I agree with you but under the new system they implemented the bank designer and the people who submitted entries should receive the same rewards.
Actually it was NOT an 'event', it was a COMPETITION and they are two entirely different things.
Unlike EM events, the rules and 'rewards' for this competition were clearly advertised before anyone entered.
Any who entered this competition (not an 'event' as nothing occurred. EVENT = something that occurs in a certain place during a particular interval of time.) understood that if their design was
USED then they would get recognition for being the designer of that design. Those who entered also knew that there would be only ONE winner for each shard. There was no room for any 'perceived' expectation of anything more. Those 'rules of entry' were quite clear to all involved. There is no 'prize', nothing to sell or trade. The recognition for EA to use your design, should be as advertised, nothing more and nothing less.
This was not an EM 'community event' and should NOT be
'used', as a lot of people in various threads at the moment are trying to use it, to compare this with anything 'in game' or the EM program at all. EA runs a lot of 'competitions' which come under different rules for each type of competition, as they should.
These competitions can be entered by anyone as long as they abide by the rules for them and when anyone enters you accept whatever is deemed the appropriate reward which is advertised prior to the competition being held and subsequently judged.
These competitions cover a multitude of topics and include deco comps, poetry comps, writing essays etc etc. None of these are remotely the same as the EM program which is a character 'participation' event program held 'in game' and 'in real time', where to participate you have to 'be there' in that moment of 'time' with a 'live' character. EM events are generally completed in an hour or two, unlike these competitions where those entering may spend upwards of 15 hours working on their submissions.
(I know I probably totaled at least 30 hours in the four submissions I ended up preparing)
As for the 'Rewards', I use the term lightly, this particular competition does not technically have a reward but gives 'Recognition'
(that is what the 'plaque' is. Architects who 'win' designs for public buildings are generally recognized for the 'USE' of their design, if their building isn't built they have nothing to 'put their name on' do they?) It is an appropriate 'reward' for the type of competition. While the entrants used the 'intellectual property' of EA (game art) with permission, EA is using the creative ability of the entrants, so hence why they need to 'give' some recognition and why the 'reward' in this case is totally appropriate.
I have entered many deco comps and understand that the format for 'most' is generally one winner or a place getter (where the actual deco is .jpeg only and not intended to be 'built', xmas deco etc) and if not in the stated 'winner' numbers you get nothing. When deciding to put the time in for some of these you accept these terms and have nothing to complain about.
As for any unique 'titles', I don't believe that is necessary as the terms and what form of recognition would be given for this WBB Deco Competition were quite clear and I expect most winners, as I am myself, are quite happy with the stated format and require nothing more. If they want to run another with a 'title' as the reward, all good, they just need to advertise it at the time that competition is announced.