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Update on the Collection


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to let all of you know what we are currently working on for the Game Codes store concerning the release of the 11th year collection.

Firstly, I’d like to assure everyone here that the 11th year collection is not and was never intended to be related to our traditional anniversary rewards. These items were sold as part of a promotion and as such we wanted to give everyone here the opportunity to purchase them as well.

As most of you know, our friends in Japan have put up the 11th year collection package for purchase on their store. They have also put up the option for players to purchase individual items out of the package. To put it simply, we are in the process of providing the same thing for all of you.

The response we received from all of you here on the boards when we initially released the 11th year collection was heard and is the reason why we are working diligently right now to provide these items as individual transactions that you can choose.

For any that are curious as to the purchase price of these items, they will be fair and on par for all players globally.

And now, I return to my dungeon where I have little elves with pink hair making items by hand… :p


It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Any time frame with this stuff? I need to know if I am going to need to take a week off my work, hire a babysitter and ration my Mt dew.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks for the update Kilandra!

do you know if we will still be only allowed 2 purchases per month, or if they are working on a way to allow more (to accomodate buying these items invidually)?


thanks for the update Kilandra!

do you know if we will still be only allowed 2 purchases per month, or if they are working on a way to allow more (to accomodate buying these items invidually)?
I'd like to know this too =)

I know in the Japanese UO store you can put at least a half dozen items in your cart to buy them, ould be good if we could do the same here =)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's a restriction with purchasing items from uocodes??
Way to stop money flow, EA!
Sure, restrict maybe something like Char transfer, but pixle crack? Why?


Or at least a "package deal" of 11 (for the anniversary) tokens good for the single item of our choice would be good. :)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I'd like to know this too =)

I know in the Japanese UO store you can put at least a half dozen items in your cart to buy them, ould be good if we could do the same here =)


JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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The reason they have such tough restrictions on item purchases is credit card fraud. If they had no restrictions then they would sell thousands of codes at a time for free.

Japan probably has much more lax rules because their fraud rate is much lower.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thank you, Kilandra

will you be sending one of the little pink-haired guys by my place to pick up the ten remaining tokens I have and leave me with the 'choose your own' kind?


Good news on the Collection but what about our Vet rewards? Will we ever get them or is EA stopping that and will only sell items from now on. I thought Vet rewards are given out in October area.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you for this fix and i am very happy you have gotten the message that many of us do not want to waste our money on most of the items you thought you could get us to buy in some lame package deal.

Seriously what were you thinking that evey player who needs 6 sets of earings is going to buy 6 full packages?

I got my earings and bod book cover's now i need to decide if i want to get the hitching post or not guess it all depends how much your going to ask me to shell out. the rest is to me junk though i know some will want them for deco or use the grave stone is sorta neet but i have no use for such an item.

I would place a bet that the hitching post and earings will be your top sellers!


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
and the log... *nods*

Lord Drakelord

And now, I return to my dungeon where I have little elves with pink hair making items by hand…
Need any help cracking that whip? ;)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hate the idea that the Gravestone buff will go away when I crash. Not fair.
I wish the ghost would stay a little longer. I have to look at my journal to see what it says because it disappears so fast LOL.

But I agree the buff shouldn't go away when you crash.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Vet rewards are given out all year around. I dont undersand the question.

Two of my accounts just turned another year old this months and the other last month.

Good news on the Collection but what about our Vet rewards? Will we ever get them or is EA stopping that and will only sell items from now on. I thought Vet rewards are given out in October area.


Vet rewards are given out all year around. I dont undersand the question.

Two of my accounts just turned another year old this months and the other last month.

I did not know it was per account. I thought it was at certain times of the year, we can get our vet gifts. So does this mean it goes of my date from when i first started and how do i go about finding my start date?



Regarding the Vet Reward system which is separate from the 11th Year Collection, you will receive it on each anniversary of you account.

So, say for instance your account was created on February 25, 2008, on February 25, 2009 (the anniversary date of your account), you should get the Vet Reward gump upon log in, if there are no issues with account aging, etc.

As far as I can tell, it's not currently broken because I get a gump each time I log in (I haven't selected my nth year rewards as yet), so at least the gump is working. However, I seem to recall a current issue with account aging that is slated to be fixed in the next publish. Don't quote me on it though, I'm not 100% sure on that so anyone who knows better, please feel free to pipe in. :)

Hope this helps.

