Sorry Dor, but Im going to have to disagree on this one. I like the items. I like playing and participating, and I love helping others achieve... but Im a collector, thats my playstyle... I like to have a token or souvenir to show off and remember. People collect all kinds of things IRL, from baseball cards to thimbles. Why am I "greedy" if I want to collect a souvenir from a memorable event in UO? Sure some people will sell them... so what? There seem to be a lot of people complaining about items at events lately. This is the most juvenile attitude I have encountered. "I dont like it, so nobody should get it". Come on, grow up. If you dont like the items, dont take one. If you dont like the sale of event items, dont buy or sell them. But please, lets stop insisting that other playstyles get nerfed just because you dont like what some people do with THEIR items. Their sale of items does not affect you in ANY negative way. You can still participate in the event, and if you truly are only concerned with the event, then this will only help as it attracts more people and tougher competition.
You dont see me complaining that rollplaying is stupid, and that nobody should be allowed to rollplay because I like colleting things, adn I think that having a complete, well organized and displayed collection of items is a superior way to play this game. Let me collect, and Ill let you pretend to be a little cartoon pixel character. That way we are all happy.
(sorry Dor, this was not all directed at you personally, Im jut frustrated with this attitude that items are evil, and I had to get it out)