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Interface Idea: Context-Sensitive Macros and GUI - Devs/KR Modders


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just had an idea, and maybe a talented KR modder can create it, or perhaps a dev will see it and consider it for the SA client.

One thing I think would be neat is if you could create macros that are context sensitive - that is, they perform different actions based on the "type" of target.

As a simple example:

Suppose I set up a macro for the "B" key.
When I target a player and press B, I would bow.
When I target an NPC merchant and press B, I would say "Buy"
When I target an NPC creature/mob and press B, I would cast Blade Spirit.

Moreover, it would be nice if a GUI could be placed somewhere on the screen that would reflect the macros I make for that target type - Showing the hot key and the name of the macro.

In bad ASCII art, here are some examples of what the GUI screen would look like, with the name at the top being the target.

Bob the Smith (NPC - Vendor)
B - Say: Buy
S - Say: Sell

Coldren (Player)
B - /bow
S - /salute

a dragon (NPC Creature)
B - Cast: Blade Spirit
S - Cast: Flame Strike

This window would appear and be movable/hideable for ease of use for those who like to click, but show highlight the hot key you created.

It'd be difficult to program, at least the GUI for it, but I think it's possible with LUA.

Just a random thought. I think it would be an improvement over right-click menus, or having Ctrl-B, Alt-B, Shift-B, etc., macros.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry, just one bump.

Any good KR modders or Devs know if this type of thing is possible? I'm not that familiar with LUA, I'm afraid.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Possible, but very time consuming for minimal reward.

I could see context sensitive say/emote/yell commands, however.
"Hello {target}" becomes "Hello Bob", "Hello Coldren", or "Hello a dragon"

Or maybe a few sets of macros that you can switch between easily.
However, both of those would probably need to be done by developers, not modders.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Possible, but very time consuming for minimal reward.

However, I'm of the opinion that it could theoretically be possible for a modder to do this. The only thing I'm seeing that modders might not have access to would be the ability to auto-determine target-type.

Edit: Let me clarify: I mean that modders may not have access to the ability to auto-determine target-type legally. I am perfectly aware that there are, shall we say, other avenues? that can accomplish this.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Possible, but very time consuming for minimal reward.
Hmm.. See, I don't see it as minimal reward. I think it would be extremely useful. Drat.. Guess I won't find out until I can program LUA.. Look for it sometime in 2020 then, I guess. :p

And yeah, I don't know what calls we can make to determine item/target types.. Hate to make the reference, but I know I can with WoW's LUA code. It's so easy even I can make smart macros there - I have ones that, for example, well either heal my target, myself, or the target of the monster intelligently, and it's less than line long.

Well, here's to hoping one day we can get that kind of access. :)