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[UO Herald] Eleventh Year Collection

UO News

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The Eleventh Year Collection codes are now available at http://uogamecodes.com.

This collection package was assembled in celebration of Ultima Online's 11th year.

Included in this bundle:

  • Fallen Log
  • Lamp Post
  • Hitching Post
  • Armor Engraving Tool
  • Earring of Protection
  • Ancestral Gravestone
  • Bulk Order Cover
  • Wooden Bookcase
  • Snow Tree
  • Maple Tree
  • Willow Tree

Edit: 8:29 PM

These items were recently offered in Japan by the UO Japan team. Due to a high number of requests we were able to offer them to all UO players with the same selection and comparable pricing.

Due to a miscommunication with this item, only the package of the 11 individual items is available. These are not Anniversary Items or Vet Rewards.

Players who have purchased this package prior to this update with the intent of choosing each item should contact customer support to change their order. They can be contacted by submitting a ticket at http://support.ea.com.

Edit: 9:39 PM

The items have temporarily been removed from the website. We will update this when they will be available.



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've never done this.... someone tell me I made the correct selections here


Lady Kiara

I've never done this.... someone tell me I made the correct selections here

They are making this far more worse then it as to be....
just make it so that the tokens work the way they said it would...Problem solved..."I'll be in for my paycheck..Thank you"


i filled mine out exactly the same! hopefully they will have a timely response.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I say do whatever will earn EA more money. If people can choose 11 different or 11 of same, then it's all good. If a librarian wants 11 bookshelfs, then why not? Cuchinnng... another customer.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
well, that would be the easy thing to do, Lady Kiara..... cept that I already redeemed one of the tokens (just wanted to see a full bookcase in our library) and I know that at least one other person has clicked away just about all of their tokens, so I don't know how that could be fixed

for me, if I logged in tomorrow and the rest just said "click for whatever you want" I'd be happy as a pig in mud

I'm really confused, and really tired..... must be time for bed

nite everyone


OMG! 4 Months later than Japan got theirs and 3 months later than we were supposed to be able to buy them on the code site... but they weren't able to because of "Technical Difficulties"... and when they get them posted we get this FUBAR!!! LOL

I want to know what would have happened if we had gotten them posted to the codes site 30 days after initial release...

I can't believe they could have messed up the release THIS BADLY after taking this long to do it. LOL

Just WOW!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know with this development it has left many with derision for disappointed hopes. Some major miscommunication between those that operate the uogamecodes store and what those at Mythic intended appears to have happened. I don't think it is going out on the limb here to say they did not intend to misrepresent the offer, especially after all this time of players requesting something, anything be said about it.

There is much to be red in the face about here but as it gets worked out please keep in mind that there is no inherent evil being done by Chrissay or anyone that has been working on bringing the 11th AnniCollection to the US.

I feel really bad for those that are in the cross roads of what to do and I hope it gets worked out in the best way for you!


Lady Kiara

I know with this development it has left many with derision for disappointed hopes. Some major miscommunication between those that operate the uogamecodes store and what those at Mythic intended appears to have happened. I don't think it is going out on the limb here to say they did not intend to misrepresent the offer, especially after all this time of players requesting something, anything be said about it.

There is much to be red in the face about here but as it gets worked out please keep in mind that there is no inherent evil being done by Chrissay or anyone that has been working on bringing the 11th AnniCollection to the US.

I feel really bad for those that are in the cross roads of what to do and I hope it gets worked out in the best way for you!

Ok Please stop saying it's the anniversary items because according to Chrissay post it is not...No offence Wuv you


I know with this development it has left many with derision for disappointed hopes. Some major miscommunication between those that operate the uogamecodes store and what those at Mythic intended appears to have happened. I don't think it is going out on the limb here to say they did not intend to misrepresent the offer, especially after all this time of players requesting something, anything be said about it.

There is much to be red in the face about here but as it gets worked out please keep in mind that there is no inherent evil being done by Chrissay or anyone that has been working on bringing the 11th AnniCollection to the US.

I feel really bad for those that are in the cross roads of what to do and I hope it gets worked out in the best way for you!

I honestly don't believe there's evil intent with any of this either. I simply look at how this whole process, from Japan's premptive announcement to Mythic's consistent lack up updates and lack of hitting target dates etc... (only in regard to this one part... the 11th collection) and I think about how I would be regarded at my work if I performed so completely miserably in terms of communication, estimates of delivery dates, customer satisfaction, etc... over a 4 month period.

Then after the whole fiasco and they seemed to have taken as much time as the possibly needed, this is what we got on delivery day. I giant mess. If I ran my Lotus Notes to Exchange email migration for my company in this way with lack of communication and updates... and finally on "trigger day" screwed the pooch, I'd get fired... and DESERVE IT... not because I was acting out of evil or malice but that I was simply not competent to do they job they needed me for and I had clearly demonstrated that fact over the course of MONTHS.

