I am sure there are many things that can be tweaked with any event. Do not intend for this to be an airing of grievances thread, but a place to give feedback and ideas...
Heading back to the OP I think there are many things that the EM's can do to make these events much better. As regards to rewards, I go back to what I posted above:
* To my mind these events should be an 'all or nothing' thing, NO rewards AT ALL, to anyone, or give all participants a 'token memento reward' along with the 'winner' prizes.
*Where any 'reward' is intended to be issued, I think that all people who participate should at least be given a 'token' offer to show they have participated as a memento of the event. Something simple such as book, goblet, sash or 'whatever' (in this case a 'heart' would have been fitting), with: "I participated in the Valentines Day Event 2009" given to any who attend,
the same token item across all shards, so they are not 'rare', including one to those who may win the event and the other rewards.
In addition: General Event Moderating
* I believe for any scheduled event at least 1 GM should be present, hidden or not, 2 on the larger shards, and anyone found to be spamming, disrupting and being rude to either the EMs or other players, should be sent immediately to jail, the offending jnl should be examined and if there is no doubt that that individual was obviously trying to be disruptive a minimum of a 48 hr ban to the account should be given.
* the EMs should always be positioned so that they are out of the 'throng' in a clearly visible area, trying to find an EM in the mob is silly and very frustrating.
*where there are a lot of instructions to be given out the mob should be squelched.
* where there is a 'timeframe' for completion it should be stated clearly.
* where it is 'race' type event, and is completed after 'x' amount of players are back then a public broadcast should be made advising ALL participants that the event has been 'solved' and to return for the awards etc, if people then wish to continue with the event for the rp/challenge then it is up to them.
From what I have read this round of events are all different depending on the shard. The event on Oceania was basically go to a place, answer a question written on a scroll, then figure out the next location as hinted at in a book and get the next question there etc. Once you had all the questions and answers write them in a book and return. Seems like GL had some kind of a fashion contest?
Based on these two types of events my feedback is:
Firstly, events that require a deep knowledge of the game, the question/answer type things are ONLY catering to vets which is exclusionary. Questions such as: 'what is the name of the heart shaped clearing se of Yew' etc basically rule out probably 50% of players from having a shot, same as questions referring to the inscription on Gwenno's memorial located sw of Valor gate Ilsh past the lichs. Only vets would have an idea of where and what the 'clue' was referring to, same as 'where is the candle of love' etc.
This type of thing is fine if it is duration event, ie run over a week or so then meet to hand in so that the non-vets have time to actually figure some of it out. It can be made as hard/tricky as you like if time is given to complete it. By making it a 'race' to be done in less than an hour, you rule out participation by anyone who is not exceedingly familiar with past events, past story arcs, the whole UO land mass and basically all new players of less than 12mths.
Events should be planned to cater for the majority, and the first question put forward when planning should be 'does this event cater to all players including new players, vets, casual players? etc. If the answer is no, or that you would have to have been playing for a long time to know the answers then that event should be either given a long time frame or not run at all.
Events that cater to the MAJORITY are things such as:
'Simon says' type games, obstacle courses, guessing competitions, gathering items (not obscure things), team events where the teams are randomly picked by the EM, killing and looting 'special' light spawn to collect items either individually or in teams (ie mass skeletons kill and collect, the first 'team' to get 2000 special bones [expiry timer on them]), memory tests, treasure hunts in 'easy' dungeons, word games in fixed locations etc
These type of events are able to be run in a short timeframe, cater to the majority and level the playing field for all participants. They are designed to 'Include' the majority. They can be made with varying difficulty levels based on the individuals skill rather than their UO longevity. They are 'measurable' in terms of who 'wins' rather than subjective such as a 'fashion competition' would be. How this type of thing was 'judged' is completely subjective and cannot be 'measured' which leaves the EM's open to accusations of bias, favoritism etc. Not good for the EM's nor the players, especially if 'rewards' worth millions are given out.
I think the EM(s) on Oceania did a great job, the questions and clues were really well structured, my only criticism is as above in that that 'type' of event was basically exclusionary to anyone not a vet. For a short duration (ie 1-2 hr event) it would have been better to run something that catered to all players not just vets. My issues with rewards are UO wide and not based on any one shard.