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EMs and Devs Read please...Its happening again


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once again the thing that once nearly killed UO is happening again...GREED ! from EM/GM Events

When the latest EMs were announced peeps ''raised major concerns'' that like the events of olde some uber items would be given away and then be found on ebay or the rares forums for mega gold or even real cash!!

We dont need the new EMs to make uber items that are given away to just a FEW, at the new events which again have little publicity and again the old crowd in abundance at each and every event on all shards.

Why cant ''normal items'' be given out at any of these events to the bulk of players, so lots get something for simply joining in...[ie all the roleplayers etc etc...you should not need to have a all gm char to kill something hard to get claim on a prize...its the taking part in a team effort...hey sure a main prize can be given out but again something just normal with minimal wording that wont get the shard hopping masses turning up on every shard so they can simply bang a newly aquired item on ebay or the rares forum or werever as quick as they got it.............


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No its not been taken care off at all...

That thread is asking to keep EMs events with Uber Items!!! probably by some of the guilds that attends em all on all shards...

EM events and items form them need addressing/nerfing big time......


Here is the solution

"can only be used by"

Sure it can be traded, locked down, looked at, and admired.


No not blessed, No not account bound. USED BY BOUND.

No it doesnt stop the creation of uber items but it stops the selling of usuable items.

It will of course have eye candy tradeability but that is less of an issue.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.


Seems the devs have listend to the UO public and common sense as prevailed...EM events are about taking part and NOT selling silly over the top one off uber items quicker than u can collect em in ya backpack...

Thanks again Devs and hopefully the EMs will adhear to this!!!!!!!!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly, I wouldn't mind them using the NO TRADE/NO DROP properties that have barely been used on unique equipment if it meant we got to actually HAVE unique equipment. And I don't mean stuff with uber stats or anything.. more like renamed rehued minor arties or such.

Also, i'd like to know how the hell it affects you to have someone else get something that they sell? I can see where it would be a problem for something that was exploited into existance or someone scripting skills or selling gold for cash, but how does a robe with a special name and no properties being sold for a lot of money affect your game in any way aside from you not having gotten the money yourself? And if you say its because they got something that you didn't/couldn't/shouldn't have or because they're getting money for it that you aren't for not having it then aren't you just being a greedy little whiner?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly, I wouldn't mind them using the NO TRADE/NO DROP properties that have barely been used on unique equipment if it meant we got to actually HAVE unique equipment. And I don't mean stuff with uber stats or anything.. more like renamed rehued minor arties or such.
Not having a go at you individually, I just think that you would 'mind' that type of system, lots of people use this as a possible 'fix' for how to stop event items being traded or sold or whatever as a way to make events less 'item' dependent, however, I will argue this any time I see it as I would hate the devs to even 'think' of this as any kind of solution.

NO Trade/No Drop is the worst possible type of item to have, I hope to never see this again in UO.

Firstly, if the item is 'useable', and you get it on a character that doesn't have the skill it is 'useless'.

Secondly, if the item is wearable, you again are forced to have it on one character which it may not suit, it may take up an 'armor' or 'jewelry' spot that is needed for an item with actual mods, so sits in your backpack or bank FOREVER, 'useless'.

Thirdly, if it is a deco item you can't lock it down, so it also sits in your backpack or in your bank FOREVER, so again 'useless'.

I have quite a few event items, wearable, useable and purely deco, NONE of them are actually 'used' by any of my chars, all are locked down for 'display' as a reminder of the event. No trade/no drop totally kills the purpose of any 'event' item. You can't even throw it away if you don't want it cluttering up your bank or backpack.

So much like wow 'soulbound' items, enough to make you *cringe and shudder*.

NO TRADE/NO DROP =============== NO THANKS!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Who cares? As long as they aren't making a Weapon with 40ssi 90dmi 100 hit lighting 100 hit mana leech 100 hit fireball 100 hit harm and it doesn't unbalance anything what is the problem?

