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Siege Perilous

Speedy Orkit

Grand Inquisitor
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DEVs, fix faction arties. A full mage suit here costs around 75k silver, and you lose it when you die. I've played here forever, and I know we are the vet shard, made to be tougher, but isn't losing the items after farming them loss enough, should we really need to farm for 6-8 hours for a single suit? I have a few suggestions, as I am a faction player and exclusively PvP.

- Delete the items totally.

- Bring the cost back to 1x, the way it was before. That way a person can farm a decent suit in only 1-2 hours.

- Upon a faction players death, make a portion of the silver they put in their suit go to the victors bank
In example: Fred is wearing 14k in faction silver. Fred dies to Bob, Bob has 7k silver placed in his bank, and Freds items dissapear on death.


King of The Bearded Ladies
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is a very good idea. Something should really be changed on siege its getting a lil silly...


I say make it 1x like on prodo shards and problem is solved. I don think they should be removed.


Babbling Loonie
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I don't have a faction guy. but I would vote to get rid of all of them. Why should anyone have to monster kill to pvp?

Sir Morder

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about trying to preach more honorable play-style. There was a time when looting was done but stuff takin was mostly what was needed. A res was given, a "thanks for the battle" was said. Why would someone loot faction items when they are only usable by the owner? Maybe it's because this once glorious shard has turned into nothing more than romper room. Too many people crying because i lost this. Too many people crying because that person has that. Too many people crying because player X called the entire shard to come kill me. Too many people crying about all kill = no skill. Too many people crying about how he couldn't kill you because you instantly disappeared and stealthed away. Too many people crying about how he didn't have enough time to loot because he came back and instantly looted his own corpse. Too many people crying how peerless are not raidable on a completely felucca shard. Too many people crying about how overpowered his template is because i cant kill him. I've probally missed a hundred more cries, but what REALLY is the common theme here??? Lemme spell it out for y'all in cased you missed it. It's called CRYING. I mean really, how old are most of you? Does everyone cry this much irl? It's called a video game. Have fun with it. Lose the " i gotta win no matter what " mentality.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My biggest preference would be to have all the faction arties deleted completely from the game :spider:

However, barring that make the cost of the arties at regular production shard rates. Time these days is far to scarce to just farm for silver.


I think it would be a good idea to make them cost the same as the prodo shards. For your second idea they could do something like a salvage bag or in this case chest inside your faction base to turn in enemy faction armour for silver toward the purchase of your own. Half would be a reasonable amount.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think it would be a good idea to make them cost the same as the prodo shards. For your second idea they could do something like a salvage bag or in this case chest inside your faction base to turn in enemy faction armour for silver toward the purchase of your own. Half would be a reasonable amount.
I agree.

While your add it... boost the drop rate of runics and fix PVM so it's actually worth a players time to go out and hunt for stuff.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For siege they should take off the Owned by, so you can kill someone and be able to wear there suite if some guy just killed you and took yours if you kill someone you can wear theres. It sucks farming all that silver to die and the guys gona loot it and just sit in his house collecting dust cos he wants to be an ass and loot your armour even after he has the victor of killing you (if iv interpretted this right as to how it works) Or just kill some other guy and loot his..... Eventually ya gona be nice to each other and get all trammy gay and say lets trade suites ill show you mine if you show me yours lol :D


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kill who ever took your suit and get it back ???
Because after 20 minutes when I'm out of stat loss... I'm sure they will still be around and not only that... still be carrying my suit in their backpack... :scholar:

If that owned by crap was removed... it would be much better...


Get rid of faction items on siege.

Faction players get arties that give you a HUGE bonus in pvp combat.
Non faction players do not. At least on prodo shards non-faction players can acquire and use and bless artifacts, we can't on siege so we rarely use them.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lower the cost back to the original prices just like on prodo...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lower it to 1X silver, same as prodo, they insure their Gear, we lose it every Death and have to farm 5X longer, if its to hard to take out the "Owner Tag" id be happy with the lower rate.
The Shard is Item dependent with or without it, Please just lower the Rate same as Prodo, TY


Remove the Owned By Tag. (Items on siege should not be player specific Ever.)


I say move prices down to 1x or 2x. i also like sunchicken's idea about turning other peoples artifacts in for points toward geting your own gear.


DEVs, fix faction arties. A full mage suit here costs around 75k silver, and you lose it when you die. I've played here forever, and I know we are the vet shard, made to be tougher, but isn't losing the items after farming them loss enough, should we really need to farm for 6-8 hours for a single suit? I have a few suggestions, as I am a faction player and exclusively PvP.

