Well with the history of runic scripting and duping we get to play with another tool for Masonery. The wonder is how this will be acquired? They are saying nothing yet but I have a thought. Imbueding will make the whole runic need to make an uber items into a flop items to Unravel extravaganza. If stonecrafted items are going to be ear marked for imbueding then make their runic hard to earn. There is already a flood of the other skill runics to make all the unravelled supplies to make loads of Imbued stonecrafted items. (Another perfect mousetrap after Imbueding comes out..........any account shortly after imbueding comes out with more then one highend runic is a retread that needs banning/Observing.) Leaked that the granite will share same crafting stats as ingots as will the runic charges and mods. So the artwork was the real hard part to the new gargoyle only items? And thank you for the turn to gargoyle only option for armor but does this apply to Arty & rewards armor?
That is the current known or implied.
Way I like to see the Masonery Runic earned is from paragon (shadow-valorite) rare ore elementals. Gargoyle Pickaxes are used to bring them up so Gargoyle theme is there. The odds if a ROE (rare ore eli)spawning while using the goyl pick are a start..............add the chance that it will spawn as a paragon..............add the chance it will have a chest for loot and you have a great generator for runics. The ROE will be of one type ore and the chest is of a random type of ore color. Take that into balance and you have a runic color type. Most my mining is in Ish and been mining with a combat miner from the excuvator piackaxe days. From the start of Ish to today I have pulled 2 val ROE with chest and both same shadow color type. So under my plan that val ROE with shadow chest would of earned me a Gold Chisel & Mallet. Spawning a paragon verite ROE with a valorite colored chest would be 50/50 verite/valorite runic. Agapite ROE + bronze chest = gold runic. This genereator balances out of having a nice runic made items that wont have max mods and the option to age it by Imbueding. They will be of the mid to low range due to the fact that there are iron color/Umbra Black/Luna White chest. By being able to place the Umbra and Luna color chest above val or below iron will allow for the ablility to adjust earned runic level.
Second ideal is just put the Blackrock Elemental generator over the the ROE generator. This give a rare chance that a ROE spawned will be a blackrock eli and have a random runic generator on that. Means the blackrock wilds monster spawn removed or not a loot option. This a a bad option with my experience killing blackrock. Takes a legend bard and an undiscorded blackrock to bring one theese down or a small army.
For those that thinks the peace mage tamer is the most effective tamer template...........needs to also wake up to the fact that a mage miner is also outdated template. With the age of soulstones, bonded pets and fire beetles there are better ways to mine (Combat miners give an FU salute to the ghost beetle fix so now make it you can mine from a mount like a jacker can wood harvest while mounted. And the whole wraith form jacking and not mining fix another BS meter pegger). Just my view of a slow weak mage and mining. Not the best image for someone expected to swing a pick all day and carry ore. There should be a simple flag for a GM for anyone that recalls with ore in backpack.
That is the current known or implied.
Way I like to see the Masonery Runic earned is from paragon (shadow-valorite) rare ore elementals. Gargoyle Pickaxes are used to bring them up so Gargoyle theme is there. The odds if a ROE (rare ore eli)spawning while using the goyl pick are a start..............add the chance that it will spawn as a paragon..............add the chance it will have a chest for loot and you have a great generator for runics. The ROE will be of one type ore and the chest is of a random type of ore color. Take that into balance and you have a runic color type. Most my mining is in Ish and been mining with a combat miner from the excuvator piackaxe days. From the start of Ish to today I have pulled 2 val ROE with chest and both same shadow color type. So under my plan that val ROE with shadow chest would of earned me a Gold Chisel & Mallet. Spawning a paragon verite ROE with a valorite colored chest would be 50/50 verite/valorite runic. Agapite ROE + bronze chest = gold runic. This genereator balances out of having a nice runic made items that wont have max mods and the option to age it by Imbueding. They will be of the mid to low range due to the fact that there are iron color/Umbra Black/Luna White chest. By being able to place the Umbra and Luna color chest above val or below iron will allow for the ablility to adjust earned runic level.
Second ideal is just put the Blackrock Elemental generator over the the ROE generator. This give a rare chance that a ROE spawned will be a blackrock eli and have a random runic generator on that. Means the blackrock wilds monster spawn removed or not a loot option. This a a bad option with my experience killing blackrock. Takes a legend bard and an undiscorded blackrock to bring one theese down or a small army.
For those that thinks the peace mage tamer is the most effective tamer template...........needs to also wake up to the fact that a mage miner is also outdated template. With the age of soulstones, bonded pets and fire beetles there are better ways to mine (Combat miners give an FU salute to the ghost beetle fix so now make it you can mine from a mount like a jacker can wood harvest while mounted. And the whole wraith form jacking and not mining fix another BS meter pegger). Just my view of a slow weak mage and mining. Not the best image for someone expected to swing a pick all day and carry ore. There should be a simple flag for a GM for anyone that recalls with ore in backpack.