So if they make a little Shield that says I am the best pvper. (Go use a weapon engraving tool and write it yourself)

Let them go sell the sheild for 100,000,000 gold. Why does it bother you?

I guess I don't get it. Let them get xcool little clothing things and engraved stuff. The fishing pole thing was an accident and not suppose to happen.

You wrote they are doing it again but have not given ONE example or proof that they are.

"When the latest EMs were announced peeps ''raised major concerns''

I didn't see that. I saw it from maybe 5 or 7 posters most who complain about anything or troll. Most I saw was a THANK GOD we got something UO Japan has and we finaly got our EMs we have wanted back for a loooong time

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Once again the thing that once nearly killed UO is happening again...GREED ! from EM/GM Events

When the latest EMs were announced peeps ''raised major concerns'' that like the events of olde some uber items would be given away and then be found on ebay or the rares forums for mega gold or even real cash!!

We dont need the new EMs to make uber items that are given away to just a FEW, at the new events which again have little publicity and again the old crowd in abundance at each and every event on all shards.

Why cant ''normal items'' be given out at any of these events to the bulk of players, so lots get something for simply joining in...[ie all the roleplayers etc etc...you should not need to have a all gm char to kill something hard to get claim on a prize...its the taking part in a team effort...hey sure a main prize can be given out but again something just normal with minimal wording that wont get the shard hopping masses turning up on every shard so they can simply bang a newly aquired item on ebay or the rares forum or werever as quick as they got it.............

MOMMY!!! Johnny's Uncle gave him a nickel and I DIDN'T GET ONE!!!


It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
MOMMY!!! Johnny's Uncle gave him a nickel and I DIDN'T GET ONE!!!

Some of these Items are selling for quite a bit more than a nickel waaaay more than a nickel.

That's why we are seeing so much hate responses/shudup get over it responses.

THP is right and It Should Be Looked into with thought.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of these Items are selling for quite a bit more than a nickel waaaay more than a nickel.

That's why we are seeing so much hate responses/shudup get over it responses.

THP is right and It Should Be Looked into with thought.
As I asked of him, a person selling a robe with a special name and nothing else attached to it for multiple millions affects you how exactly aside from you not getting a share of said money?

It doesn't force market prices up since there's a limited number of such items... only problem I could see would be if it got duped somehow, and all that would lead to are more replicas for everyone eventually.



Easy fix here, turn the OP UO chara into a big arse blueberry for two weeks, problem solved.

P.S> Uriah you playing invisible on me or what? Drop me a line man. Hope all is well with you and K-li.

Lord Patapon

NO Trade/No Drop is the worst possible type of item to have, I hope to never see this again in UO.

NO TRADE/NO DROP =============== NO THANKS!
Totally agree on that.
I don't have unique items, never found any during EM/Seers events, but that no drop/no trade isn't vers "UOish"; they SHOULD be rare; useless is fine, but they should be rare.

Thing is, there will always be some idiot to sell/buy items, so ...
... oh, and I believe that the idea of giving each character who joined a reward is ... well, it's a sad turn-around for a sad problem.

The MAGIC of these unique items is to be the very few remaining "solid" memories of an event, and they should be valued.
Here, they're not; it sounds a bit ... well I don't know.
It's the kind of attitude adopted by a teacher facing a classroom full of whiners.
I'm not being agressive with anyone, and I understand the problem, but having items handed to all the players is a bad idea, I think.

A certain % of players should get some, though (10-20%, randomly chosen), to lessen the impact of item sales.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Makes sense to have them character bound much like the newer faction items.


Oh great, did our EM events get nerfed already due to a very vocal minority of little 10 year olds?

