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Bug Treasure Hunter?

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been playing on 2 shards. Catskills and Europa. I have the same char, a mage bard with cartography and lockpicking ( in 2 soulstones).
I put lockpicking on a soulstone, decode some maps and then drop cartography and raise lockping ( by soulstone).
On Catskills is all ok and i go to the treasures, on Europa when i change the skills ( drop cartography and raise lockpicking) the maps are not decoded!!
I must have both the skills to use the maps.
There's some bug on Europa??


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Were the maps on Europa decoded by the same character that your using to read the decoded map?


I been thinking of trying this on PAC but did not think it would work. I will have to try it this week. I was planning on decoding about 15 or so maps get the runes for them then soul stone cart and mining. Put on my bard or taming skills then do maps.

Will this work ?

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Were the maps on Europa decoded by the same character that your using to read the decoded map?
Sure, the char is the same. But when i drop cartography and i try to open the maps puff... the maps become not decoded :(
Now i've reported the bug.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
T-maps still work for you if you drop cartography?
*ponders if that seems right*

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, t-maps return not decoded if i drop cartography :(
No, Maplestone, it's not right!


The problem is that even tho the map has been decoded by character A, once you drop the cartography REQUIRED to read the map, you cannot read it. I have done this many times and tried to figure out why, and when i put the cartography back on there is no problem. I do not think that it is a bug, it is just working as intended. Sort of like needing GM alchemy for certain potions, or certain level of mining/lumberjacking for the colored wood/ores.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Norwind is correct, you can soulstone cartography after decoding maps and then go and dig them.

I know because I have done this myself, although it was a while ago.

Anyways just decoded some maps, but will have to wait 24 hours to see if he can open them up again after soulstoning. Will post again tomorrow after testing (char is on Europa).


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but doesn't that seem wrong? ( don't mind me, I'm just one of those people who is not a fan of soulstones being used mid-adventure ... feel free to ignore me :) )


Because my T-Hunter doesnt need to drop its Cart I have no need to test this but I hope it is working as you state. All templates should have the required skills to perform their specific tasks. This began with the Dev Team forcing me to modify my Sampire and I understand their approach. I hope they fix Tamer/Pet/Jewl slots also.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I suppose that's for each to decide. However 100 points in carto just to decode map is a lot of points, considering you then need to invest another 100 in lock pick.

It doesnt leave much room to create a char that can then deal with the latest lv6 spawn.

There has been complaints from some people of ancient wymms wandering around treasure hunt locations, left over by hunters who could not kill them off.

From that point of view I think it should stay the way it is.


Seems wrong to me. Just like the sampires and on and off stoning for spellweaving focus.

Tamers and jewels are ok because if they forget their jewels their pets get mad. If your talking putting jewels for stable slots stabling extra pets then taking off then yes I think thats wrong too.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Norwind is correct, you can soulstone cartography after decoding maps and then go and dig them.

I know because I have done this myself, although it was a while ago.
Ok, it's right. On Catskills i decode the maps, drop cartography, take a map and go to treasure point.
This is the right way. The only thing to do is to use ths same char that has decoded the map.
On europa i MUST have cartography ALWAYS. Also if i decode the maps, without cartography they seems NOT decoded. And this is a bug.
And i mean now, at february 2009. In catskills i've been searching some treasure last week and i have a backpack with many maps decoded that i read also if i've dropped cartography.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Correct, this is how I do it on Siege, decode, stone carto, destone lockpick and go dig up the map. It SHOULD work the same way on all shards, so yes, I think you're right it's a bug.

What we need though is someone else from Europa to be able to confirm that this does or doesn't work for them as well.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe its the maps you are using on europa. Are they really old maps?

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The maps were bugged :(
I've found them on the ground near a bank.
Now i've found a new map in a paragon and it all works perfectly. I can decode the map and then drop cartography :)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still, I have to agree with Maplestone. Sounds kinda hinky to me, to be able to decode, stone the skill, and still go dig the map...
Never tried it, never would have thought to try it.
To me, sounds as silly as having gm hiding and stealth, you hide, stone off hiding, and then get mad cause you cant stealth!
It's odd, not knockin any playstyle, just dont seem natural...

And as for the argument about needing other skills to deal with the spawn, perhaps a 6 isnt really meant to be a solo operation?