That's just my humble opinion and the source of my frustration.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe 11th Anniversary buyables?
And the soon to be given... 11th Anniversary free gifts?
Trying to get the right lingo on these two separate sets.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Surely we can all (or almost all) take a step back and appreciate just how poeticly tragic this whole affair has been. Someone out there is having a monumentally bad day, probably several someones ... and after a long road attempting to give us something that we've been stomping our feet for. Yes, it should have all come together, it should have been straightforward. But sometimes things just don't turn out that way. Sometimes you just have to roll with it.

Lando: Punch it.
[Chewbacca attempts to engage the hyperdrive on the Millenium Falcon - it fails]
Lando: They told me they fixed it! I *trusted* them to *fix* it! It's not my fault!

(I'm happy with what I got ... if we do end up getting to choose, I might get another set)


Surely we can all (or almost all) take a step back and appreciate just how poeticly tragic this whole affair has been. Someone out there is having a monumentally bad day, probably several someones ... and after a long road attempting to give us something that we've been stomping our feet for. Yes, it should have worked, it should have been straightforward. But sometimes things just don't turn out that way. Sometimes you just have to roll with it.

Lando: Punch it.
[Chewbacca attempts to engage the hyperdrive on the Millenium Falcon - it fails]
Lando: They told me they fixed it! I *trusted* them to *fix* it! It's not my fault!
The fact of the matter is that they had since NOVEMBER to start work on ensuring the codes were going onto a US site and there really is no excuse for this level of incompetence...

Flora Green


I'm just going to put this link out here... Oh and there's second page of items they sell, including the spring collection.

They can do it.


well, that would be the easy thing to do, Lady Kiara..... cept that I already redeemed one of the tokens (just wanted to see a full bookcase in our library) and I know that at least one other person has clicked away just about all of their tokens, so I don't know how that could be fixed

for me, if I logged in tomorrow and the rest just said "click for whatever you want" I'd be happy as a pig in mud

I'm really confused, and really tired..... must be time for bed

nite everyone
Given your situation, it would be better to call customer support rather than go the email route. From experience, it can take 2-3 days of back and forth emails to get somewhere towards resolution. It's been my experience that calling them is less painstaking and a whole lot faster to resolve.

You can find the phone number here: http://www.uoherald.com/support/contact_info.php

Good luck. :thumbsup:


I know with this development it has left many with derision for disappointed hopes. Some major miscommunication between those that operate the uogamecodes store and what those at Mythic intended appears to have happened. I don't think it is going out on the limb here to say they did not intend to misrepresent the offer, especially after all this time of players requesting something, anything be said about it.

There is much to be red in the face about here but as it gets worked out please keep in mind that there is no inherent evil being done by Chrissay or anyone that has been working on bringing the 11th AnniCollection to the US.

I feel really bad for those that are in the cross roads of what to do and I hope it gets worked out in the best way for you!


Cant help to think after reading your syrupy puddle that maybe you work for Mythic or perhaps trying to get a job with them:cheerleader:..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If your post was removed-

Don't fret, you did nothing wrong. We were having posting order issues and it was easier to move the odd posts than to figure out wth they were doing. Please feel free to post them again. :c)

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Back in the first days of UO, a protest was staged in Britain on every shard at a certain time to express disappointment over lag. Of course, this caused a server crash...and the whole thing was a bust, but it does make one wonder how effective something like that would be now.

I feel badly for those that were deliberately tricked into buying these items under false pretenses.

Don't accept a refund. You were promised something for a specified price, and you have written proof...by EA employees...to back that up.

EA needs to make good on what they offered.



The fact of the matter is that they had since NOVEMBER to start work on ensuring the codes were going onto a US site and there really is no excuse for this level of incompetence...
Ok, not picking on anyone specifically, just using this quoted post as an example so please don't bite my head off. Thanks in advance.

The point I wanted to make is that this type of whinging serves no purpose but to get old real fast. Just an observation.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I see a lot of people complaining about the price. That is how much people in Japan paid for them! Actually they ended up paying a bit more. You are getting a discount.


Ok, not picking on anyone specifically, just using this quoted post as an example so please don't bite my head off. Thanks in advance.

The point I wanted to make is that this type of whinging serves no purpose but to get old real fast. Just an observation.
It's not 'whinging' (lol) when I'm pointing out a FACT, dear.


- A lot of whinging happening, indeed.