My shard gave away lanterns, but then christian bale walked in...

i was looking at the lantern


#(@*@ SAKE YOU amature WHAT DONT YOU #@(@#* UNDERSTAND? YOU GOT ANY IDEA "HEy it'S #I(@*%@*@ DISTRACTING??"???????????


ps fire alarm went off at 4am and im not really thinking when i posted dis


You know....THP might be right as I know the cookies I got were
so stale, I am sure I can knock out an Ancient Wyrm with those


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For all your minority concerns it matters not!!!

The devs have responded and the next EM events will be hopefully be shared among ALL that take part with a SMALL minor gift for the winner or winners just to say they won ...and not some uber item that they put up for sale the second they have recieved it...

And yes it does affect my play style because i want europa events for europa players and not some greedy shard hoppers thats are trying every event on every shard - purely to sell the items they maybe lucky to get....because they have nothing else to do in real life [end]

So hey !!!get over it !!! because i have..........If u missed it like i did the infos here......sorry angry folks for your trolling time....

Quote:Greetings Everyone,
We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.


2011 Winter Deco Contest 1st Place
Stratics Veteran
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My opinion, not that it entirely matters now that they've changed things, is simply this:

I came to UO two years ago, long after the first EM program was shut down. I don't care about uber items, with uber mods, my one wish was just to participate in something I'd heard such wonderful things about. Heck, if I get a reward, extra bonus, but that's not the only thing I take part for.

Now, I was quite happy with the Atlantic event recently, getting my own little personalized Tome of Love, quite unlike... the Oceania event for example. The winners immediately started spamming that they were selling the rewards for an ungodly sum, and when I went the second day, as I was late the first day and missed half of the event, the SAME people participated again, won again, and complained that they didn't get the same rewards.

That there is simply greed. If you've won once, you shouldn't be able to win again. It is very possible to make that happen. At least on a one reward per account basis. I know that won't stop them from getting on different accounts to participate, but it's a step in the right direction.

You complain about people winning and selling the reward. Well, that's their choice. People buy the rewards for X amount of gold, that's their choice. You can't make decisions for people, they can do what they want with an item that's in their possession.

I like seeing the unique little rewards that the EMs come up with, as long as they don't have uber game-altering mods on them. One shard gets lanterns... good for them. Another gets sashes... Nice. Why should everyone on all the shards get the all the same rewards because some people are complaining about something they have no control over whatsoever?

I'm sure it would be frustrating when, for example, you have a little group of people working through an event, only to finish and have one or two of the group get the specially labelled reward because they were the first ones to get back to where they were supposed to go. Or, if you have the same event twice, change the locations of things completely, so that if someone participated the first day, they can't jump ahead of those who are participating for the first time and be half done by the time the story releases everyone else to go search.

There are more efficient ways to deal with things than listening to people complain about not getting something that someone else did, and making it so everyone gets the same thing.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
THP lecturing people about greed? I refer you to this thread: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=124735

Also, I have seen no 'uber' items given out in this round of the EM program. Hued, named items yes; Vine Cord sandals MkII no. I haven't won anything but I'm still against the complete removal of unique items just because some people are selling them. This is UO, the game is about freedom to do what you want so if somebody wants to sell their reward then nobody can stop them.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the ref.

Alas....why it refers me to me being greedy is beyond me????

I offered the other guy 100m for his plot and he didnt want it quick 100m and yet he still refused to buy my plot for 1/4 of that at 25m????

Obvoiusly u can see the other party olahrand is the ''greed'' laden culprit here....????shame the account time ran out now hes stuck with my plot infront of his for at least 90 days....shame he was soooooo greedy!!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No trade no drop is a terrible system, my guild got Obis that were no-trade no-drop and had no mods on it. The only problem was it was in the same slot as crimson cincture so none of us were ever going to wear it then after about a month of complaining it got changed to sandals... that was ok for abit then I got some vine cords - never used the sandals again. Then the snake skin came out when vines were nerfed.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the ref.

Alas....why it refers me to me being greedy is beyond me????

I offered the other guy 100m for his plot and he didnt want it quick 100m and yet he still refused to buy my plot for 1/4 of that at 25m????