- Delete the items totally.

- Bring the cost back to 1x, the way it was before. That way a person can farm a decent suit in only 1-2 hours.

- Upon a faction players death, make a portion of the silver they put in their suit go to the victors bank
In example: Fred is wearing 14k in faction silver. Fred dies to Bob, Bob has 7k silver placed in his bank, and Freds items dissapear on death.
I'd be ok with deleting the items totally. The only reason I can imagine that they were introduced was to re-vitalize factions and on Siege, that was unneeded.

I'd be strongly opposed to lowering the cost to 1x. There is a reason Doom Arties are hard to get. There is a reason quest items are hard to get. No one should be able to get a full suit of improved doom arties in 1-2 hours of farming.

Your third suggestion sounds a lot like insurance. I don't want that either.


I agree with first trying to get rid of the owned by tag on the items. If that can not be done then just get rid of them altogether on Siege.

I do also feel that all the prices on siege should be lowered to prodo shard pricing, including vendor fees.

Soap Bubble

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
NO insurance on Siege P.
Vet Shard, meant to be hard and not easy.
People crying because they cant get Overpowered Doom artis (A full suit no less) in 1 or 2 hours. (A break here is needed on this thought process)
Vet shard meaning you have done it all and your SKILLS are up to the task of beating other people in combat. Not Items.... SKILL!!!
Wear your one good item like everyone else and leave your emotions in the nursery.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lower it to 1X silver, same as prodo, they insure their Gear, we lose it every Death and have to farm 5X longer, if its to hard to take out the "Owner Tag" id be happy with the lower rate.
The Shard is Item dependent with or without it, Please just lower the Rate same as Prodo, TY



I might be wrong but what is the point of having an all fel rule set with no insurance if you cant take people'es stuff

yea its a hard core shard and you should have risks, BUT

faction items are risk without reward

i get nothing for kill an enemy factioneer unless they are using non faction gear so why would i join factions? so i can PVM to get the Gear, to pvp, in a situation where i get no reward?

this is SIEGE, what happened to being able to pk people and then kill thier friend with thier sword?!

/signed for taking off player tags ( i wouldnt mind if only factions could use them, since your still taking your enemies items, but player specific items ruins pking on siege)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Faction arties should cost the same as every other shard UNLIKE the other shard we still have the risks of loosing them upon death. this would eliminate most of the shards greifing problems. I think another thing that would be nice is to allow us to turn in faction items for half cost.


Im fairly new to the shard so i wont go into a rant.

Personally i would just like to see the "owned by" property gone from the faction arties, make them so that no matter who buys them any factioneer can use them (that way i could make more money pain having to find the specific person i steal from i dont even bother atm), then you wont have post after post of whining. Which sorry guys gets boring!!

Oh and dont the talis have a chance of being blessed??
If so that should definatly go bye bye!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Siege is suppose to be the hard shard nothing is suppose to be obtained easily, if you dont like that kind of "hardcore/veteran" pvp/shard than you might want to try out production, they offer insurance and you will no longer have to worry about farming silver. Or you could try dieing less or playing without the faciton gear :)

Either way its far to late now, they alrdy added the items to siege, you think they are going to fix it now... Or even listen to real players suggestions? Doubtful but goodluck with it all.

I for one am against faction artys being easily obtainable... Siege Perilous has been and will be the hard server. Thats why you have to renounce your young player status to see the server even visable on the list.

GL ;) and a HUGE N-O from me.
Hush, you! All you come here for is to bash Siege and Ultima Online. Besides, you quit and don't even play anymore. I guess it must have been too hard for a vet like yOOOOuuuuuu! :lick:

Where's my stick!



I don't have a faction guy. but I would vote to get rid of all of them. Why should anyone have to monster kill to pvp?
You had to monster farm before, you dont think you could beat someone in a full artifact suit with your GM armour and your crafted weapons or do you? (Unless you use a dragon or a 4 people gank ;-) And those artifacts dont happen to drop in my bank box for free...

Now i just have to farm Silver, which isnt that hard at all. Though it is time consuming and needed to compete vs the rest wearing faction armour suits.

I Agree or lower the price to 1x/2x instead of 5x or make the faction armour not player bound so people will loot them so we atleast have the risc vs reward back on Siege.


NO insurance on Siege P.
Vet shard meaning you have done it all and your SKILLS are up to the task of beating other people in combat. Not Items.... SKILL!!
So if my Enemy wears DCI of 80% and never hit him with my archer its because i lack playing skills that i cant kill him? Or if i get a suit and some items to increase my HCI to 50 or something and i am able to kill him its not skill? please explain when something is or isnt skill? i think a fair playing field where everyone has access to the same items will even the field a bit and the skill will show the winners...we dont live in a Pre AOS UO anymore get over it.


