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Seige needs standard Vendor Fees


Slightly Crazed
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The seige economy is not the best right now, and I like many feel the vendor rates are too high to make it worth stocking, or leaving anything on there for any amount of time.

Id suggest standard shard rates. I know its a veteran shard, and I dont care if we were to keep the 3x rates on NPCs, but its tough to pay the big fees to stock common items.

Also taxidermy kits would be nice to see lowered.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a common complaint on Siege, it's why everyone does their selling via the boards and then places on the vendor once they've agreed on a price.

Vendor fees should definitely be lowered.


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Vendor fees are to high to place items for view and sale. Cost of doing so can destroy profit. Lowering would increase vendors, and their wares, thus stimulating economy.

Old Man of UO

Shouldn't this be posted on the Siege forum?

What next? I suppose you want to pick and choose attributes for the other shard rule sets? Costs and vendor fees were added to Siege for a reason. If you make enough changes, it isn't Siege any more is it?


Stratics Veteran
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With the lower population on Seige, it has never made sense to me why the fees were so high anyway. I do run a vendor shop there, but I have to make sure I have a buyer for expensive items before putting it on my vendor because of the high vendor fee's. Really stinks becuase I would love to stock more high end items for the casual "drop-by" shopper, but then you just eat your profit after a couple days. NPC prices are fine being higher, but the vendor fee's are just rediculous.


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
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Shouldn't this be posted on the Siege forum?

What next? I suppose you want to pick and choose attributes for the other shard rule sets? Costs and vendor fees were added to Siege for a reason. If you make enough changes, it isn't Siege any more is it?
The vendor fees on Siege have never made sense, the one rule in the Siege ruleset that I have always objected to. When I first came there and set up some vendors I thought how ruinous they were, especially as I was a retailer IRL. It simply does not make sense to charge 3x the rate of normal shards. You cannot sell items to NPCs on Siege or buy resources from them. This is good as it encourages community interaction. But to handicap that system with the extortionate fees for running your vendors is a significant hindrance to the system.

And this HAS been discussed on the Siege forum and a poll showed that a majority of the shard want it changed.


Stratics Legend
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The fact is, if vendor fees were dropped to regular prices...our community would be aided a lot. More players would open vendor shops and people would be out more to keep them filled and to shop from them...la


Old and in the way
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Discuss the topic at hand please. Let's not make this personal. *folds arms*

Old Man of UO

Discuss the topic at hand please. Let's not make this personal. *folds arms*
Sorry Kelmo, I didn't mean to or think it was personal at all and apologize if it was taken that way.

Old Man of UO

As Siege and vendors are UO releated...this thread is right on topic for this forum. Those that I moved...were not...la
ALMOST everything posted here is UO related. Siege vendor rules do not affect vendor rules on other shards, so this topic seems to be specific to Siege, doesn't it?


Stratics Legend
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ALMOST everything posted here is UO related. Siege vendor rules do not affect vendor rules on other shards, so this topic seems to be specific to Siege, doesn't it?
Actually, if changed, it could attract people from the production shards to start playing on another server. So it is a great UHall topic...la

Der Rock

ALMOST everything posted here is UO related. Siege vendor rules do not affect vendor rules on other shards, so this topic seems to be specific to Siege, doesn't it?
yes, or we can turn this thread a little,
yes, the vendor fee system is absurd,the dev´s DONT know what makes FUN in a game
lose gold because of absurd high costs force player to close their shops.
on siege it goes 3 times faster but it is the same problem on other shards.
if any DEV read this, so : REMOVE THIS CRAP !


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The reason we are posting this here is to try and get the DEV's attention. I doubt many of them read the Siege board, we know they read this board.


Queen of The Outlaws
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I can only agree, remove 3x vendor fee from Siege.

In fact remove 3x prices too.

