I wanna know if they devs have any plans to fix the Chiv Poison Dexxer template?
This use to be one of the best templates back in the day, until a string of nerfs caused it to become useless almost, The biggest nerf is the fact red chiv dexxers cant raise karma post neutral, then the nerf to lose karma everytime you use infect strike agist another player has made it were you can only fight with this char for about 20 mins before you need to go spend about an hour raising karma back up. Also the fact that with 100 skill in poison someone can chug off my lethal poison with one greater cure potion without it ever failing is kinda unfair to dexxers that play this template. i think like a 50% chance would be a lil better.
A few changes that would help this template work again would to remove karma lose when using infect strike, and allow red chars to get postive karma again and either put a time on cure potions or lower the chance they cure lethal poison.
Any feed back or whatever from the devs be great cause this was once a great template for pvp that has been nerfed into the ground
This use to be one of the best templates back in the day, until a string of nerfs caused it to become useless almost, The biggest nerf is the fact red chiv dexxers cant raise karma post neutral, then the nerf to lose karma everytime you use infect strike agist another player has made it were you can only fight with this char for about 20 mins before you need to go spend about an hour raising karma back up. Also the fact that with 100 skill in poison someone can chug off my lethal poison with one greater cure potion without it ever failing is kinda unfair to dexxers that play this template. i think like a 50% chance would be a lil better.
A few changes that would help this template work again would to remove karma lose when using infect strike, and allow red chars to get postive karma again and either put a time on cure potions or lower the chance they cure lethal poison.
Any feed back or whatever from the devs be great cause this was once a great template for pvp that has been nerfed into the ground