Just food for thought...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds nearly as silly as having a flashing stone in your house that has magic powers of skill absorption.:lick:

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Uriah Heep, no, it's quite impossible to make 6 level solo. Sometimes the first monsters that spawn are only ancient wyrm ;)
I go with a friend of mine, a tamer.
I'm mage bard with cartography/lockpicking and some mining.
When i dig the treasure i cast invisibility on myself.
Stealth and hiding are useless for me. You can hide yourself, but you have to open the chest and take treasure. And taking items spawn other monsters. Only one moment that you are visible and you die, with 3 ancient wyrm near you and other monsters :(
Sometime, with a good luck, there are only blood elemental, balron, poison elemental and so on. Monster that solo you can easy beat. But when spawn ancient wyrm it's not so easy :(
The tamer help me to kill big monsters that i can't kill solo


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wait ... that wasn't me ... well, I might have been thinking it, but you're not suppose to hear that.

(with my peace mage T-hunter, a well timed invisibility, area peace and GM running I can survive the initial spawn, so it's just a matter of figuring out how to take down those wyrms ... I have managed to kill a couple, but it requires a lot of patience and getting a chain of lucky peacing rolls at the end to pin them down before they jump into the air and heal themselves back up; I've only done one level 6 in the past few months and it took pretty much a whole evening to deal with the wyrms - fortunately only one spawned initially)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well the lvl 6 *can* be soloed, I just dont think that was the intent when it was put it.
A tamer/carto can do it, I have done it...Park the Pets two screens away, go dig, invis when it pops, and take off running to the pets...
Lure the spawn one at a time off toward your pets, takes a while, but deal with each spawn critter one at a time.
As for as the spawn from looting, the pets can take care of that as it happens, since there is only one at a time spawning.

But back to topic...still doesn't seem quite right to dig a lvl 6 without having the skill LOL

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, Uriah, you are right. The same think do my friend :)
But i am mage bard and for me it's quite impossible to manage the monsters when there are so many ancient wyrms. Or maybe it's possible, but it takes a long long time. Me and the tamer it's better :)

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but doesn't that seem wrong? ( don't mind me, I'm just one of those people who is not a fan of soulstones being used mid-adventure ... feel free to ignore me :) )
No, because the cartographer only needs to take a skill check once in order to read that map. After that, if he wants to look again, he's got no chance of failure.

Now, unless that means a cartographer fully and permanently memorises every map he looks at, that means he's making "plain english" notes on the map itself. ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Having spent sometime thinking about this, (lol at myself) I am gonna change my mind and agree with Uriah and Maplestone.

It is not 'logical' that you can decode a map using cartography and then not have that skill when you go and dig it up.

A level 6 can still be done with a solo mage/bard or mage tamer (although in many situations, this would be very time consuming).

This just leaves the request that the treasure found in lv6 chests be given a boost, as the time required to dig them up and complete them, particularly if you spawn 3 or more ancient wymms, is probably not worth the effort.
(disclaimer - this is my personal opinion, others might find the challenge is good fun / useful for taming their pets etc etc).


Oh, I think it's perfectly logical that you can decode a map, then stone cart off and go dig it up =)

Kinda like using a pocket translation book to memorise a sentence (yo no hablo espanol) then putting the book away, and just remembering the sentence =)

You use cart as a "key" to decode the map, then put the "key" away and are left with a decoded map =)

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This just leaves the request that the treasure found in lv6 chests be given a boost, as the time required to dig them up and complete them, particularly if you spawn 3 or more ancient wymms, is probably not worth the effort.
Keep in mind you can loot the wyrms themselves.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually in my xp, the loot from the critters is 3x worth more than what the chest itself yields...;)

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Teeshy, i agree.
However it's a devs' decision, not a bug or something wrong.
For me it's right to decode and drop the skill because only me can use the maps and dig the treasures.
Uriah, in the 6 lev chests there is only a little arty, normally useless. Some money ( also considering the loot of the other monsters) and many items that i sell, Magic items that normally are quite poor. The only reason to dig 6 level maps is for training my friend's pets, the reagents and for the very beautiful green backpack that conteins the arty. So it's not important to kill all monsters solo. if it takes so long!
But I love those backpacks!
Maybe someone has some of them to give to me? :love:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They nerfed vamp + skill ways


It should be needed to find the treasure!!