I posted this previously in one "nerf parry" thread
http://vboards.stratics.com/showpost.php?p=980030&postcount=15 :
If something is unbalanced, I really feel that it's much more positive to balance it by improving other skills.
A crude example in this case if it's really unbalanced, would be those with real skill receives a HCI bonus.
But the mage weapon topic has already been discussed before. I don't think it's unbalanced. Without weaponskill, you can't do specials, without tactics, your damage is much lower. It's basically another pure defensive strategy.
The existing -0 skill mage weapons all suck. For magic weapons, mageweapon + spellchanelling + FC1 takes up 3 magic properties. The magery reduction (-20 to -29) requires either a crystaline ring or 2 more magic properties from skill jewels to compensate. So that's 5 magic properties just to use this. 5 magic properties that the opponent could be using for HCI, DCI, Hit-proc effects, MR, LMC, resists, skills etc.
I really think there are already enough disadvantages to balance it...
In the bold part - what magic properties you actually need to get that free 100 magery skill (or 120, for the scrolled mages):
1) Mage weapon (-20 to 29 magery)
2) Spellchannelling (in order to cast spells, the weapon is useless without this)
3) +1 FC (to counter the -1 from spell channelling)
4) +15 magery on ring (to counter the first 15 points of -magery)
5) +15 magery on bracelet (to counter the remaining points)
That's 5 magic properties to actually use it as described to get the "free" 100 skill. Unlike the warrior, without actual weapon skill and tactics, it's not used to do offensive damage or specials. Meaning it's mainly a defensive tactic. So it's not really equivalent to actually having 100 weaponskill, it's more like a nerfed "half skill" that doesn't do specials and only a fraction of the damage.
That same 5 magic properties can be used by the warrior for HCI, DCI, Hit-proc effects, MR, LMC, resists, skills etc.
Magic properties wise, while it may seem like it on the surface, it's not really just a 1 magic property wonder that gives an overwhelming advantage. I think the devs did a more brilliant job of balancing this than we realize.