But what did the collective 'you' expect when they tried to push through a release, and likely deal with many underlying problems, just to appease us?
Obviously they are working with two, or more, different systems and as soon as they thought they had everything ironed out, they rushed the delivery, to appease us... You want to be the first to get the goods, (well if you have spent much time in UO) then you should expect to benefit and/or suffer from wanting as much... What did that one guru say (r.i.p.)? Patience, Daniel son.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
well, that would be the easy thing to do, Lady Kiara..... cept that I already redeemed one of the tokens (just wanted to see a full bookcase in our library) and I know that at least one other person has clicked away just about all of their tokens, so I don't know how that could be fixed

for me, if I logged in tomorrow and the rest just said "click for whatever you want" I'd be happy as a pig in mud

I'm really confused, and really tired..... must be time for bed

nite everyone
I hope this gets sorted out soon and comes to a smooth conclusion.

I bet an additional set of tokens or items, allowing choice of item as originally described, given as compensation for the difficulties to the early purchasers would go a long way to calming frayed nerves.

Perhaps the Tokens already purchased, along with items created from their redemption, could be traded for a new Token/Item via an NPC. If more verification of purchase is needed, perhaps have the players page a GM for the trade, with their proper infos ready for verification (purchase/invoice number, confirmation, etc. - even an OK/Authorization # from CS if none of those are available for a valid purchase, like for the pay-by-cash service maybe).

I have no idea how many players bought these and aren't happy, but it seems this would be something to help mend the mistake, and give CS a boost, too. Might seem a bit costly or time consuming, but I would bet good money on something like this being a very smart move.

I hope to see a swift and reasonable fix for this...I know many players have been wanting these for quite awhile, and I really feel for their disappointment after making plans for what they thought had been purchased (in the case of multiples of the same item, like bookcases for a library).

That being said, I imagine our UO Team was excited to announce this collection to us, especially after the wait. After all the good vibes, I hope this doesn't mess up the positive momentum.

I'm betting someone is feeling pretty down about this. I try to remember that we all make mistakes, at least I do anyway...sometimes those happen at work unfortunately. I know pretty much all industries are clouded with more stress with the economy as of late...it's got to start taking it's toll on our fellow professionals at some point.

I'm still glad that the Collection is going to be available, and am hoping to get a set myself once everything is resolved.


Actually yours is opinion. lol
Yes it is, as I stated. I've obviously pressed a button I didn't intend to. My apologies as I do not wish to dwell on this any further as my point has already been interated.


Gilfane Keeper of the Hall
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*shakes head*

How can UO, or Mythic, or EA, or whatever level is in charge of the whole operation, allow this sad state of affairs to continue? It is, quite simply, pathetic. It seems that whatever good they do with one hand, they can't help shooting themselves in the foot with the other.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does anyone know if there are different graphics on the bookshelf or if it just one graphic. I would like to have a few in my house, but if all the same grapic Ill skip buying.


Does anyone know if there are different graphics on the bookshelf or if it just one graphic. I would like to have a few in my house, but if all the same grapic Ill skip buying.
You're going to spend $30 per bookcase?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see a lot of people complaining about the price. That is how much people in Japan paid for them! Actually they ended up paying a bit more. You are getting a discount.
JC is correct. The current exchange rate is, I believe, .01083 US dollars to one Japanese yen. The full 11th Anniversary collection is selling for 3400 yen on the UO Japan site. That works out to $36.82 in US dollars.

I decided to not bother with trying to contact Customer Support about my purchase of the collection today until I hear how other people fare with the process. I think something's wacky with the Ancestral Gravestone's Spirit Speak buff and I'm pretty sure I never would have selected a number of the items if I could have picked something else instead. However, I had a nice evening tonight just watching TV and reading instead of playing UO and don't feel like raising my blood pressure before bed getting mad over this.

I only hope that no heads rolled over this one because being out of a job sucks, and that instead someone at Mythic wakes up and realizes they can't keep delegating the QA process for all things related to UO to the paying customers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
JC is correct. The current exchange rate is, I believe, .01083 US dollars to one Japanese yen. The full 11th Anniversary collection is selling for 3400 yen on the UO Japan site. That works out to $36.82 in US dollars.

I decided to not bother with trying to contact Customer Support about my purchase of the collection today until I hear how other people fare with the process. I think something's wacky with the Ancestral Gravestone's Spirit Speak buff and I'm pretty sure I never would have selected a number of the items if I could have picked something else instead. However, I had a nice evening tonight just watching TV and reading instead of playing UO and don't feel like raising my blood pressure before bed getting mad over this.

I only hope that no heads rolled over this one because being out of a job sucks, and that instead someone at Mythic wakes up and realizes they can't keep delegating the QA process for all things related to UO to the paying customers.
If you look at the link Flora posted they are also sold seperately:


315 yen ($3.41) sales tax included... for a bookcase. If I am reading it correctly

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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I wish they could fix the one of each item so you can choose any items you want.. I hate the idea of paying 30$ for items I will never use.