Obvoiusly u can see the other party olahrand is the ''greed'' laden culprit here....????shame the account time ran out now hes stuck with my plot infront of his for at least 90 days....shame he was soooooo greedy!!
Asking 25m for a 7x7 plot you placed to block someone's house placement..sounds like greed to me. Everyone who was there after that castle dropped was trying to place on the spot, including you, so by your logic that makes us all greedy? Please.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
But his big plot was blocking my 7x7 from expanding to a castle too????

If some idiot will not pay 25m for a instant castle in tram then they playing the wrong game..i would have glady payed 100m++ for the guys bigger plot to replace a castle...


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyways the post is now redundant...the Devs have listend to the majority of uo players and have responded to make the EM events more fun for everyone who takes part....


Anyways the post is now redundant...the Devs have listend to the majority of uo players and have responded to make the EM events more fun for everyone who takes part....
No, the devs have once again listened to the whining minority of crybabies who can't stand it when someone else wins and they don't. If you want to play on a shard where everyone gets everything, it's called Test. Stop your whining and try being a big boy. :next:

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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I just find it hard to reconcile the idea of anyone who actually has 100m calling other people greedy...

I mean, I know that's not an "insane" amount of money in this game. But a lot of players (eg me) have never had 10m at any one time. Being prepared to fork out over 100m for part of a housing plot doesn't make you sound like the little guy. ;)

So. No unique event items. Fun fun. Ayup.


Anyways the post is now redundant...the Devs have listend to the majority of uo players and have responded to make the EM events more fun for everyone who takes part....
No, the devs have once again listened to the whining minority of crybabies who can't stand it when someone else wins and they don't. If you want to play on a shard where everyone gets everything, it's called Test. Stop your whining and try being a big boy. :next:
Actually, rather than listening to either of the outspoken sides, they could have simply considered the silent majority, who neither get the rewards, or make a fuss about it.
Anyway, both the loud sides are as bad as each other...
They've both had a turn at crying about not getting the rare items.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Well following the idea/thought process of *everyone* has to get something...Then I list the following demands:

1. Anytime I'm in a dungeon, and someone kills something, The same amount of loot they get should drop in my pack! I mean, whether I'm doin anything or not, I'm participating by being in the dungeon and following them around.

2. See above, but for marties this time, from Paras, if I am in Ilsh when one drops.

3. If I'm working a spawn, anytime someone gets a replica or a SoT drop, one should be in my pack, I mean, after all, I AM participating!

4. If I'm fishing, and someone is in the same quadrant I am in, and they fish up a chest, one should automatically show up on my boat's deck. I am fishing, after all, same as they are!

What Bull**** this is *shakes head and walks off*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My 2 cents:

In my 10+ years of playing Uo I have only been to a handful of events but every one of them seemed to basically amount to the same thing; a huge group of players with absolutely no interest in the actual storyline/event complaining about everything imaginable as it pertained to the event while standing around for hours.
It was quite obvious that almost every player involved was just putting in the time in the hopes of getting some uber crazy item & didnt care at all about the actual event.
I love my uber items and am just as greedy as the next guy but these events truly seem to bring out the worst in people/mods.

On Catskills a few years ago i participated in the pvp event that involved the giving out of the murder/treason stat boots. It was a complete joke.
My guildmate was in the semi-finals against members of the largest pvp guild(well known SeXy, Very Important cheaters of course)and lost his battle because the players guildmates were clearly healing him from the cheering sections on top of the walls. Every single person at the event(with the exception of the cheaters)explained this to the person moderating the event and he chose to ignore it and reward the cheaters.

I only point out this story because from my little experience and what I hear it certainly does seem that there is clear favoritism when it comes to handing out uber event items. I am not too concerned with it because it really doesnt affect my personal playing but I did find it kind of ridiculous to see all the people in this thread acting all righteous and bashing the over zealous OP. He may be a bit nutty but he has a valid point IMO.

