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EM NERFS (Or changes) NO NO NO!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I posted this post on the Catskills thread and as promise I'm posting this thread here so that the MAJORITY of people can stop this stupid change to the EM events...

Once again the complainers and moaners nerf something fun within UO. I've never won an EM Award yet, and when I did I wanted it to mean something. Now that everyone gets them they mean jack all.

Mesanna: You've completely messed up the rewards now, I'm sure there were more people in the UHall post that wanted it left as it was than those who wanted everyone to have a prize.

You could have made it so that the winners etc got something different/unique... I'ld have been happy with say.. everyone getting a sash and the winners a proper reward. That way then it isnt all worthless.

When will you learn to listen to the MAJORITY of people and not the moaners... Actually I'm going to make a thread demanding these changes dont take place... See if you listen to this moaner here.

DEV's, I demand that you stop this stupid nerf and listen to the MAJORITY of the players and not the minimal moaners who cant be bothered to do the events and try to win. the EM events are that EVENTS with a clear chance to win. Dont make it completely worthless by giving everyone something simular to the winners?

Just make it so that those whom attend get an Event Sash, a reminder and the winners something unique.



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Greetings Everyone,

We have been keeping a close eye on EM events and player feedback regarding rewards. After careful consideration we have decided that everyone that does the event should receive a reward. This reward will be the same reward across all the shards, with small differences in text on the item or the hue of the item. We will, of course, take precautions to ensure that only people who take part in a specific event receive the reward. The 1st and 2nd place winners will have their names on the item along with the event name and a year added to the item. When rewards are given out by the Event Moderators it will be announced with the post of shard times that the EM will be giving the applicable reward.

For future events, all locations will be announced with the times to stop any confusion for future events.

The EM Program Dies. Yet Again.

Seriously I can't possibly explain to you, in words, how stupid this system is. However I will *try*.

First of all, this system was put in place so people wouldn't care about items however all this system is doing is encouraging people to just show up on MULTIPLE accounts for more items (yes I will bring every account I own down to an event just to receive more items now on EVERY shard's event, and yes I will do it illegally).

Second of all, this system is NOT practical at all. People will be forced to queue up for HOURS before receiving and item and if they don't receive one they will inevitably pancake about it.

Third of all, you basically just killed the whole rare collector part of the game in a very, very swift and cruel blow.

Fourth, say one reward given out is a lamp post, for the winner it would be called something like this "A Lamp Post - 1st place Winner Petrify Loves Candle event 09". So you know what people like me will do (just to highlight how stupid this system is)? I am going to get a name change token on my character which wins most events and name it something like "qwokmlpolnadabsf", "useless Item", "Worst Event Ever" ect (im not in a creative mood at the moment but you get the gist).

Fifth, the people who were complaining about not receiving rewards or that everybody should get a reward are the people who do absolutely nothing in events, have never even come close to winning one and want everything handed to them on a silver platter. You may as well do what one prominent free shard does and just have a button to drop the items into the backpack of anybody within the region of the event. Seriously EA I really didn't think you could get any dumber but yet again you prove me wrong and yet again you fix something that wasn't broken and was probably one of the very best aspects of this game. It's a shame that Darkfall isn't going to be great for Australians for a very long time.

*copy paste*


I dont see the problem in giving everyone whom attended a reward(like the royal brit guard sashs of old) however i do think that the top 2/3 should recieve a UNIQUE award, not just a named award the same.

Also i do think the em should have the power of creativity, so long as items arent containing properties then why cant they chose an artwork which follows there unique shard event??

If they are x-shard events then sure keep the rewards the same but for the shard unique events make the rewards shard unique.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In this thread, you have the obvious top contender on events from Oceania, in Petrify, event Master Noximos, from Atlantic, and I'm not sure where Sali here's from, but you've gone and made him Salty Sali!

R.I.P EM PROGRAM; DEC 19, 2008 - FEB 20, 2009 (Round 2)
Let me be the kid to bust open the pinata, I'll take the crunch bar with the name on it, everyone elses better just be blue.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Give out a minor item (Sash, undershirt, given in recognition of service at XXX, MM/DD/YY.) at the event to the mass who cries "HES UR FAV GIMMY ONE", continue with your current idea of giving out the unique items to those who answers the questions/Gets the loot/Kills the monster/Finds the location.