1. It will help crafters and other merchants selling their wares.

2. It will help Siege get more good shops, selling items PvP players need.

3. It will help mages and necros so dying not hurt so much if they choose to use regs instead of LRC.

4. It will make classics houses cheaper, that's a good thing as we have some players who have no skills i house building and make ugly houses :p

5. It will bring life back to the sea if boats get cheaper

I'n sure there are more it will be good for. I have hard with seeing how it can hurt as our vendors do not sell resources other than regs, bottles, fruit and scrolls.
The armor and weapon on npc vendors are not useful, not even for a newbie so noone will buy that anyway.

It's just a stupid old piece of Siege code, that make no sense now and only hurt the community.


Well as a returning Player (from 2003) to UO in general and Seige in particular, my first goal was to get a house built somewhere that would or could support a vendor. Although there are quite a few people that buy the resources that a new or returning player can gather there are a lot of things that have value on siege that are simply garbage on production shards.

The vendor fees charged on Seige make jewels like 0/1's and 1/1's and 1/2's impossible to retail on a vendor at a profit. When players cannot afford to place items on vendors and make a profit, the buying (or who would be) players stop looking on vendors which creates longer turnover for anyone who might want to run a shop resulting in less profit.

It comes down to the fact that while the seige economy is player based and alive it is based in great majority on message boards,ICQ and luna bank meetings. How this stays within the story line and immersion that UO has is beyond me.

Seems like instead of checking your vendors to see what sold and how much gold your vendor made, I find myself logging in checking my vendor and seeing what did not sell and how much gold my vendor lost.

As far as this being releveant to UO, I have met and talk with several prodo shard players tht could be enticed into playing on siege as a gatherer to run a vendor because of the risks and the very stable resource economy on Seige, but the vendor charges simply do not allow for vendors to be viable or profitable on Seige.


I can only agree, remove 3x vendor fee from Siege.

In fact remove 3x prices too.


It's just a stupid old piece of Siege code, that make no sense now and only hurt the community.
The 3X prices are part of what makes the community so strong; you have to rely on other players for the very basic stuff. I didn't buy my sewing kits from an NPC vendor, I bought mine from a wonderful ship near minoc. THAT is what makes the community as strong as it is... you have to rely on other players.

I agree with reducing vendor fees, but removing 3X pricing will cripple the community and have repurcussions that I think might ruin the shard.


Stratics Legend
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It wouldn't hurt the community at all. If more players could afford to keep vendors up, there would be more interaction with them. As it is now most of the sales take place from posts on the Siege forum...la


Queen of The Outlaws
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The 3X prices are part of what makes the community so strong; you have to rely on other players for the very basic stuff. I didn't buy my sewing kits from an NPC vendor, I bought mine from a wonderful ship near minoc. THAT is what makes the community as strong as it is... you have to rely on other players.

I agree with reducing vendor fees, but removing 3X pricing will cripple the community and have repurcussions that I think might ruin the shard.
Tools from npc vendors break very fast, they are not worth the money.

Tell me why you think 3x npc vendor prices make the shard so strong.

I can tell you, it only hurt the shard.

It's other thing that make Siege strong, no Trammel, no item insurance, no "vendor buy" and more slow skill gain.


Always Present
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ALMOST everything posted here is UO related. Siege vendor rules do not affect vendor rules on other shards, so this topic seems to be specific to Siege, doesn't it?
The main reason anyone posts on UO Hall requesting any UO skills or issues or shards' needs, oft is because members of the dev. team are more than likely when their time is limited, to read UO Hall and requests which are made here, rather than the various many assorted individual Stratics forums be they pvp, professions, skills, crafting, or assorted shards' forums, all over Stratics' many varied individual forums for UO.

Thus in the end most paying customers post posts here, asking for attention, or requests, or changes which they would like to see or feel are needed, in hopes that someone in power will read the posts here at least, ie the every paying UO customers common forum at UO Hall, and possibly consider making some changes if at all possible.