My two cents:

UO was appealing to me because it involved skill, instead of a lot of other MMORPG's where you sit on your ass and level up to 50, or whatever the highest level is, then run around questing getting your uber gear so you can gank anyone who didn't want to spend 500 hours farming shiny things.

I don't want to play in a faction. I like to pvp, and fight other players, but it shouldn't be required to be in a faction if you want to pvp. At the moment it is, I remember when uo pvp was skill based and even if you weren't 7x gm, if you knew what you were doing you could stand your own, it seems like it's turning into diablo II - where you spend more time trying to get shiny things that make you uber. Then once you have done that you point and click. I don't think it should be cheaper, that doesn't balance the game for people who aren't in factions. It affects all players who fight, not just factioners. So it should either not have name tags (which is basically insurance in the aspect of loot) or just not be there.

I do think you should have to spend time developing your character and obviously you need good equip, but this is a little ridiculous.


I vote for taking them out completely. What happened to balance?
Taking them out will inbalance pvp to whom have time or funds to get artifacts and build a uber suit in the game. Take them out and take artifacts out then or leave em all..

On seige everyone should be in factions, you shouldnt be safe anywhere anyways.
Blue GZ noto (tamers) we dont need, or do we?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I vote for taking them out completely. What happened to balance?

Pls remove the faction arties from Siege!

Who´s idea was it to introduce this godly suit on Siege in the first place anyway? All 70s resists and all other mods maxed or close to maxed and easily obtained...

As someone else posted here on prodo shards there is more balance between factioners and non-factioners cuz the non-factioners can still wear an uber suit with blessed and insured stuff.

On Siege they basically can´t.

So pls remove the faction arties on Siege!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Taking them out will inbalance pvp to whom have time or funds to get artifacts and build a uber suit in the game. Take them out and take artifacts out then or leave em all..
I´d be happy to see them delete all the Magincia cursed arties as well...


Im leaning more towards remove them completely now,

One of the great appeals of siege to me was that once i EVENTUALLY (GD ROT!!! gta love it) gm'd my skills i would be able to semi-compete with normal leather armour. Now what, have to join factions get som ekill points then farm silver to buy an "elite production shard suit"!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Siege is suppose to be the hard shard nothing is suppose to be obtained easily, if you dont like that kind of "hardcore/veteran" pvp/shard than you might want to try out production, they offer insurance and you will no longer have to worry about farming silver. Or you could try dieing less or playing without the faciton gear :)

Either way its far to late now, they alrdy added the items to siege, you think they are going to fix it now... Or even listen to real players suggestions? Doubtful but goodluck with it all.

I for one am against faction artys being easily obtainable... Siege Perilous has been and will be the hard server. Thats why you have to renounce your young player status to see the server even visable on the list.

GL ;) and a HUGE N-O from me.
Hush, you! All you come here for is to bash Siege and Ultima Online. Besides, you quit and don't even play anymore. I guess it must have been too hard for a vet like yOOOOuuuuuu! :lick:

Where's my stick!


Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If we cannot have them removed, then we do need a little love regarding silver...

why not drop the price back as it was for the first 24 hours, I see no logic in making it 5 times as much as prodo, if anything it should be switched, prodo needs to buy the items one time!

And with the amount of room they have to work with you would think we would have 20/30 spots to farm, not just 2!

A little help here will go a long way!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wouldnt say this system is flawed on siege, Its the fact the entire AOS item/combat system that is flawed on siege. The AOS system simply does not work with out item insurance, And thats one thing that siege will never have.


i would be able to semi-compete with normal leather armour. Now what, have to join factions get som ekill points then farm silver to buy an "elite production shard suit"!
I will repeat again you cant compete in normal leather, even not before faction armour. The normal artifacts let you build suits (elite production shard suits) that are very hard to beat with average equipment. Faction armour just closed the GAP between the Elite Uber Armours Users and the regular players without lots of time and funds.

People on Seige always have run "elite production shard suit" or didnt because they where scared of loosing the items. I remember a time where "elite production shard suit" people, where called cheaters all the time, just cause they didnt die fast enough...

Bring back the scared of loosing items and we will be fine, although i like cheaper uber suits personaly so i can compete while I play casualy.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Puffy, maybe if you hadn't been bashing the shard the past few months even after quiting the game entirely people would take your opinion more serious...la


I say make the items even more expensive. Siege is supposed to be risky. If you don't dare to wear the items in pvp for fear of losing them then you belong on a Production Shard with Insurance...I know Speedy has already been playing Atlantic because he can't handle Siege.
Speedy is only posting this because his guild has been getting so dominated on Siege that they have nothing left to do but come to Uhall and cry that the game isn't fair.