PS: To find out your account age, on the right side of your UO log in screen, click on the red "Account" button which will take you to the EA/UO My account webpage. Enter your account name and password and you will be able to see the details of your account subscriptions, etc. There you'll find your anniversary date.


Yes thanks for the info.

Looks like i am due 1 next month member since March 1999.

How many choices do i have if i used up all the ones i had in the past? When i log into test it shows i have 4 left to pick from there but none on other shards.
I have not been active in over 4 years but always paid the account, it has never been closed. I hope i get more than 1 choice and what are the items? I can not find a list. I do have a mining cart , and the cu ethy is that the same rewards to expect ?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the update! Any chance Tokuno Dye Tokens might be included for purchase?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend

Firstly, I’d like to assure everyone here that the 11th year collection is not and was never intended to be related to our traditional anniversary rewards. :p

So what, if anything, can you tell us about 11th anniversary rewards? Are there to be any? or are we skipping it this year?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps I'm being dense, but as I read it, the paragraphs below the one I quoted all refer to the purchasing of 11th year collection.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Becuase its pefectly reasonable for a group of people, or even one person to take months on end to offer the playerbase the ability to purchase an item without a japanese translator.

I mean I could understand if they had nothing to do with the japanese devs, but draconi spent what? A week working with them not too long ago.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a thought kind Lady...

If we had ever gotten an 11th anniversary gift reward there might not be any confusion over the items names. Oh wait did we and I missed it last October?

It is really getting odder and odder. :( To me.


Yes thanks for the info.

Looks like i am due 1 next month member since March 1999.

How many choices do i have if i used up all the ones i had in the past? When i log into test it shows i have 4 left to pick from there but none on other shards.
I have not been active in over 4 years but always paid the account, it has never been closed. I hope i get more than 1 choice and what are the items? I can not find a list. I do have a mining cart , and the cu ethy is that the same rewards to expect ?
The amount of choices you get to make is on the gump when you get it on your anniversary.

Here is the link to the vet reward items and how to figure out how many choices you may have remaining:


Hope this helps.


The amount of choices you get to make is on the gump when you get it on your anniversary.

Here is the link to the vet reward items and how to figure out how many choices you may have remaining:


Hope this helps.

Says i have 11 total i can claim. When i log into test it show 11. Thats right.

The part i do not understand is when my anniversary comes do i get to choice 11 again. If i pick all 11 then next year do i get another 11. Just seems kind of high. I have 4 left to chose from in test and i know it does not count on the reg rewards. So if i use the 4 tomorrow do i get 11 more when my anniversary comes next month.


You get three picks for the first year. After that, you get one more for each additional year until you hit 6 years then you get two more for each year. So, if your account has been continuously paid for every month since March of 1999 your total of rewards at this point should be 15 or possibly 17. It seems a couple of extra months were tacked on most account ages by EA so your actual bump in age occurs a couple months ahead of your real anniversary, but definitely 17 by March.

If you are showing 11 still available then you have already chosen either 4 or 6 rewards. To see what the game "thinks" your account age is, look at your profile scroll on your in-game paperdoll.


I have a question ?..

Why not have the codes, once redeemed, turn into a 11th Anny Collection Token.

When used, the token brings up a gump with the option to pick out any one of the items from the package.

Just like it was done under the Spring Collection a few years back.

I remember there was the option of buying one token, or a pack of tokens, which could then be used to get all the items, or multiples of one items (one per token).

Shouldnt be too hard to look back on that code, and re-implement it.


Yes i understand that part In my profile it says 122 months old. But does it mean i get 15 to 17 every year.till they up it or lower it again. I just do not see getting that many every year. Seems like a lot.

Right now i have 0 next month is my anniversary . How many choices am i looking at for 122 months as of today( never missed a payment, account never closed) . Will it be 15 / 17 or 2 /3? I do not think they will let me sit there and pick 15/17 rewards in one shot on my anniversary date.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay your first you get 3 then one a year after that till your 6th year. You get 2 a year from 6th thru 11th yrs. If you do not use your choices they roll over to the next year. Once you pick em their gone So if your 122 monthes that makes you 10 1/2 years so you'd get 2 picks this year plus any unsed from the previous years. Capice?


