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EM NERFS (Or changes) NO NO NO!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Them handing out a prize to every person, is exactly like little league and AYSO soccer that don't keep score anymore... I'm sorry but **** that! You play to WIN if you lose you try harder next time or find something your good at. Competition is needed in this game just like it is in sports. Has UO followed in the trend of "pussification of our nation"!!!?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just one question:

Since when did COMMUNITY events become a 'football league' where people are supposed to 'compete' in the first place?

The idea of the Event Management Program is imo NOT to encourage competition like some kind of sports illustrated program or game show.

It is to foster activity in the community for 'fun' and to add something different to the game, instead of the need to compete at spawns, for resources, for kill spots, for vendor pricing, for the next 'uber arti' etc etc. Surely we already have enough competition in UO.

It is to run things that bring the community together, to share in a common goal, following a story, participate in helping to 'find' something or 'solve' something.

The only reason it has become more like a 'competition' is due to one off high end rewards.

I am sorry, but I consider most people who are saying this is a 'nerf' have got it totally wrong. It is an attempt to try and take the EM program back to what it should be about. COMMUNITY


You play to WIN if you lose you try harder next time or find something your good at. Competition is needed in this game just like it is in sports. Has UO followed in the trend of "pussification of our nation"!!!?
beg to differ, I play to have fun. And if you enjoy competition I'd suggest trying out pvp and not some kind of item lottery be it doom, champs or unfortunately most of the late events. As stated more than once the EM program was set up to encourage community experiences and not to setup another get item game. It having turned into one shows imho a rather disturbing lack of phantasy and is a waste of resources.

So the decision of the design team to devalue (in terms of market value) event items is a right step and might allow to concentrate more on EM moderated story lines. Even better would have been to get rid of event items completely.

And as these changes have already been announced I suggest you guys stop the whining about losing your little lottery and stop beating the already smelling dead horse.