Always Present
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As for myself, whom plays Chesapeake and Siege both, I know that the taxidermy deeds for my chr. to even buy one costs 110k on Siege. I do sell these. BUT I will not even put on a taxidermy stag or bear deed till I KNOW I have sold enough pentagrams arbitors and when I have the gems...arcane circles...to earn the gp ...to sell ONE taxidermy item 110k my cost plus a bit more for my making them. So even these at ONE sold at a time..I can not put them on the vendor in 5s or 10s at all cuz one, the taxidermy deeds cost 110k to begin with...two till that vendor has enough earned gp on him or her...there won't even be ONE taxidermy deed on the vendor. I would LOVE to sell more of these AT A time...but um nooooooo :)


Kinda silly that while yes things are 3x the cost on Siege...110k for one taxidermy kit is prime example of how pricey even making it up is to begin with let alone selling the final product in ...ones. ! Would be nice to be able to have half dozen or more on a vendor but an ordinary carpentry vendor will never earn that much to afford too many taxidermy items to sell at once at all.

It would not hurt for them to look at some of the issues if or when they have time, hate to think what a really pricier item would be costin on a vendor on Siege toss in rarer things like ecru rings never sell em too $$$ to rare to get the oft too rare pricey ML ingredients also very costly to buy or too time consuming to get, to sell or harvest to even get one decent %% of some items TO sell on Siege...etc.

And it would NOT hurt them to look at ML in general either and do some fixing...still waiting to make hovering wisps on TWO shards affordable for all whom would like to buy em...and easier to make..than never getting the ingredients unless mega PRICED. Crafters can not kill everything that drops ML ingredients when and if these get dropped . . so IF we have to buy em...$$$ very high on reg. shards...and outragiously worse on Siege. Many of the ML craftables...are not even made :( let alone sold...too rare the drop of ingredients or too many needed...too costly to fool with. That too kills economy and crafting on Shards.


The 3X NPC prices are a reason the Seige shard player enconomy works, a new player can wander around gathering leather, reagents and wool and sell them to older players and actually make money.

Dropping NPC prices would totally undermine the base levels of player crafted goods on SP.

Vendor rental charges would increase the number of vendors on SP and would allow them to be stocked with items that would be purchased by shoppers. The way it is now is that if I have resources or items for sale I find the buyer on ICQ or the forums, same with if I am looking for something, I post that I need it.


Here is an example, The NPC prices are dropped to prodo level, the crafter/gatherer who used to go mine ore and gather reagents to make Sewing kits and potions now finds that his exceptional sewing kits that used to sell for 25 gold cannot compete with NPC vendor kits that now sell for 2 gold. Same thing with potions, take poison for example, his deadly poison that he used to gather the nightshade for in his travels are now easily produced by someone who simply camps the mage shop buying up the now cheap nightshade.

Old Man of UO

The main reason anyone posts on UO Hall requesting any UO skills or issues or shards' needs, oft is because members of the dev. team are more than likely when their time is limited, to read UO Hall and requests which are made here, rather than the various many assorted individual Stratics forums be they pvp, professions, skills, crafting, or assorted shards' forums, all over Stratics' many varied individual forums for UO.

Thus in the end most paying customers post posts here, asking for attention, or requests, or changes which they would like to see or feel are needed, in hopes that someone in power will read the posts here at least, ie the every paying UO customers common forum at UO Hall, and possibly consider making some changes if at all possible.
Oh well, then I agree with you. Let's just have one forum and post everything here. No reason to have more than one forum and more than one Mod. Kelmo needs more to keep him busy anyway. :D


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Oh well, then I agree with you. Let's just have one forum and post everything here. No reason to have more than one forum and more than one Mod. Kelmo needs more to keep him busy anyway. :D
*smiles* When a shard goes down should it be posted on the shard forum? Thanks for thinking of me though. I have plenty to do...