Anything other than just a "HERE, COTTON CANDY ROBE X500! GRAB 'EM QUICK"



Give out a minor item (Sash, undershirt, given in recognition of service at XXX, MM/DD/YY.) at the event to the mass who cries "HES UR FAV GIMMY ONE", continue with your current idea of giving out the unique items to those who answers the questions/Gets the loot/Kills the monster/Finds the location.

Anything other than just a "HERE, COTTON CANDY ROBE X500! GRAB 'EM QUICK"

My point better elaborated...so seconded


I agree i feel though most just want something to remeber the event by, give out unique but not uber rewards to one or few than let the mass eat cake and get thier event thingamabob.

What I want to see is an event that you dont need an item to feel apart of, one of my geekest moments was running a dm booth at an articon in Fairbanks AK

Give ppl events with meaning unique to thier home shard that make them feel more like they belong. OOOO maybey even use some Ultima Lore?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was nothing wrong with the former system on Siege. We are all used to doing things where you win or lose, and we know there's a chance you might not get anything.

Now though, I just don't see the Siege population coming out for an event where there's no unique item or where everyone is going to get the same thing.

We have our own player run events anyway, and frankly we can give out a better prize with someone's name on it by using an engraving tool.

Thanks alot Messana and oh, here's your hat for participating in the "Let's ruin the EM's some more" Event of 2009 :dunce:


From my point of view, I enjoy the events and don't have anything to show for them. I really don't care. I had fun doing the scavenger hunt thing and figuring out clues, but I couldn't go when the "rewards" were given out...and it doesn't bother me at all. To mt it was the same as with the Casca/Mellisa events for me. I did do the events the first night and had a great time running around, I didn't try to sell my 25k ticket or cloak I got from that, I simply had a good time doing it. I started playing this game because I enjoyed the old Ultima series (my first in depth experience in a game was Ultima IV), and the events remind me of those games where you had to follow the clues around to figure out the game. I just don't understand why people get all uptight about the "rewards" just have fun playing, and if you don't want to take part in the events because the "rewards" aren't good enough or unique enough then don't do them. This game offers enjoyment through a variety of different play styles, don't complain because the events, or whatever, do not cater to your style.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There are several different kinds of players who go to the EM events. The problem is, not every type of player is giving their feedback on every thread about the subject, and the devs are listening to the overwhelming feedback of one type and thinking that the majority of us are thinking the same thing. Or at least that's the way I see it.

So here's a short list of the people I play with every day and their opinions (paraphrased)
1. I don't care about event items, and even though I won, I'll likely use the item as a nut holder. (True statement, but to be fair, it was in-character)
2. I don't want any items from events, and if one if offered to me, I'll decline.
3. I don't care about event items, and I'll do events anyway. But if there are rewards for completion, I want them to be more special than what can be made by a player. (That's my opinion)
4. I only do events for the items, and if the items are no longer unique, I'll stop going.
5. I don't like that only a few people get rewarded, and I don't do events because they're too competitive. These events are supposed to encourage teamwork, not greed.
6. I don't care, I just want to kill things.
7. I don't care, I just want to kill other people's characters.

Now with such a wide variety of opinions about the subject, thier somewhat difficult decision is to create events that will encourage the most participation among the player base. I agree with a lot of the opinions here that all participants should get something, while if it's a race-type event, the winners should get something extra special. My name on the same items that everyone else wins isn't so great. Unless, of course, that item had attributes on it that you couldn't find otherwise. Given that everyone is now getting the same items, maybe we need to put that back on the table.

Old Man of UO

This is just more of the same from the other thread you were complaining in. Really... this belongs in Spiels N Rants... not providing anything at all that wasn't already in the other thread. Nothing useful at all.

Lord Kynd

I posted this post on the Catskills thread and as promise I'm posting this thread here so that the MAJORITY of people can stop this stupid change to the EM events...

DEV's, I demand that you stop this stupid nerf and listen to the MAJORITY of the players and not the minimal moaners who cant be bothered to do the events and try to win. the EM events are that EVENTS with a clear chance to win. Dont make it completely worthless by giving everyone something simular to the winners?

