How hard is it to make macros for the following; Self bandage, Drink various potion, count resources, use skill, last object/last target? Can be done
Is there a way to display reagents, gold, and weight other than the huge status bar? Can Reagents even be displayed on the status bar? Yes (you can set up multiple hotbars and place them anywhere)
Have they finally fixed that insane targeting system and made it more normal like legacy has? No
Can I still use Alt + ?? for my macros? Yes
Is there a way to transfer my macros over without redoing every single one? No
Can I display my health, stamina, and mana in numeric portions aside from the huge status bar? (Ala UOAssist's display) No, only in the Hotbar (which however you can place anywhere)
Can I make dress/undress macros for specific suits? Yes
Can I make Arm/Disarm macros for specific weapons? Yes
Setting up KR is a lot of work. It is complicated. I would recommend to wait for the SA client and spare you the trouble.