Peace :)


Actually, rather than listening to either of the outspoken sides, they could have simply considered the silent majority, who neither get the rewards, or make a fuss about it.
Anyway, both the loud sides are as bad as each other...
They've both had a turn at crying about not getting the rare items.
It seems EA never considers the majority. It's always a race to see which group of whiners gets placated first. It's always the the lowest common denominator with this game and it's more than a bit disgusting.


I only point out this story because from my little experience and what I hear it certainly does seem that there is clear favoritism when it comes to handing out uber event items. I am not too concerned with it because it really doesnt affect my personal playing but I did find it kind of ridiculous to see all the people in this thread acting all righteous and bashing the over zealous OP. He may be a bit nutty but he has a valid point IMO.
The cries of favoritism, while likely valid in a few instances, are a crutch for those that can't stand to lose. And the OP has no valid point other than he didn't get a shiney but thinks he should have one because someone else got one. That's just jealously and laziness, plain and simple.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No Drop/No Trade FTW!

Maybe ONLY have items with any Properties (resists, etc) be No Drop/No Trade.

Let anything without properties be fully trade able, like regular robes, sashes, sandals, etc.?

Properties, in particular, is a problem, I feel. But I definitely feel that No Drop/No Trade would be good for event items with properties.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Pointless discussion anymore

Lets all go do our OWN shards events ..enjoy them together as a community ...all get a little momento of the event like a shirt /sash etc etc...and let the few winners of the event get something crafted and labelled
for there acheivment on winning.....no need for any special hued items, new type items or uber weapons ...which will stop shard hopping guilds and players plaging every event on every shard just to try sell the items quicker than they get em in there backpacks. [ end]


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it were "pointless discussion" the thread would have died by now.

All the change will do is make all event stuff overpriced anyway.. and its not going to stop people going to every event they can to get items and selling them. It isn't fixing the problem, it's ignoring it.


All the change will do is make all event stuff overpriced anyway.. and its not going to stop people going to every event they can to get items and selling them. It isn't fixing the problem, it's ignoring it.
dunno, if it's the same item on all shards given out to everyone it'll make them actually quite common, a bit like x-mas gifts or the like. Can't see why this will make those items overpriced. As for the existing items, well maybe, but then again, comes time someone will come along and dupe them anyway and they might be vinecorded eventually. Or turned into a nice replica drop... problem solved.

But you are right of course, the best solution would be to drop the idea of event items completely and focus more on content of the events :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, sadly that would be the worst solution. The unfortunate truth is that the majority of the people attending events are there for the items. Remove that and attendance will plummet to maybe 10 people per event. With numbers that low I can't see EA thinking its worth keeping the system active. Unless of course you think they'll accept paying for at least 20 additional staff members to appease about 200 people total out of 100,000+.

Want a real fix for the problem? Devs need to add a new item property.. no idea what to call it, so lets just call it [enchanted] here, and put it on all event items. Basically, make it so that the item is tagged to a specific account invisibly, and if it is placed into the backpack of, container inside a backpack of, inside of a pack animal owned by, or moved successfully by a character of (IE, not where a message of "you can't move that" is applied) another account, the item loses the special properties and/or hue and name and is changed to a base item of whatever type it is (or, in the case of nonstandard objects, something standard such as a bedroll). That way the owner could use, store, or display it with their own account, but if they try to sell it or let someone else play with it it'll lose its value. Best part is that the new system changes they've made so they can do all the account-based restrictions stuff should accomodate such a thing perfectly (meaning it would be possible now).

The best part of something like this is that while it would require testing and might break sometimes, actively circumventing the intended design of the item would be considered a rules violation and let them take action against anyone selling something with that tag, whether it be a banning or simple confiscation. Combine that with EMs keeping logs of what items were given on what shards and making sure no shard gives out exactly the same items and i'd say that would be problem solved. You'd lose the "greedy traders" you seem to hate so much and people that want stuff that's special and unique could still get it.

