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I Am Sick & Tired Of Double Pet Deaths



You know the scenario...your pet's health is low, you Vet, pet dies, bandage kicks in, resurrects pet with zero health and pet dirt-naps for a second time. This is so wrong! And so unnecessary!

As far as I can think, nothing else continues to affect a critter/char after death. And this seems so easy to fix...discontinue current bandage upon death. Simple as that. And it makes sense...bandaging a semi-healthy creature is very different from rezzing a dead creature.

Is this just another form of tamer-hatred? Isn't it about time sanity prevailed???


Seasoned Veteran
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I'd like to see the Compassion Virtue allow a Bonded pet's health to be at a higher level when rezzed by a Grandmaster Vet.

I think making it Grandmaster and above could encourage more players to try Vet on their templates, and also because I don't feel powerscrolls should be necessary for *every* nice ability. This ability would be more tied into the Virtue of Compassion anyhow. *smiles*

Perhaps the amount of health restored could be scaled just as it is for player rezzing. Doesn't have to be overpowering, either - enough to pretty much combat the OP's scenario, but not necessarily full health.

Just a thought. :)

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's common sense, if you get pk'd, do you rez in front of a bunch of pks? No, you wouldn't or you would get rez killed right? Same goes for pets. Duh.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's common sense, if you get pk'd, do you rez in front of a bunch of pks? No, you wouldn't or you would get rez killed right? Same goes for pets. Duh.
The duh here is you not understanding what he's saying. He's talking about when you're bandaging your pet, trying to keep it alive. It dies while you're in the middle of a bandage, but that bandage winds up resurrecting it which puts it in jeopardy again. He's not purposefully resurrecting his pet by spawn.


It's common sense, if you get pk'd, do you rez in front of a bunch of pks? No, you wouldn't or you would get rez killed right? Same goes for pets. Duh.
DUH! That is exactly the point...no one would "chose" to resurrect their pet within a dangerous spawn. For the Tamer there is no choice.The bandage rezzes the pet with zero resists even if the tamer didn't intend for that to happen. I don't think you have ever played a Tamer and had a pet 2xkilled...it's just not fair!

Green Meanie

i can say i agree add the same click ok to sanctafy pet rez message when ressing your own pets poof bam wow problem gone


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i can say i agree add the same click ok to sanctafy pet rez message when ressing your own pets poof bam wow problem gone
i like this idea would be easily done make it like how they did honor on self with a msg come up asking if you want to do this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good idea, i get around it by as soon as it dirt naps run away from it and you'll get the "your to far away" message and the bandage wont hit, then when it get to you res it :)


I think Knight of Compassion should give pets 10 % hp on resurrection. Thats not overpowered but it isnt hard to be knight of compassion.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
i can say i agree add the same click ok to sanctafy pet rez message when ressing your own pets poof bam wow problem gone
I'd really rather not have a gump pop up in my face if I'm in a situation where my pet has died and I slapped a bandage on it. I'd rather take the double death situation instead. I've been in a couple of intense situations where someone else was helping with the vetting and pet died anyway and the helper's bandage caused the rez gump to pop up. It was a pain in the neck to deal with it because I was also trying to keep another pet alive at the same time.

I'd also rather not have to deal with responding to a gump when I'm in an iffy spot and have pulled my dead pet a bit to the side and am trying to rez it. It's one extra step that's just not going to be necessary 99% of the time and will soon become very very annoying the rest of the time.

Please don't add a gump for me to have to answer when I want to rez my own pet. No thanks!!!


I wouldn't want to have to deal with a rez gump either.

If a char dies with a bandage active, does he rez himself?
I never have!
Do the same for pets.
Just kill the active bandage upon the death of the pet.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Good idea, i get around it by as soon as it dirt naps run away from it and you'll get the "your to far away" message and the bandage wont hit, then when it get to you res it :)
This. But you don't even need to run away - While it's alive and battling, stand so there's one tile between you and your pet. You're close enough to heal damage at this range, but not close enough to res.

Only problem is sometimes pets like to run around when they die.

I run a mage tamer myself. I cast Greater Heals at the same time as I use bandages. Not only does this mean my pet is less likely to die in the first place, it means that if it DOES dirtnap I'll probably have a GHeal ready on my cursor as soon as it comes up again.


I say no to rez gumps!

If you do realize this as a problem and attempt to fix it then I say yes to have in options a way to turn off prompt gumps. I dont like the honor self gump.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd say no to a resurrection gump too.

There are 2 other things which could solve the issue.

  1. Make mobs re-target the closest living pet or player rather than a newly resurrected pet.
  2. Just stop the vet if a pet dies part way through, with a text message telling the tamer that their pet cannot be healed normally when it's dead.
I'd suggest implimenting both. I've had my toons killed many times when they res'd beside another player, so to me it's workwhile fixing this annoying issue so mobs don't shift target to the newly ress'd. Pet or player.