Just make it so that those whom attend get an Event Sash, a reminder and the winners something unique.


no, i like the change they are talking about.
i don't want to go to yet another 'event' and walk away empty handed and feeling like i wasted my time when some jerk gets a item and sells it for 50+ mil just because it is different. 11 years and countless Events and still have yet to get something from one.. minues my guard sash which is fairly pointless since the ticket thing.

now... if they could make all EM event items with no 'boost's, nothing but 'deco' basicly and also tied to the account or even the character that recieves the 'item' and non trade able ( you drop and it goes poof also).

i think the people geared towards stopping the 'change' are the one's who seek profit the most.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no, i like the change they are talking about.
i don't want to go to yet another 'event' and walk away empty handed and feeling like i wasted my time when some jerk gets a item and sells it for 50+ mil just because it is different. 11 years and countless Events and still have yet to get something from one.. minues my guard sash which is fairly pointless since the ticket thing.

now... if they could make all EM event items with no 'boost's, nothing but 'deco' basicly and also tied to the account or even the character that recieves the 'item' and non trade able ( you drop and it goes poof also).

i think the people geared towards stopping the 'change' are the one's who seek profit the most.
You mean a rare collector, and myself? I think Petri sold ONE item he's obtained so far? Either way you look at it if this is purely BANK to us, we will continue to make bank, excelling at the events, due to the items with names on them being the rarer of the 3 variants, and the desire translating to price.

The change is wanted due to the fact that EM RUN EVENTS Are supposed to be unique, and if giving items, should in turn give UNIQUE Items! Like mentioned before in this thread, if I want to do the same quest as everyone else and get the same piece of trash equipment, I'll go play WoW.


Or itmes that have some good stuff on them and are cursed for ppl that comlplete the event and a blessed variant for the winner. Non cursed but siege blessable for the winner in the two shards that use that ruleset.

Also make more events.......

Event shard unique storylines, this would rock, seperate from the main story arc of course.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
There are several different kinds of players who go to the EM events. The problem is, not every type of player is giving their feedback on every thread about the subject, and the devs are listening to the overwhelming feedback of one type and thinking that the majority of us are thinking the same thing. Or at least that's the way I see it.

So here's a short list of the people I play with every day and their opinions (paraphrased)
1. I don't care about event items, and even though I won, I'll likely use the item as a nut holder. (True statement, but to be fair, it was in-character)
2. I don't want any items from events, and if one if offered to me, I'll decline.
3. I don't care about event items, and I'll do events anyway. But if there are rewards for completion, I want them to be more special than what can be made by a player. (That's my opinion)
4. I only do events for the items, and if the items are no longer unique, I'll stop going.
5. I don't like that only a few people get rewarded, and I don't do events because they're too competitive. These events are supposed to encourage teamwork, not greed.
6. I don't care, I just want to kill things.
7. I don't care, I just want to kill other people's characters.

Now with such a wide variety of opinions about the subject, thier somewhat difficult decision is to create events that will encourage the most participation among the player base. I agree with a lot of the opinions here that all participants should get something, while if it's a race-type event, the winners should get something extra special. My name on the same items that everyone else wins isn't so great. Unless, of course, that item had attributes on it that you couldn't find otherwise. Given that everyone is now getting the same items, maybe we need to put that back on the table.
And then there are the people like me who just don't give a flip about the whole thing one way or another. I went to some of the events on Baja in the year before the whole program ended and wasn't impressed at all. Can't summon enough interest now to be bothered with it because it sounds like nothing's changed. I'm glad the program has returned and made some folks happy. It just ain't my cup of tea and I doubt anything anyone does to the program will ever change that.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i was thinking EM events was unique coz they evolve following the shard present-time/history based on "soft rpg" they are not just another way to make gold u have already tons of way to make billions tbh.

deco wearable items (no mods at all) are just souvenir give them to everyone is (without differences) fine but set them as [no drop/no trade] and let just few pieces free to be sold/trade (1st 2nd 3rd place?) in this way imo u cut on the root many the problems.

Kith Kanan

I dont care about EM items EXCEPT WHEN THEY IMPACT ON PVP !!!!


Give out silly coloured dipers for all I care but keep ANY stats of em !!!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't even understand why

a) anyone would actually listen to some kids whining about not having received an event reward that has no value

b) certain doomsayers seize the opportunity to predict the death of the EM program altogether.

What is wrong with you people? How about just enjoying the game for a change, instead of making idiotic posts on Stratics?


First of all, this system was put in place so people wouldn't care about items however all this system is doing is encouraging people to just show up on MULTIPLE accounts for more items (yes I will bring every account I own down to an event just to receive more items now on EVERY shard's event, and yes I will do it illegally).
Wow... I would just make it so that people like you can't participate in any event, on any shard, at all anymore after that comment....

While I don't agree with what they're doing, your *censored* "I win 95% of all events and only get sh***y rewards" thread leads me to be fine with the changes, as long as it screws you over.