Beefcake101, hon, you're confused. Maybe if we present it in a column it might help you understand. The dates represent your account anniversaries:

Year 1 - 3 (March 2000)
Year 2 - 1 (March 2001)
Year 3 - 1 (March 2002)
Year 4 - 1 (March 2003)
Year 5 - 1 (March 2004)
Year 6 - 2 (March 2005)
Year 7 - 2 (March 2006)
Year 8 - 2 (March 2007)
Year 9 - 2 (March 2008)
Year 10 - 2 (March 2009)

Total all those and you get 17. Once you're eligible for rewards you can choose whatever rewards you want (from those you're eligible for) whenever you want. These do not go away. They just continue to add up as time goes by if you don't choose anything. You are not getting 17 this year. Seventeen is the sum total of all rewards your account has earned. You can choose things and use them all up, use just one or two (or any other number available), or you can just let them add up.

If your profile is showing your account age to be 122 months then it is already including your 2009 anniversary. As I said earlier, EA tacked on a couple months extra for most everyone though I've never heard why.

I should add that 17 is the total number of rewards earned. The number available to you to choose now will be 17 minus any choices you've already made.


Perhaps I'm being dense, but as I read it, the paragraphs below the one I quoted all refer to the purchasing of 11th year collection.
- My bad I misread what you originally said :)
I thought you were talking about the Collection but now see you were talking about 11th year rewards. It has always bothered me too that they seem to delay the rewards' release by a year, or few. As a cheap excuse for my misinterpretation: I just didn't expect to read about that subject in this thread.

Flora Green

It's not just the late rewards, why can't they release anything on time? I'm not talking about the current collection and I understand "things can happen", but they have one year in between anniversaries to plan. How do you not have something ready to release on the anniversary date with 12 months to do it in? I'm not complaining about not getting gifts, I honestly don't understand the lack of prep. Event and wedding planners dont have that luxury.

I am, however, glad to see they are giving purchase options for the collection.


UO is like an old woman, they refuse to acknowledge birthdays.


Ok now i understand. I should have 2 choices next month. Really nothing i can use or like but a few more soul stones. You can buy soul stones all over. Might be better to hold off till they offer us new things.


I have a question regarding the items in this collection. They are obviously available on the Jp shards, but not for sale via the US site however, I have a found a vendor on the Lake Austin shard that has all the tokens from the Jp collection for sale, including the dyes, the bookcases, the maple tree, bulk order covers, willow tree, ancestral gravestone, etc.

I checked the uocodes site, but did not see them for sale yet.

I sent a help request regarding if the items were valid on US shards, sending the location and vendor name, and got the usual automated request that if I don't know a players name, they cant help.

So obviously either one of two things are possible:

1. You can purchase them via the JP site and use them on your US account, or;
2. Purchase them via the JP site, do a shard transfer, and then set the price so high you make a fortune from them.


I have a question regarding the items in this collection. They are obviously available on the Jp shards, but not for sale via the US site however, I have a found a vendor on the Lake Austin shard that has all the tokens from the Jp collection for sale, including the dyes, the bookcases, the maple tree, bulk order covers, willow tree, ancestral gravestone, etc.

I checked the uocodes site, but did not see them for sale yet.

I sent a help request regarding if the items were valid on US shards, sending the location and vendor name, and got the usual automated request that if I don't know a players name, they cant help.

So obviously either one of two things are possible:

1. You can purchase them via the JP site and use them on your US account, or;
2. Purchase them via the JP site, do a shard transfer, and then set the price so high you make a fortune from them.
The Japanese got them MONTHS before they were offered to us. So yes they were able to transfer them to shards who were unable to obtain them yet and set their prices at ridiculous amounts for those unwilling to wait until we were finally able to purchase them. I would imagine they can still purchase them on the Japanese site and still transfer them to other shards.

We, everyone other than Japanese, were able to buy them for one night (unfortunately it was a night I had my grandson and was unable to get on the computer therefore did not know about it until too late) but it purportedly said that you could buy 11 of 1 item or mix/match them but it did not let you do that. So those lucky enough to get to buy some didn't get to purchase what they thought they were purchasing so they were quickly yanked from the UOGameCode site. Sadly they have not been put back on there so the rest of us could have an opportunity to purchase them. :sad4:


So obviously either one of two things are possible:

1. You can purchase them via the JP site and use them on your US account, or;
2. Purchase them via the JP site, do a shard transfer, and then set the price so high you make a fortune from them.
You can purchase them on the Japanese site and use them as any code, on any account =)


I did =)

I can't remember exactly what I did when I registered with them (it was about a year ago I think that I registered in the shop the first time) I'm *pretty* sure I had to "re-register" with their shop, use my regular UO login etc, but just for their shop.

Sorry, can't remember exactly what I did