Yes, its complicated.

Now, aside from all of that, you say you can't see the prices going up because it'll all be common? That's just it, the rules still allow for different names on everything, so it WON'T be insanely common.. just will be slightly more of it per shard. Collectors will be picking and choosing names based on popularity since they won't have anything better to do and you'll get the same kinda insane price market on them we have now. And god forbid you consider the possibility of a few events having low attendance... that happening a few times would invite the "60+" millions prices people are whining about on those more limited items, and only trader types would have any idea as to the value of such things.. normal players would not realize it was any rarer and might sell it off cheaply, only to be "ripped off" by someone buying it and getting a massive markup on it.

People are an adaptive bunch.. this kinda solution tries to solidify that nobody will ever change their views or habits, rather than realizing that if things are changed majorly people will do the same to compensate (like all the little cheap wannabees changing to each new one or two hit kill PVP template as soon as it becomes public knowledge and before it gets fixed). This would make the true solution making it distasteful to participate in such trading somehow, so that they will adapt away from that mindset. Stopping entirely would simply be pushing the problem to the backburner, as the same line of complaints will undoubtedly pop up again elsewhere later down the line anyway due to the nature of the game.


well I've been attending player run events just for the fun of it. And there were way more than 10 people showing up too. So I rather doubt it's only the items that can attract players to attend events. It all depends a bit how well the story line is thought out, if some kind of feeling of involvement can be created, and of course if it is fun to participate.

The idea of account bound items, dunno, then why not sell the whole account if the price is right ? ;) So maybe it would be an idea not to give out items but to create some permanent location of honor on the shard where those that made extraordinary contributions to an event are named. We might have to live with something like 'l33TUbeRRoxXorZ won the Spring Event 2008 single handedly' but alas....

See, I don't have a problem with people trading items, I trade items, so what ? And what is considered an insane price lies a bit in the eyes of the beholder. There's other items in game that are traded for large amounts. That's not unique to event items. I don't have a problem with high priced items either.

What I do have a problem with though is that some seem to reduce a human moderated event to a kind of super jackpot doom lottery. You don't have to pay 20 people for that. This can be handled by a rng way cheaper. There's a complete different potential in EM events for getting players hooked and this potential gets completely lost with reducing the focus of the event on items.

Kensai Tsunami

i been playin uo now for almost 11 yrs and i have personally never been able to participate in any em events ever. either i didnt know about it or didnt have the time or whatever reason, but i do know that its thru these events that come the most rare items in the game. and futher still i understand the rare collectors view about nerfing these items b4 they even get going again. so why change that cuz of a few crybabies? the squeaky wheels gets the grease as they say. sigh.
i had a dryer that kept squeaking and no matter what i did to fix it nothing helped. i finally threw the friggin thing into a dump site and was done with it. thats kindof how i view uohall. i'd toss these forums like that annoying dryer if i didnt need it. cuz sometimes i can actually find the patience to sift thru the stupidity here and find info that i desire to enhance my uo fun. i'd give anything to be able to locate info i'm looking for on these forums without having to read post after post of whining and crying.
maybe if you had to pass an iq test to post here or something. maybe that would help. man i dunno. sorry to rant but sometimes i get my fill of stupid.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
rolleyes: offers :grouphug: to those who have never learned to be a gracious loser. congrats to those who did receive items that may or may not remain rare. Rare items should remain a part of UO and not be nerfed!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to know what "uber items" were given out?? A pink NORMAL NO EXTRA's BOW?!? A PAN OF COOKIES? Now these were on Napa, but I believe all the items given out on all shards were PLAIN ITEMS with new hue and name - in other words, USELESS except to look at.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just the kind of stuff I like to collect... :D
And that is the point. They are not "uber" items like before, they are just deco, mementos, collectables. I don't understand what the OP was complaining about ....