While a lot of the old-timers decry the items in the game, it's really most affecting the PvP aspect.
Since I don't do that, what I HAVE noticed is that, if one really wants to flex their creativity, the +Skill items can let you try skill combos that ordinarily wouldn't be possible.
My Treasure Hunter is a melee swordsman, by choice. It's more challenging, more of an adrenaline rush when you see the level 6 spawn pop up, and a lot more fun than standing there and saying "All kill" (I'm just now, in the last 6 weeks, working on the tamer I started 6 years ago, and actually used TWO Advance Character tokens on, for taming and Bard skills). I've got 57 skill points from equipment, which allows me to have Cart & LP on a character full-time with Swords, Parry, Tactics, Healing, Anatomy and Chivalry. In fact, before Tactics got nerfed by the "real skill" requirement for special moves, I had an 800-point template.
I could have made some "leet" uber-warrior, but I chose fun and the road less traveled.
Similarly, I have a Legendary Blacksmith with legendary Mace Fighting, with 86 skill points from items in the other warrior support skills, and 100 mining. Again, I made the choice of Role-playing and fun opportunities, over creating the Uber-warrior. And, the ability to be out mining, get jumped by a red, disarm him, kill him, then go brag in Luna that "so and so just got killed by a legendary SMITH" (I don't mention the 120 points of real macing I have), is an added bonus (Though, I've not had it happen in almost 4 years - I think they're all afraid of me, after hearing I deliberately hunt for paragon Valorite elementals when I go mining in Ilshenar, and I don't mine much in Fel anymore).
Or, my tailor with a similar suit, that harvests his own leather in Destard using a Reptile Slayer Skinning Knife (good for RP, plus works the same as a Butcher's War Cleaver, when equipped).
You see the pattern? The problem with a lot of the "item-based" characters, is that they are always striving to be the best, not the most creative or flexible - and therefore, the problem lies with the players, not the characters.