I think I was explaining my opinion on the faction items and the people who want them given out to players for 1000 silver. That is just ridiculous.
I agree with ye Puffy, its too easy.

But do you think Hardcore/Veteran should mean "waste endless hours of farming to get artifacts and other stuff to build a ubersuit" after we "wasted an endless time in getting a 6x legendary character" just to start pvping? (The noob looses all his stuff trying to learn this new hardcore pvp and has to start farming nearly all over again...and again...)

The first two facts means this isn't the Hardcore PvP server it could be since no one except for a few looney who play Siege are gonna want too waste that much time and energy. I dont think Hardcore means that it just takes a lot of time to gather the stuff you need, it should be harder. Make the Monsters stronger maybe? Stuff like that. Making it more expensive doesn't make it any more Hardcore in my Book. Really Hardcore would be PERMA DEATH! i would sign up for that one a world full of noobs or really carefull people! yeah...now i think of it that would be awesome... *laughs evil and creates perma death MMO*

What you think about that? I am really interested in your opinion.

Speedy Orkit

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with ye Puffy, its too easy.

But do you think Hardcore/Veteran should mean "waste endless hours of farming to get artifacts and other stuff to build a ubersuit" after we "wasted an endless time in getting a 6x legendary character" just to start pvping? (The noob looses all his stuff trying to learn this new hardcore pvp and has to start farming nearly all over again...and again...)

The first two facts means this isn't the Hardcore PvP server it could be since no one except for a few looney who play Siege are gonna want too waste that much time and energy. I dont think Hardcore means that it just takes a lot of time to gather the stuff you need, it should be harder. Make the Monsters stronger maybe? Stuff like that. Making it more expensive doesn't make it any more Hardcore in my Book. Really Hardcore would be PERMA DEATH! i would sign up for that one a world full of noobs or really carefull people! yeah...now i think of it that would be awesome... *laughs evil and creates perma death MMO*

What you think about that? I am really interested in your opinion.

Exactly, it's not about the items being hard to obtain, it's about risk v.s reward and time spent farming v.s time spent PvPing.

Hera - Siege

Lore Master
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So now instead of crying about faction buybacks, people are just going to trash the suits and say "go farm more." If it's set to 1x.

Then there will be crying about that.

I'm all for removing the faction items completely, or keep the price at 5x and just reduce the durability to like 25/25 and make them blessed, that's what you all want anyways... That way you'll lose a suit about once a night, maybe more if you're PvPing. . .

Speedy Orkit

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I say make the items even more expensive. Siege is supposed to be risky. If you don't dare to wear the items in pvp for fear of losing them then you belong on a Production Shard with Insurance...I know Speedy has already been playing Atlantic because he can't handle Siege.
Speedy is only posting this because his guild has been getting so dominated on Siege that they have nothing left to do but come to Uhall and cry that the game isn't fair.
Now was it that I went back to playing Atl, or was it that me and OiNland/Champs/NFC and the rest of the guilds I was in ran you off the shard because the best guild you ever came into was HOG?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So now instead of crying about faction buybacks, people are just going to trash the suits and say "go farm more." If it's set to 1x.

Then there will be crying about that.

I'm all for removing the faction items completely, or keep the price at 5x and just reduce the durability to like 25/25 and make them blessed, that's what you all want anyways... That way you'll lose a suit about once a night, maybe more if you're PvPing. . .


And yes I think it should take time (hours) to get those kinds of items. I use to sit in doom for 12 hours and not get anything but that was ok?
You think that because you took the time to get those items? Or because that's the definition of Hardcore in your book?

I would love the hang out in Doom for 12 hours each week between work, wife and other real-life stuff but it aint gonna happen unless i get divorced, jobless and without friends. But i do want to PvP and get the thrills of being under attack suddenly while walking in a forest in a fantasy world which makes my adrenaline go up and up and get killed and dry looted once a while and return the favour...get frustrated by my lack of skills, etc...

Still UO Siege is the most Hardcore PvP MMO i can find and I keep coming back to it, although i lack the skills, ping (from europe 100+) and the time to farm artifacts uber suits. Only if Darkfall would release and is as advertised i wouldn't return anymore, maybe...only time will tell...for now i am here to stay and think discussion about this is a good one.

UO needs a decent hardcore pvp server, they owe it to the oldschool followers of UO!