Always Present
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HA HA........... I try to keep da kelmo busy laughing, but...other than that......I do try to BEHAVE on Stratics forums. ;)

hey I can post here for changes on BOTH SHARDS.........lol :) I need all them samis out of my zento lawn on Chessie.. :) and them darn gypsies turn *cowardice* on me lawn on Siege...they all come inside and clutter up my homes. :) I'd offer em all an ale but then they would STAY ! :hahaha:


Queen of The Outlaws
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Before you speak, you should do some reseach so you know how thing works on Siege

The 3X NPC prices are a reason the Seige shard player enconomy works, a new player can wander around gathering leather, reagents and wool and sell them to older players and actually make money.

Dropping NPC prices would totally undermine the base levels of player crafted goods on SP.
How will it make a diff?

You can't sell leather, regents, ingots, wood or monster loot to NPC vendors, they won't buy.

You can't buy leather, wool, wood, arrows or ingots from npc vendors, they do not sell it.

So please tell me, how it will effect a newbie selling leather to a older player. It won't effect it at all!

Vendor rental charges would increase the number of vendors on SP and would allow them to be stocked with items that would be purchased by shoppers. The way it is now is that if I have resources or items for sale I find the buyer on ICQ or the forums, same with if I am looking for something, I post that I need it.
Ingame sale should be done ingame not on the forums. More busy vendor owners would make it easier for you to find buyers ingame.
A global ingame trade forum could be a good thing.

More stocked vendors will make it easier for a PvP'er to get a new suit and will make PvP alot more fun and less painful.


Always Present
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It IS a fine line Nabber. I would like to see some changes but not everything.

The taxidermy deed is just one example...it would be nice to be able to buy em for half that...to sell them for less on Siege. Most shards ya see em all over players homes walls...Siege oft seems devoid of something so simple and YES I do sell the taxidermy deeds that I do put on my Siege vendor...but something so simple should be I dunno easier to BUY ie less...to sell for less...they still would need the player carpenters, to buy the finished product in the end anyways.

I would NOT wish to see tools nor cloth sold on npc vendors cuz yes resources are what WE are for to sell on Siege to others. I would not wish to see that change at all there.

But the cost to RUN pay for a player run vendor that wishes to sell vet rewards and arties and other pricey most items...it is very hard for them to foot the bill on those. My vendors are primarily home made craftables not the arties and rares and scrolls and pricey most items. . so my vendors that I do set up do not cost me that horribly much but then it is basic *craftables* not the item$$$ or ingredients etc. that cost so much to begin with...let alone opting for a vendor to sell them upon. Most do just post those on the forum...instead of trying to run vendors for those item$ any more on Siege.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Here is an example, The NPC prices are dropped to prodo level, the crafter/gatherer who used to go mine ore and gather reagents to make Sewing kits and potions now finds that his exceptional sewing kits that used to sell for 25 gold cannot compete with NPC vendor kits that now sell for 2 gold.
Now NPC tools do not sell for 2 gp unless maybe seving kits in a cheap faction town.

My exp tools may cost more on my vendor but they well last longer before they break. Tested it with a few tools

Item	3xPrice	1xPrice	uses	exp uses
sewing	9	3	49	124
Tinker	21	7	32	112
Mortar	24	8	68	104
Shovel 	36	12	151	384
Tongs 	39	13	75	144
Saw ..	45	15	59	98


This thread should stick to the original topic, player vendor charges. The debate over npc vendor pricing is a different subject with different opinions. I think nearly every Siege player would, however, agree that player vendor fees are excessive.


Well the sewing kits at vesper (where I go to get BoDs) sell right now on seige for 6 gold, if you third that it is 2 gold.

And your table shows exactly why the seige economy requires 3x NPC vendor prices ( I am not talking about player run vendors) your exceptional kits/tools could not demand the prices they currently do. When purchasing tools the bottom line is cost per use, if NPC vendor prices were reduced to 1/3rd you would end up having to lower player crafted tools/kits to 1/3rd of their current market value because the comparable cost per use of NPC tools and kit would have done so.