Sorry, but that's just my opinion.


why?whats 1 cold resist?

I have seen event item shields with stat that are insane, however I dont run into pvpers rocking event items, talked to one about it last week, blessed and issurance bugs keeps most itmes in the hands of bank sitters.

We will get new items with SA anyway.

Event items have almost 0 effect on pvp and so would 1 cold resist.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Wow... I would just make it so that people like you can't participate in any event, on any shard, at all anymore after that comment....

While I don't agree with what they're doing, your *censored* "I win 95% of all events and only get sh***y rewards" thread leads me to be fine with the changes, as long as it screws you over.

Sorry, but that's just my opinion.
That's fine, your entitled to your opinion but if you think I'm alone on this you are very, very badly mistaken. I also didn't make the thread I replied to it with my opinion, which clearly enraged many (I have a tendency to speak the truth and the truth does hurt).

If EA continue with this, they will feel sorry for hiring Oceania's EM's.

Sorry, but that's just my opinion.


Seasoned Veteran
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"We want more community"


"These events are mine alone!"

You people crack me up.


That's fine, your entitled to your opinion but if you think I'm alone on this you are very, very badly mistaken. I also didn't make the thread I replied to it with my opinion, which clearly enraged many (I have a tendency to speak the truth and the truth does hurt).

If EA continue with this, they will feel sorry for hiring Oceania's EM's.

Sorry, but that's just my opinion.
Well... to be honest, I think EA rather will regret just having reopened the EM program at all, where anything they do gets whined about.

And I prefer the truth to someone acting like they're some "good person" and acting "holier than thou", when the reality is quite different. ;)

However, I still hope they will check for people using multiple accounts at events, as you're not screwing over EA, but the community, with the actions you mentioned above.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It makes me laugh how they go from one extreme to the other! Giving out a few items to the winners and now giving everyone on every shard the same thing.... Cant they see they need to be in the middle??? As i think that's what 99.99% of people want.

A few items for the top winners that will be rares and some small token for everyone who attends (different for each shard and each event).


Each EM unique item is like a BOMB dropped in the UO economy.

"here goes a 60 million siren skull"... etc.

The EMs just killed this... good job!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
However, I still hope they will check for people using multiple accounts at events, as you're not screwing over EA, but the community, with the actions you mentioned above.
Yeah, God forbid one person "win" multiple awards. If that happens...UO will end for sure...la


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
From my point of view, I enjoy the events and don't have anything to show for them. I really don't care. I had fun doing the scavenger hunt thing and figuring out clues, but I couldn't go when the "rewards" were given out...and it doesn't bother me at all. To mt it was the same as with the Casca/Mellisa events for me. I did do the events the first night and had a great time running around, I didn't try to sell my 25k ticket or cloak I got from that, I simply had a good time doing it. I started playing this game because I enjoyed the old Ultima series (my first in depth experience in a game was Ultima IV), and the events remind me of those games where you had to follow the clues around to figure out the game. I just don't understand why people get all uptight about the "rewards" just have fun playing, and if you don't want to take part in the events because the "rewards" aren't good enough or unique enough then don't do them. This game offers enjoyment through a variety of different play styles, don't complain because the events, or whatever, do not cater to your style.

That's just it, receiving or not receiving rewards doesnt change the gameplay for someone like you. It's these type of posts that confuses the developers. If you don't care about the rewards don't even post about how you don't care about the rewards. Does that make sense? People here complain because individualism/competitivism is being taken away and a new cheesy system (where everyone receives a prize) is taken its place. This is how Super Powers looses their edge. sigh, Socialism at its best i guess.

In fact, you can fire all the EMs except for one. That person can write the same event arc once a week for all shards, slap it in a book with instructions and anyone who completes it can turn it in to a fixed NPC for a "reward". There, I just save you a lot of money. :D


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
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People here complain because individualism/competitivism is being taken away and a new cheesy system (where everyone receives a prize) is taken its place. This is how Super Powers looses their edge. sigh, Socialism at its best i guess.

In fact, you can fire all the EMs except for one. That person can write the same event arc once a week for all shards, slap it in a book with instructions and anyone who completes it can turn it in to a fixed NPC for a "reward". There, I just save you a lot of money. :D
Well said.


Yeah, God forbid one person "win" multiple awards. If that happens...UO will end for sure...la
It does damage to a small community like Drachenfels, where one knows all the regulars who play there, and where the only big whiners so far have been the English speaking part of the community (almost every event so far has ended with Mesanna appearing because of those whiners).

