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How do i recommend this to developers.....



since taming is a HUGE part of the game, and having a very good tameable is very important to the tamer, how about the ability to sell pets on a vendor? Or some other way of selling pets, besides the old 'bank sit and spam macro saying selling UBER dragon'

I think this would be an excellent idea - have some object in your backpack, and target pet to sell. The object then gathers the info of the dragon, then you can put on vendor with a price. Then everyone could simply point at the object and all the vitals of the pet come up (HP, STR, Wrestle, All Resists etc...)

If bought, the pet simply transfers from there stable to your stable.

A pet you are selling can not come out of stable. You have to take the pet selling token off vendor before you can take pet out of stable.

What does everyone think?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Instead of hoping someone on the development team sees your idea here, you could try submitting it via the official feedback form here: http://www.uoherald.com/feedback/index.php. Perhaps use the "General" category in the Subject line. There's no category called, "My Brilliant Idea."
Hey wow that's nice. I detailed a system that’s a 7 page 27MB visio. Where do I attach that in the feedback form?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey wow that's nice. I detailed a system that’s a 7 page 27MB visio. Where do I attach that in the feedback form?

maybe upload to photobucket or sumpin and send them a link? but yeah, feedback form is the way to go


noob you don't the devs don't give a damn and stratics is likely to move this entire thread just hush up keep quite and play the stupid game as it is the devs just don't give a damn about us people who pay for the jobs that THEY SHOULDNT even have.



noob you don't the devs don't give a damn and stratics is likely to move this entire thread just hush up keep quite and play the stupid game as it is the devs just don't give a damn about us people who pay for the jobs that THEY SHOULDNT even have.

Ive just read 2 threads with you in and i have to say you are the definition of a TROLL!!

To the OP Sounds like a great idea to me!!! btw feedback is the way to go although the devs do read these forums they rarely comment on whether they think an idea is good.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
An excellent idea. It would be nice to see it implemented. I don't have a tamer, but I've tried messing around with one on a test shard. While I think I could find a way to skill one up on an actual shard, I think I'd be too gunshy to try to tame something like a greater dragon. I'm not the best player there is. I died SOOOO many times trying on the test server, it's slightly disturbing and sad at the same time. :D


Damn, my initial thought was great idea but i have a few "problems".

For example, how would the stats/resists/skills of said pet be shown? how about the colour?

Im sure these arent unsurmountable obstacles just wondered on your idea?


Maybe the token could be like a statue of the type of pet it is and hued (for the colour)... which I think would only be dragons and cu's? So not too many different types to put in.

I like this idea.

Lore Master

since taming is a HUGE part of the game, and having a very good tameable is very important to the tamer, how about the ability to sell pets on a vendor? Or some other way of selling pets, besides the old 'bank sit and spam macro saying selling UBER dragon'

I think this would be an excellent idea - have some object in your backpack, and target pet to sell. The object then gathers the info of the dragon, then you can put on vendor with a price. Then everyone could simply point at the object and all the vitals of the pet come up (HP, STR, Wrestle, All Resists etc...)

If bought, the pet simply transfers from there stable to your stable.

A pet you are selling can not come out of stable. You have to take the pet selling token off vendor before you can take pet out of stable.

What does everyone think?
Nice original idea i like it.

Anon McDougle

Bah no everytime i suggest adding swampys or blue beetles to stables for sale tamers have cried no no you will put poor tamers out of work and destroy the human interaction we all crave


are there any users on here that have 'pull', or, open communication with developers that could run this idea by them?

Ill pass credit off to anyone, as long as it then gets looked at.

I feel if i put that into the suggestion thread linked above, it will not get looked at.

And yes, colors are fairly important for Cu's and Hiryu's, so maybe just say what the color is when you point your mouse on teh token - have the color as one of the attributes.

And maybe you dont even sell these on the vendor - maybe buy/sell at the stables. Maybe every stable has a new optin where you can buy/sell pets and filter out the attributes you are looking for.

You could go with different ways here, but the end goal is to buy/sell pets through a system other than bank spam.


@op. I like it. I imagine that the low number of pet sales is largely due to the inconveniance of the system.

The downside to this system is that it would either be exploitable (by enabling people to shrink and store their pets); cause the problem of people owning pets that they can't control; or causing buyers to waste money because they tried to claim a pet that they have no chance of controling.

noob you don't the devs don't give a damn and stratics is likely to move this entire thread just hush up keep quite and play the stupid game as it is the devs just don't give a damn about us people who pay for the jobs that THEY SHOULDNT even have.

Run on sentences are cruise control for lame.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could just have a vendor style hitching post. Still has pet count to their stables so more pets thing not abused. And the vendor hitching post would allow an interested buy pull the pet out an look it over before buying. If it's is not bought just returns to stable on a timer. The tamers other pets would be like unpriced BODs in a BOD book, Viewable but not buyable. For those in fel pets pulled with vendor are yellow lifebared. Don't move agro or can be targeted. Good ideal to put on the list with stable NPCs rezing pets.