I totally agree that Player run vendors should have their rental fees reduced, I do not understand how anyone could have read any of my posts and come to the conclusion that I was against that.

I think the NPC vendors (mages/tinkers/smiths) pricing at 3x prodo is spot on, If NPC vendor pricing was reduced it would seriously affect the seige economy, if it takes 4 ingots to make a shovel and the shovel can be bought for ~30 gold it puts a base value on those 4 ingots at 7 to 8 gold, if the shovel only costs 10 gold it reduces the value of those ingots in the shovel to 2.5 gold. Which would cause Players not to craft shovels because it would not be profitable.


Stratics Legend
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I think you are the only person concerned with the NPC prices for anything. The thread is about player run vendor prices needing to be dropped...la


I know that the taxidermy deeds for my chr. to even buy one costs 110k on Siege...110k for one taxidermy kit is prime example of how pricey even making it up is to begin with let alone selling the final product in ...ones.
Reducing Siege prices to standard shard prices won't help you much there. Taxidermy kits on normal shards are 100k. Looks like, instead of a 300% price increase on Siege, taxidermy kits are only 10% more.


I did not bring up the NPC pricing, reading is fundamental Rico.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Campaign Patron
This thread should stick to the original topic, player vendor charges. The debate over npc vendor pricing is a different subject with different opinions. I think nearly every Siege player would, however, agree that player vendor fees are excessive.
Sorry, I will stay on topic and I agree 100%, 3x vendor fee have to go


Always Present
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I believe I did cuz I brought up the taxidermy deeds...hrmm. :( Sowry.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your being biased Klemo move this thread to siege it is clearly a siege issue!
And he is an ex mod old man wonder why? Though I rarely play siege now i must agree that x3 vendor cost is a bit much i run a vendor on production and its still to much well its not that bad but there is such low popultaion on the shard its hard to pull a profit i can understand how this x3 thing can hurt the community on siege lots.


Old and in the way
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Stratics Legend
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Your being biased Klemo move this thread to siege it is clearly a siege issue!
And he is an ex mod old man wonder why? Though I rarely play siege now i must agree that x3 vendor cost is a bit much i run a vendor on production and its still to much well its not that bad but there is such low popultaion on the shard its hard to pull a profit i can understand how this x3 thing can hurt the community on siege lots.
Posts get seen on this forum, Devs post here frequently, not so much on individual shard boards, not too hard to figure out.

I agree as well, vendor FEES, by that I mean the cost of what your vendor at your home charges you to hold an item should be lowered.

And I'm not for lowering npc PRICES. But honestly the only thing that would effect is cloth sales. That's really it.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Your being biased Klemo move this thread to siege it is clearly a siege issue!
And he is an ex mod old man wonder why? Though I rarely play siege now i must agree that x3 vendor cost is a bit much i run a vendor on production and its still to much well its not that bad but there is such low popultaion on the shard its hard to pull a profit i can understand how this x3 thing can hurt the community on siege lots.

I am not an ex mod. I am as old as I feel. *feels old* Uhall is about the exchange of ideas and experiences of all UO players. Siege should not be excluded any more than any other shard that falls under the EA/Mythic umbrella. If any have issues with any mod, any where please feel free to read through the FAQ and use the email provided to submit feed back.

*smiles* Have a nice day.



Babbling Loonie
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The 3X prices are part of what makes the community so strong; you have to rely on other players for the very basic stuff. I didn't buy my sewing kits from an NPC vendor, I bought mine from a wonderful ship near minoc. THAT is what makes the community as strong as it is... you have to rely on other players.

I agree with reducing vendor fees, but removing 3X pricing will cripple the community and have repurcussions that I think might ruin the shard.
We should get the NPC vendors to go on strike then i can sell my tinker made tools :love:


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
lower vendor fees, everyone agrees!
So it seems. It does not happen often. Devs feel free to come and visit us on the Siege forums and collect info.