So while we like our EM, it doesn't do the community any good if one person would constantly win (which the EM has taken sorta good care of so far), especially if we know it's not someone who usually plays on Drachenfels.

And yes, we do recognise those people - we also recognised the "foreign rares collector" who appeared at the end of the event on Tuesday. ;)

... oh, wait, almost forgot... la


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OMG!!! Some english speaking traders have won all the rewards...THE END IS NEAR!!!

Stop it already. If you want to win the awards...do better in the competition. Don't be a sore loser...la


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Stratics Legend
Event profiteers shrieking that their rares-selling revenue will go down. I so care.

Fox (Europa)

Item freebies at events should simply stop. It causes far too much trouble and pancakes that ruins any positive side to them.

Within minutes of the latest events I was getting ICQs offering the items from the usual cash-for-items dealers. Proving that most items are either farmed for this purpose or immediately sold for cash.

It would make the events so much better and popular if additional effort went into making the event longer and more fun and drop the time wasted on items completely.


OMG!!! Some english speaking traders have won all the rewards...THE END IS NEAR!!!

Stop it already. If you want to win the awards...do better in the competition. Don't be a sore loser...la
I was first in both competitions so far - so how am I a sore loser? *laughs*
I just think that what is won on a shard, should stay there.

Oh wait, that's nothing you ever have to even think about, because you play on Siege.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I was first in both competitions so far - so how am I a sore loser? *laughs*
I just think that what is won on a shard, should stay there.

Oh wait, that's nothing you ever have to even think about, because you play on Siege.
One more reason to play on Siege...\0/ ...la


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the changes :lick:

No more 50-80m event items.

wanna Fun? EM Events
wanna make millions? Doom/Peerless/Replicas/PS/SoT

Thanks EA Staff.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Obviously I keep complaining loudly that this change isn't right and just won't work, but i'm guessing most people will lump me into the wrong side here just because of the way it sounds.

I'm the person that jackass selling one of the LS event robes was advertising as having "turned it down". In fact, I turned both that and the other standard reward for the event down. Of course I want incredibly rare items, but the event itself is more important... I did what I did because the story of the event was such a moral conflict I couldn't accept either. Now, anyone that has seen me at events knows i've been to almost every single one on LS and gotten absoloutely nothing from any of them, and said several times I wish I had, but never loudly complained about it. Yet I keep coming back and having a GREAT time, while not expecting to get anything but hoping I do. And selling anything I DO get would never even be a consideration for me.. I haven't even sold the "everyone gets one" trinkets they did give out from time to time before.. I treasured them.

Why do I find it important to say any of this? Because i'm one of the ones saying this set of changes isn't going to work. Most of the people I talk to at events are of the same mindset as me, and even though they get upset because they didn't get something that doesn't stop them from coming back each time and trying again, not only for some kind of reward but also for the excitement and change of pace the event gives. "Then won't they be happy with this change" you ask? No.. they won't at all. Every event will immediately change to a multi-hour handout followed by some sort of fight or string of clues that most of the people attending will just recall out and ignore rather than completing because they already got what they came for. Not only does that remove any of the excitment of the events, its damned cruel to the new EMs they hired who have been talking to the players constantly and demonstrating their massive creativity, all of which will go to waste.

I said in that other thread, this change will only lead to another one or two, which will then see the entire program canceled again. I don't want to see that happen. Most of you probably don't either. But if this happens, it will as well.

And this whole damn situation has gotten me REALLY pissed off. >:\


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its damned cruel to the new EMs they hired who have been talking to the players constantly and demonstrating their massive creativity, all of which will go to waste.

And this whole damn situation has gotten me REALLY pissed off. >:\

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I thought it was stated that this time was going to be different? It has turned out exactly the same. People whine, Mythic cancels. So much for taking these forums as a tiny proportion of the actual UO player base.

