First and foremost, thank you to everyone for waiting until I could get information for clarification. That thank you is from EM Faine Morgan, Crystal [CCC], and myself.
I spoke with EM Faine Morgan this evening, and this is the very first thing she wanted everyone to know:
EM Faine Morgan:
"I think there just was a misunderstanding of epic proportions. So let’s unravel it?
First of all, this is NOT an EM event, this is Crystal’s!"
So, with that, I am certain you all realize this is Crystal's Silver Steed Naming contest.
I take responsibility for a part of the confusion. First of all, let me explain something. I live in a teeny tiny town in Wyoming. If I say I'm going to the grocery store, everyone knows I mean Don's. If I say I'm going to the bar, they all know I mean Mac's. In my excitement over seeing the contest reopened, and then seeing the book and bulletin board I could hardly contain myself. This is a most exciting time on Origin. The Zoo was filled ... and in record time. And the shard is going to get a sign to commemorate this achievement.
When I started to type it up, I didn't even think about how my title might be confusing ... The EM's asked Crystal to rethink having the contest, and Crystal agreed. To me, Silver Steed Naming Contest means Crystal's Silver Steed Naming Contest ... it's the ONLY Silver Steed name contest! I apologize to everyone ... especially to Crystal and the EM's for the confusion!
With that said, let me share a bit of the conversation I had with EM Faine Morgan this evening:
EM Faine Morgan: 'I’m a board hound.
When we saw the news about the Silver Steed, we were sooooo excited for Origin
And when we saw the naming contest, we petitioned our masters for the sign with the name.
Originally, the idea was for it to be a surprise
Something we’d sneak it in the dead of the night, so to speak
However, after seeing the contest cancelled … we had to rethink
Laurana and I discussed the matter
And decided if Crystal was here on Sunday, we would speak to her privately and see if she was willing to reopen the contest
We did not in ANY way want to add any stress to anyone!
If she had not felt up to it, we were going to request a simple “Born On’ plaque,
But still something to acknowledge the shard’s accomplishment.
In talking with Crystal, she was willing to reopen the contest * smiles *
So we made the announcement here at the meeting.
I mean, honestly, you really can’t imagine HOW thrilled
We LOVE this shard
So then, I know there were some issues about voting
and how to make it fair to everyone
Especially those that don’t read the boards
We talked with Crystal and offered to put up the bulletin board next door for the submissions
And then ballot boxes for the actual voting
We offered this as a way for everyone to have a chance to have a say
However, we told them this is NOT an EM event
We are simply helping with Crystal’s approval.
Perhaps we should have let Crystal write the book and lock it down …
That might have cut down on some of the confusion
But we simply did not think
* frowns *
I can see how it was misunderstood
One other thing … just be clear on this as well
Something else Laurana and I were TICKLED about
As you know the naming was decided to be held on the 17th during the LSN event at the Zoo
Crystal and Intoxication worked that out and agreed to it showing a TRUE community spirit
The naming is Crystal’s
The event for tamers is Intox’s
We are just here to help facilitate IF we can
(Me: Is there anything else you would like me to express?)
EM Faine: yes, actually, one thing ….
I was saddened to read of the books being changed
This is for the community and that means ALL of the community
That was Crystal’s intent and Intox’s as well, I believe, in addition to everyone else we spoke with.
I would ask, and mind you, I can only request
That everyone should think about this as such, a community event where all are welcome
Oh I almost forgot!
There is one other thing that needs to be cleared up ….
The plaque will NOT be given to any player
It will be a permanent part of the zoo
( I then inquired about gunner’s question on entries)
EM Faine Morgan: we are asking one entry per person.
(Me: For clarification then, I read that as ... Let’s say I have three accounts, I may enter one time?)
EM Faine Morgan: Aye, that is what we are asking as well, once per pixilated person
Please express our apologies as well over the confusion
We were just excited to be a small teeny tiny part of it
(Me: I was, too! And to see Origin history being made in front of my eyes!)
EM Faine Morgan: Aye, exactly
For a shard of this size to do what they’ve done ... Several shards have organized events, for Origin NOT to and get that as fast as they did ….
And, honestly, we only wanted to help with recognizing that accomplishment”
Once again, I apologize for any confusion I may have contributed to! Let’s all get together, enter names for the Silver Steed, pass the word about the contest, tame for the zoo event to help keep Origin’s Steed on display … and above all else … Let’s have some fun showing the rest of the shards what a small, but mighty shard ... Origin ... can do!