tok dyes for $3.00 each (Yen to USD) while US players can not purchase said tokens, yet US OSI has promised said tokens.
Not all of the tokens are $3 - the bulk order deeds for example, are US$12, the gravestone is US$5.30(ish) I think the log is about US$7

*edits* I just realised, the prices I put here are for when you buy the items individually from the store, not the set, but I would assume that the US store will do roughly the same prices? And most people that are buying the odd one or two probably don't mind paying a little extra to get the one thing they do want, rather than be saddled with a heap they don't =P

Person A cross shards the tokens, along with other items to a US shard. Now first question, why would Person A cross shard items? Is it to make ingame money, or real world money?
It's irellevant to me =) As long as real money trading is allowed, it doesnt matter why

Then Person A sells said tokens to Person B, in bulk, for 3mil each. 3mil in game = $3 real world. Person B sells said tokens for 6 mil each, 6mil in game = $6 real world.
It's what people are willing to pay, rather than wait =) Nobody is forcing anyone to buy them in game =) As you said, US store has promised they'll be available

So the next time you want to buy something that you think is outrageous priced, and you need to spend $20 bucks in the real world to buy it via gold or straight out, remember, someone is making money off you.
That quite simply, wouldn't happen =) I don't *need* to spend RL cash on in-game stuff. If I *want* to, well, that's a different story, and entirely MY choice, and I can't blame anyone else for how much I spend, or on what =)

I do not mean to turn this thread into something its not or a rant, however the bottom line is that there was a promise made by OSI to offer the tokens to US shards, was done one day for a very short time, and all that has been said since were words of promise..... when obviously the code is in place for the graphics and items.
Really? Cos it doesnt seem that way to me from the change in tone and content between your first post and second post to be honest.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok now i understand. I should have 2 choices next month. Really nothing i can use or like but a few more soul stones. You can buy soul stones all over. Might be better to hold off till they offer us new things.
If you are 7th year or above you can give me a cannon. I have a 3 gun battery on the roof of my Tokono house. i could use a 4th.


I'm all for an answer to that too.

I was one of the ones who asked almost weekly why we hadn't gotten them yet and when could we expect them to be offered to everyone else. Then they were offered for one night, a night I had my youngest grandson and was unable to get on the computer, of course.

I have been eagerly awaiting them, but right now I am so disgusted with the way they have handled this for everyone but the Japanese that I am not sure that I will get any for any of my 7 accounts. :sad4:


Get over it already. If we get them...we get them..if not, so what?...la
So anytime YOU post about something you are interested in we should all say "Get over it already. If we get them/if it happens/if they change it so be it...if not, so what?" What an intelligent response you have to everything don't you?

Why don't you quit trolling and find another thread that actually interests you to post on?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are merely pixels for deco. When I typically post an idea, it's about game mechanics. Sorry, apples and oranges.

Try again.

And why do I keep posting in this thread? Because I have just as much right to disagree with you with this post as you have in any thread...la