JC the Builder

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Someone really needs to go back and count how many people were actually complaining about this here on Stratics. I would be surprised if the number went over 20-30 people. Then wait a week or so and count how many people think this is a terrible change of policy.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is what I said on the Catskills forum, and the same response holds true for all shards and to a lot of the people in this thread.
Well that's certainly a kick in the ass of the uniqueness (is that a word?) of each shard.
*looks at the reward distribution post again*
1. Rewards will still be unique per shard - they'll just be the same type (sure, every shard gets a wedge of cheese [or whatever], but the name and color will be unique to the shard [at least that's how I read it]).
2. Nowhere does it say that EMs won't be decorating shards
3. Who can list 10 items created by an EM or Seer that are unique to Catskills, owned by players, and not a mass reward that had nearly identical ("minor variations in name and hue") to a mass reward given on other shards?
The uniqueness of Catskills is defined by the players, the lore, and the decorated locales... not the rewards that have been handed out to players.
For here, however, I'd like to expand on 3...
Consider how many people can list 10 items, and compare that to the number that can list 10 unique locations.

Cal Hurst

I was wondering how long it would take them to destroy the new EM system. It didn't take long.

Lord Drakelord

I am all for everyone that takes part in a EM event getting something for it, even if its a shirt that says "I took part in the PvP event and all I got was this shirt". {this happen on Sonoma two yrs ago, EM event, and was great}

The V day events remind me of the Yew park event, 5 winners then and 30-40 people there [Sonoma], sorry but seems rather unfair to those that did try but lost due to slower connections.

Now if they give an item to everyone that shows up and you don't show up then its your lost.

Kratos Aurion

I thought it was stated that this time was going to be different? It has turned out exactly the same. People whine, Mythic cancels. So much for taking these forums as a tiny proportion of the actual UO player base.
My interpretation of the previous run of EM events was that although each event had "rare" rewards (maybe as few as 10 total), there were also the ones that were made for everyone.

Most of the events on Legends had a tier system in which the highest rewards were sustained for the players who accomplished the tasks first etc.

My only complaint was that even in the events with handout rewards, it always seemed to have a reoccuring trend of the "same" few people getting the "top end" rewards. The events were fine with me if I didn't get something but I noticed that almost every event I seen someone who from previous events consistently obtained the rewards *by attendance/not gold*.

I know the EMs are voluntary but I would like for them to keep a list of who they give rewards too that way for events coming up *if there are to be handouts* they would hand them to someone else creating a more even/fair obtaining chance for most people. It's not something they would have to tell anyone but rather keep on the downlow so that eventually if you attend enough events you will recieve either something "top end" or "unique" of EM standards.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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My only complaint was that even in the events with handout rewards, it always seemed to have a reoccuring trend of the "same" few people getting the "top end" rewards.
Because those people really went for it. If the event involves finding clues and figuring stuff out, chances are that a smaller group of people will be getting the rewards.

For example at one event you had to go to every dungeon and try to locate a special item. I absolutely knew that one would be in Khaldun. After 2-3 hours every other item was found except for one. No one else was even bothering to search Khaldun.

So if someone had just decided to look in Khaldun they would have certainly found it long before I did.

I know the EMs are voluntary
Event Moderators are paid Mythic employees.


Prizes for all!!!!!!!!

Don't listen to the real moaners who want uber rares to sell for $$$$

The one post with a guy who said he wins 90% of the events on his shard is proof enough. Don't make events to help this one person.

Items to the masses!

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

There should be 2 kinds of EM events...competitive ones, and non-competitive ones. They should be announced as such well in advance.

If the event is to be competitive, some mechanism should be used to determine the winner other than the subjective judgment of the EMs. This would likely require some coding. Or, if that is not possible, clear conditions should be set for winning. Never should a person be "randomly" selected to win. This just screams favoritism, and lends itself to behavior that cost us Seers and Counselors in the first place. Prizes should be announced up front, and they should be unique. It should be entirely up to the player what they want to do with their reward...if they want to sell it, trash it, bank it, give it away...whatever. It belongs to them, and unless you want to start putting restrictions on other items that can be sold or traded in UO, you can't do it with these items.

If the event is to be non-competitive, like the recent event on Atlantic, then that should be announced up front. Every player at the event should receive the same item, even if it is personalized with text or something.

The problem that arises when you go with competitive events is that players complete the event in the same manner that other players did, and then show up at the exact same time for the reward, and one player is chosen and others are not based on subjective judgment. Arbitrarily handing out items that can be sold for millions of gold lends itself to accusations of favoritism and collusion, even if none is there. So again, if the events are going to include competitive conditions...there needs to be a clear and measurable standard by which the winner is determined. Some of the events have had this, and some have not...especially in the past.

I do think that this change is not necessary, but I can understand why they are doing it.

This is just like the Tram/Fel split. It is easier to 'shut it off' rather than actually take the time to fix it properly...and what we, the players, are left with is a lesser version of what we once had.