@ echo.. i so clearly see your point about how different things in the game working different than eachother.... It's kind of like if I tried to counter your point by saying something along the lines of:
Why should Protection be a toggle spell and confidence not? evasion not a toggle spell?
Yes I realise, but my counter-counter would be "make them toggle spells but take permanently 15 resist points, 30 skill points and lose your FC ability", then you would be in the same 'realm' of penalty to cast. Using a bit of mana to cast confidence and evasion, or a mage casting bless or a spellweaver casting attunement, - whatever - is in no way a comparable spell cost. That was the thrust of my point, the penalty for the benefit is probably already the 'steepest' cost in the game compared to other spells and buffs. And yes I realise most spells have their upsides and downsides, but the OP was suggesting making one more downside to an existing spell that currently has probably the highest cost in the game on a permanent basis to use, add in casting it every time you get hit with 4 spells and it would basically make it useless.
Basically my point on the 'other' spells such as vamp form etc etc was they
do not cost anywhere near the penalty as does protection, and if you want to 'nerf' the pro spell then you need to look at similar type buffs eg vamp form, that is on permanently and doesn't cost anything other than a bit of 'fire resist'. For that you don't get poisoned, you leech life every hit, and anyone 'hitting' generally 'heals' with aids, not magery, and the need for 'cure' pots is hardly an issue given that other than lethal you don't get poisoned. I have a necro too, and trust me, the 'cost' for vamp form is nowhere near the permanent cost to run a mage with pro on. I was basically being sarcastic to the 'nerf', not suggesting that the other spells need to have the 'same' penalty.
The problem with these boards from what I have seen is someone starts the 'convo' on nerf this or that spell, everyone rages about it, the pvp set then complain how unbalancing it is, a few more whine whine whines from the pvp'ers happen, probably a warrior who can't kill a mage etc, then next thing you know is the devs think it is some major problem, even tho the spell has been quietly used for sheesh 5-6 years or longer without complaints, and next you know it is on TC being nerfed to death and rendered useless, and again due to some pvp'er whining every mage in the game who pvm's is drastically effected and cops the 'nerf' when the majority don't pvp.
It is the same as ppl whining about script looters, as they should, but the devs kill the bos, effecting every player, instead of fixing the cheaters, and making playing and looting a drag for the majority.
The same for lumberjacking/miners, whiners about the 'donators' and scripters, what happens?, we nerf all wood and mining nodes and make it nearly impossible to get anything worth donating instead of dealing with the 'cheaters' we shall just nerf anyone who lumberjacks/mines legitimately.
Same for killing
vamp form with 'items' another pvp whine, which drastically effected pvm chars. And before you all shout you should have the 'skill' to cast it then the same applies to every 'tamer' who uses skill jewelry, every stealther with + stealth items etc. Not to mention that those of us who 'used' vamp form spell for pvm, sacrificed 30-40 skill points to necro from another skill, to be able to 'item' up to 100 so the cost for that ONE spell was permanently 30-40 skill points (depending on items), not 'free' as it was made out. Not to mention you either had to return to the bank each time to resuit and recast upon death and/or carry two suits and pay double the insurance on every death plus the time 'out' to do so. Please don't say most used 'soulstones' to get it, as stoning after every death was NOT the way 99.9% of players operated it. The ability to cast
ONE spell with items had a pretty 'hefty' cost attached to it, but again the whiners 'won' and the ability was 'nerfed' for everyone.
I really 'wonder' what nerf is in the pipeline now for 'pets' due to the pvp whiners, as again the vocal 'minority' has the devs now looking at this area. I guess I can expect a nerf to my tamer again soon in the next 'effort' to balance pvp.
All I have seen, and the above are just the tip of the iceberg for examples, are that pvp and cheaters rule this game while the silent majority cop it over and over. UO is becoming very 'un fun' for a lot of us.