I feel if i put that into the suggestion thread linked above, it will not get looked at.
Wasn't a thread you were linked to, but the UO website =) They have a specific form for suggestions, feedback, FoF questions etc =)

I've seen this idea suggested several times before on these forums, I'm not quite sure I like it or not =) Part of me does, I love the idea that I could go hunting pets, and sell them on a vendor - but basically, I never see anyone buying pets anymore (or if they are, it's usually a blue beetle, which anyone I know tames and gives them for free =)) so not sure how viable it would be


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They do read the stuff that gets sent to the feedback form. That's the best way to get to them. It's a neat idea. Good job!


Most explosive UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
since taming is a HUGE part of the game, and having a very good tameable is very important to the tamer, how about the ability to sell pets on a vendor? Or some other way of selling pets, besides the old 'bank sit and spam macro saying selling UBER dragon'

I think this would be an excellent idea - have some object in your backpack, and target pet to sell. The object then gathers the info of the dragon, then you can put on vendor with a price. Then everyone could simply point at the object and all the vitals of the pet come up (HP, STR, Wrestle, All Resists etc...)

If bought, the pet simply transfers from there stable to your stable.

A pet you are selling can not come out of stable. You have to take the pet selling token off vendor before you can take pet out of stable.

What does everyone think?
Well, I think Ideas Den is gone, so threads like this, and the feedback form on uo.com work :)

I think it's an excellent idea


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good to know you're also immune to trolls, Draconi :)
(would like to see the mods on those fireproof pants...)

Lord Patapon

I remember a few years ago, when selling pets meant big money, that this same idea was bashed, here.

Times have changed; would be a nice idea, yeah, but I wonder: are there anyone out there still buying pets ? I'd love to see the animal sellers back to WBB.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I really like this idea!

What do you think Draconi? I know it may take awhile to code but any chance we see it sometime this year?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it's an excellent idea
but ... but ... *points at non-existent ideas den forum where this (or variations of it) were posted several times a few years back*

(*goes back to trying to dream up a more entertaining system of training animal taming than working the zoo*)


This is one of the best ideas I have seen on these boards. Tamers would be out taming as they would have a potential market for thier tames. Not only would you see Greater Dragons and Cu's on vendors, but you would also see swamp dragon, blue bugs and fire beetles.


you would also see swamp dragon, blue bugs and fire beetles.
I had not even thought about those! that would be awesome.

It just occured to me though that putting pets on vendors might be a way to maybe abuse and get more stable space. So no bonded pets on vendors and make sure whatever system does charge vending penalties.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
since taming is a HUGE part of the game, and having a very good tameable is very important to the tamer, how about the ability to sell pets on a vendor? Or some other way of selling pets, besides the old 'bank sit and spam macro saying selling UBER dragon'

I think this would be an excellent idea - have some object in your backpack, and target pet to sell. The object then gathers the info of the dragon, then you can put on vendor with a price. Then everyone could simply point at the object and all the vitals of the pet come up (HP, STR, Wrestle, All Resists etc...)

If bought, the pet simply transfers from there stable to your stable.

A pet you are selling can not come out of stable. You have to take the pet selling token off vendor before you can take pet out of stable.

What does everyone think?

Arent their enough items in the game that are dupable, thats all we need is everyone having a perfect pet for everything.

A flat out, no.

Great idea, but realistically it would just further progress the duping problem.


but ... but ... *points at non-existent ideas den forum where this (or variations of it) were posted several times a few years back*

(*goes back to trying to dream up a more entertaining system of training animal taming than working the zoo*)
- Aye :)
Good ideas seem to resurface over time.

(I do agree about the possible duping issue though, heh. Pets seem to be some of the few that haven't been abused by it yet.
I still think we should go 90% 'tabula rasa' on UO stuff, even though it would initially outrage many players... just my little dream for the chance of a solid UO economy; for an economy that could be more appealing to those that play games fairly and enjoy such trivial things as supply and demand.)


thinking further on this, it is a better idea to have the pet for sale at the stable and have filters for buyers at the stable. This would be MUCh better, from multiple standpoints.

Much easier for the developer to code also.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there's a veterinarian in Brit... ignoring the fact that he does not heal your wounded animal, maybe he (and others in various towns) could be a vendor for pets.... the downside is, you would not be able to name your own price, but as was mentioned, the pet market is a bit slow, so perhaps a sliding scale based on the stats of the critter could be used..... truly special beasts could still be marketed the old fashioned way

when purchasing, you would be able to see the stats of the animal the same as you do when buying a weapon or jewelry from a vendor