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DArk knight bug


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I called a gm about the dark knight quest being bugged and not working here is the freaking canned response I got freaking lazy asses.

Greetings, and thank you for your petition!

This issue will require further investigation. As such, please report this to our Quality Assurance team via uo.com/mailBug.html or email [email protected] and submit a detailed report about your experience. This will include what you experienced, when, where, and under what circumstances. The information you submit will then be researched.

However, please understand that no further correspondence will be sent to you.

Thank you again and take care.

GM Thowe.
gotta love the part about no further responses means in layman's terms
we hear you but are going to ignore it some more been a issue for a while now !

I have gone and filed a bug report and will file one every day from now on and I will call the gm atleast once a day to see what can be done !

some one explain to me why gm thowe could not just give my character a ride there to the dark knight and let me fight him was I interrupting the coffee and donuts that would have made me happy and kept me from taking up there time everyday now


The Dark Knight Challange is a well known issue. With all the other issues out there I am not sure where is will rank on the priority list.

some one explain to me why gm thowe could not just give my character a ride there to the dark knight and let me fight him was I interrupting the coffee and donuts that would have made me happy and kept me from taking up there time everyday now
The Mechanics of the Dark Knight Challange may not allow you to simply be placed there.

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
What did you report? How is it not working? Maybe someone here can help you. (Not me though.. I've never done the Dark Knight quest although I keep meaning to make a new character in the KR client and giving it a shot.)


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What did you report? How is it not working? Maybe someone here can help you. (Not me though.. I've never done the Dark Knight quest although I keep meaning to make a new character in the KR client and giving it a shot.)
Ok so I finally start my seventh slot in the hopes that I can kill the DK and finally get to a level that I think I can kill him so I go to bank and get rune then a recall scroll cast on the rune and it changes color to dark (malas color) and says yo cannot recal from this object at this time I have had someone tell me that because I failed the first attempt that the rune is now bugged is this so and does anyone know of a way around this? besides deleting my character and starting over!


There is no way around it =) I think you were told that already in two threads? It's a known bug, that has been around since KR started unfortunately


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How is it a well know issue or a bug?

Everything in this game is a bug or exploit.

You can't even successfully cast Kal Ort Por yet you think you are up to the Challenge of fighting the Dark Knight in a duel to the death.

Basically you failed the first part of the challenge....get it?

I'm sorry but this is not a bug imo.

It's a good safe guard to prevent people farming the Dark Knight on the same character over and over.

And for you to dare insuniate that the Dev's should be pulled away from their coffee and donuts in order to teleport you to a duel with the Dark Knight is laughable.

You don't mess with people's coffee and donuts.


It's a good safe guard to prevent people farming the Dark Knight on the same character over and over.
You can only recieve a reward once, no chance to farm.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can't even successfully cast Kal Ort Por yet you think you are up to the Challenge of fighting the Dark Knight in a duel to the death.

where does it say you have to fight with magery I never said i was a mage at all it even states on the web page you can use the recall scroll so basicly you failed reading correctly!
And I did not say the devs should be pulled away I said the gm who answered my page could have so ! maybe again you should try reading again !

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
FWIW even if you do fight him, odds are you'll get a staff or ring as a reward. They're both pretty useless. Well, the ring might save your ass in PvP once or twice, but I'd consider it unlikely.

If you just wanna fight him for the experience, there's always the Test Center...

Not saying that this bug shouldn't be fixed, and shouldn't've been fixed long ago. Just presenting alternate options.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can only recieve a reward once, no chance to farm.
And you know this how?

Unless you have been in on the same character to fight the Dark Night twice...then you don't know. And I don't know either what I do know is that the rune only works once and someone failed casting either recall, gate or sacred journey now it's becomes a 'bug'.

I don't mean to sound like a jerk but the bottom line is the OP should have waited until they knew with absolute certainty the chance for success on casting recall, gate, sacred journey or whatever they're preferred method of travel is 100% success rate.

The OP failed the test! It's not a bug.

If a Dev comes in here and says it's a bug....then it's a bug. But logic clearly dictates that this is a preventive measure implemented whereby each character will have only shot at the Dark Knight.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's a bug.

Once you beat (or fail to beat) the Dark Knight, the rune should remain of the same appearance, and you should be informed of the wait time before you can use it again.

In my own experience, you have a three day wait to repeat the battle if you win, and a single day wait if you lose. That's assuming you actually get in to fight him. The client informs you of these wait times at the end of the battle.

The official notes state nothing about being penalised for failing a recall. Instead they clearly state it's repeatable:

Each character can only challenge the Dark Knight once for a reward, but are free to return to fight the Dark Knight again and again should they choose. He certainly won't complain, at least.
Yes, I have fought the Dark Knight multiple times on the same character, and also with various other characters.