To err is human, to forgive, divine. (Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism)

Clearly emotions are high for those that bought the collection thus far. On that there's no doubt and I empathize. I'm not sure I'd be so reasonable if it were I in their stead.

Having said that however, I don't believe EA/UO intentionally mislead anyone. In fact, I'm pretty sure the typos and glitches with the website were not only unintentional but done with good intentions to meet popular demand.

What I find despicable, are the fearmongers who prey on folks' emotions. Shameful really.


If you look at the link Flora posted they are also sold seperately:


315 yen ($3.41) sales tax included... for a bookcase. If I am reading it correctly
Hmmm... If that same option is made available on the uocodes store website that would be fantastic and will appease a lot of folks' fears, if anything else. I think it would certainly calm the storm that's for sure. lol

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Hmmm... If that same option is made available on the uocodes store website that would be fantastic and will appease a lot of folks' fears, if anything else. I think it would certainly calm the storm that's for sure. lol
It certainly would! I, for one, would buy a few...but I don't want or need all of them.

At the very least, they should stand behind what they originally posted for those that paid. And for what it is worth, I did not buy any codes.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
If you didn't see the post I made earlier today, here is what happened after you typed or copied in your promotional code for the collection while in game:

First you received a token that was labeled "Your 11th Year Collection (Master)." When you clicked on this Master Token, a gump popped up that asked if you wanted to redeem the token. If you said okay, you then received three different tokens, as follows:

  • A token labeled "Your 11th Year Collection (Miscs)." If you used this token, you received one token each (three tokens total) for the Armor Engraving Tool, the "Bag of Bulk Order Covers," and Earring of Protection. If you clicked on the Earring of Protection token, you were able to select one set of blessed earrings with the +2 resist of your choice. Clicking on the token for a Bag of Bulk Order Covers gave you a bag containing 12 colored scrolls, one for each color of ore and one for each color of leather. Each scroll has 30 charges. When you click on a specific scroll, you get a targeting cursor asking which BOD book you want to use it on. The Armor Engraving Tool has 30 charges. Using it to remove text does not use a charge. I do not know if there is any mechanism in place to recharge the tool. Tinker NPCs only seem to be able to recharge Weapon Engraving Tools.
  • A token labeled "Your 11th Year Collection (Deco Items)." If you used this token, you received one token each (three tokens total) for a Wooden Bookcase, a Lamp Post (Round Style), and a Hitching Post. You can set the access security on each of these items. Using the hitching post to stable a pet uses no charges, but I believe claiming a pet does. The bookcase graphic changes from the "unfilled" look that is the same as a regular bookcase to a "filled" look as soon as you put an item in it. The inside view of the bookcase is the same couple of books and dinky space that you get with a regular crafted bookcase.
  • A token labeled "Your 11th Year Collection (Addons)." Using this token gave you one token each (five tokens total) for a Fallen Log, a Snow Tree, a Maple Tree, a Willow Tree, and an Ancestral Gravestone. You can set the access on the gravestone. Using it gives you a very temporary +5 Spirit Speak buff and makes an undead appear. (You see the word, "Praying..." over your head, then the message "You feel a greater sense" and then an undead pops up. I don't know what the message about feeling something means...probably is a typo and is meant to refer to the Spirit Speak buff.) The undead that appears only sticks around long enough to make a smart-aleck comment. You can only use the gravestone every 90 minutes. The zombie summoned earlier in the evening said, "Why you are not dead yet love," and the liche summoned a bit ago said, "Special offer is nothing for some reason, you moron!"

I also posted screenshots of the items earlier today in this post: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?p=1115968#post1115968.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You could always trade the ones you don't want for more of the ones you do.


Lando: Punch it.
[Chewbacca attempts to engage the hyperdrive on the Millenium Falcon - it fails]
Lando: They told me they fixed it! I *trusted* them to *fix* it! It's not my fault!

(I'm happy with what I got ... if we do end up getting to choose, I might get another set)
lol classic Star Wars reference...

would have been easier if they just did what Seige does and have a npc that exchanges rewards right? no harm no foul.


I remeber when one of the Asain shards got a 2 week revert and 1000s of them came to atl and comited suicide over and over.

Now look, they gets all the deals. lol

ear rings have use to me, other than that blah.


Always Present
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I remeber when one of the Asain shards got a 2 week revert and 1000s of them came to atl and comited suicide over and over.

Now look, they gets all the deals. lol

ear rings have use to me, other than that blah.
Haha, that sounds like a classic cultural protest ;) don't get what you want? Time for seppuku!


*passes out sacred blades* ANyone not satisfied? and btw, can we get your accounts after you're gone? Bah, had to throw that one out.