I'll tell you what I miss... I miss seeing Britania!
I just reactivated my account (had it since 97) after a 2-3 year hiatus. The last new thing I did before quitting was killing Meer in some (then) new land.
I used to have a tower near Vesper, that was my home base back then. I went to the bank... empty. Went to Skara bank, empty. Went to Trinsic, Minoc, Brit... all empty. So sad!
I remember when T2A launched, I even thought those lands looked too funky, but I could at least live with a world with only T2A.
I used to be able to walk right into a house if it wasn't locked... Isn't that how it should be?
I should be able to shank someone in town and face the guard's slapdown.
I am slowly learning the new UO, I dont like it that much. I still want to hang out in Shame or Destard, but it just isnt as fun without other people.
No more townies! Splitting the populace between Trammel and Felucca was one of the most antisocial things ever done. No matter where we go, we have to deal with all kinds of people, Trammel really is the care-bear land. Getting PKd while hunting solo was a pain in the a$$, but boy was it exciting! UO doesnt thrill me anymore- it's entertainment, but I dont get the same sense of caution anymore that I would need to have when I used to solo.
Back to the townies... so fun, just BS-ing with people, watching them do the latest trick like running in place, or whatever. I miss the interaction. I go into Luna now, and while there are "some" people there, nobody talks... Everyone is crafting or showing off their "flashy" (read:gaudy) gear.
I vote for a "classic" shard.