If you are truly balancing problem in the game then fixing mage weapon property should be on the list. Its an easy work around of the 720 skill cap.
This.Typical medicore dexxer post.
There is a skill called wrestling you can use it keeps dexxors as you call them from hitting you every time. Its simple to remove the mage weapon enforce the 720 cap and for mages to survive via wrestling i believe that is the skill the devs originally viewed for defense purposes for mages.lol using a magewep is pretty much a choice only made for defensive purposes...
yes make it so dexxers hit every time. and mages must have 80 dex 120 parry to combat it
Mages used to have wrestling.. too bad they can't bring back disarm for mageslol using a magewep is pretty much a choice only made for defensive purposes...
yes make it so dexxers hit every time. and mages must have 80 dex 120 parry to combat it
^^^yep.. remove mage weapons, and turn off the special-moves toggle from casting spellsslightly.
Then we want to cast while running and not be able to be distrurptedif dexxers need 45 HCI to hit anything, shouldnt mages have to carry 45 Hit Spell Increase to hit someone with a spell?
true dxxers can use apples and boxes to get around resist, but mages get sc mage weps to get free 100-120 wep skill.
this would be fairer in my opinion-
45 hci, 45 dci 45 spell hit increase or 45 spell hit defense.
if dexxers need 45 HCI to hit anything, shouldnt mages have to carry 45 Hit Spell Increase to hit someone with a spell?
true dxxers can use apples and boxes to get around resist, but mages get sc mage weps to get free 100-120 wep skill.
this would be fairer in my opinion-
45 hci, 45 dci 45 spell hit increase or 45 spell hit defense.
No. Magery is a skill absolutely distinct from any weapon skill.Isnt a Mage Weapon similiar to a Macer Dexer who uses a UBWS Bone Harvy?
I seriously doubt that mage weapons were originally introduced with the intention of all their drawbacks being countered just so (some) mages could have an extra 120skillpoints in their template... just the same as when they adjusted how MR works, because every mage out there had 0 med 0 focus because 6 to 12 mr on your suit provided a more-than-sufficient mana regen rate.it is the [extra] defensive ability [at no cost to skill template, and without any drawback/penalty].
There will ALWAYS be ways in which people use an item that was never intended or thought of. That will always always always happen. That is the FUN part of MMO's... the creativity of people!...
I seriously doubt that mage weapons were originally introduced with the intention of all their drawbacks being countered just so (some) mages could have an extra 120skillpoints in their template...
What I personally have said in this thread is in no ways saying that mages are overpowered or that this is the #1 thing that needs to be rebalanced...
5 years and best I have gotten is 15 scroll and none of my friends have gotten better then 110.Pretty sure that anyone that is playing a mage nowadays has the 20's that they need.
I take issue with that, being one of the players who plays mainly mages, none of whom use mage weapons, and do fine without one.If mages are not overpowered and can utilize a mage weapon to compete, where otherwise they wouldn't be in the game, what's the big deal?
Yes precisely... it should lower the cap also, not just lower the adjusted skill level.How about just make it too where when they have a mage wep on...they cannot use jewelry or items to get them back to 120 magery??? Balances it no??? They get 100 free skill points if using a one handed at the cost of losing 20 Magery. If they use a two handed mage wep like staff of magi they already losing the ability to use pots (reason most use one handed anyway). I think that balances it a bit....
You completely missed my point.No. Magery is a skill absolutely distinct from any weapon skill.
P.S. why is everyone reading this as a dexer vs mage thread? the issue is that a mage can equip 1 or 2 items that give them a total 120+skillpoint advantage to their template... that advantage sticks vs mages whom are not using a mage weapon just the same as vs dexers.. their weapon can have a hitspell too, then without using any skillpoints (taking away from their other skills) they get 2 extra ticks of damage (read: possible disrupts to my spellcasting). on a one-handed "non -1" weapon, they can still chug. there is absolutely no drawback... none.
No, I got your point, I just don't agree that it's valid.You completely missed my point.
UBWS gives you an extra 120 skillpoints too genius.
Whaaaaa your going to hurt my feelings. Mage Weapon property is not a skill bonus like +20 magery from the crystaline ring, it gives up to 100 free points to any character with magery. Therefore it should be fixed in the upcoming balance. Everyone can whine about how this effects them, but you cannot deny the property does not reflect well on a hard 720 cap.This thread has fail written all over it. So does the OP...
on the counter mage weapons give no real offence sure theres a lil damage there but mages use them to not get hit and nothing more.
also as an above poster said mage weapon needs at least 1 other property of your 5 to be realy usefull most ask for 2
that being mage weapon spell channeling and faster casting
When you pvp you see mage wepons made from the duped valorite hammers with sc fc= no -1 mage wep -20 40 di 15dci 50 hit lightning usually the wep is a slow heavy hitter. The only reason the above wep is with millions is becasue og mage wep property. If you believe mage wep skill is not uses offensively you wrong I'm sorry to tell you.
^^^ this.This thread has fail written all over it. So does the OP...
are tere any bows with mage slayer? or a tali? would a tali do dbl dmg to a mage with a mage wep?5 years and best I have gotten is 15 scroll and none of my friends have gotten better then 110.
But then again I am not a power gamer that farms spawns or shops in Luna.
Also I would say to anyone who thinks the game needs to be balanced to quite your whining an learn how to play better. Mage weapons obviously have a good -20% HCI and there is no damage bonus without tactics or anatomy.
On top of all that a little known fact is that if your using a mage weapon, makes mage slayer items do 50% more damage to you just like Undead slayer weapons do 50% more damage to people in wraith/lich/vamp forms.
And lets not forget a mage slayer weapon that has a slayer mod like undead means players who poly morph into the counter balance do double damage breaking the damage cap.
Staff of Pyros against a player in orc form = instant death.
You seem to be missing the pt. +skills are not the same as mage wep property. Mage wep gives you a free skill up to 100 pts. + items simply increase a skill you already have. This isnt about pvp balance its about skill cap of 720 balance.There are other skills where you can combine skill bonus items to gain an additional 120-140 skill points. I had one bracelet alone with 59 skill points (albeit in a useless combination).
So, unless you also deal with that, it would be unfair to pick solely on magery. Almost EVERY skills has skill bonuses on items. You have to treat it as a whole, not just attack the mage property.
When you PvP you know that a mage weap with those mods is godly for the 15%dci and no penalty and HL, not to do damage...When you pvp you see mage wepons made from the duped valorite hammers with sc fc= no -1 mage wep -20 40 di 15dci 50 hit lightning usually the wep is a slow heavy hitter. The only reason the above wep is with millions is becasue og mage wep property. If you believe mage wep skill is not uses offensively you wrong I'm sorry to tell you.
Devs do not make any changes until after I have unraveled all my Mage Weps.If you are truly balancing problem in the game then fixing mage weapon property should be on the list. Its an easy work around of the 720 skill cap.