I was talking to a few people about how they don't get drops. And as we all know about UO, they always will change things to make the people happy. Thats how things work in the world of UO. So before they do something stuiped like that, they should think about all the people that come in the end of the hunt and get it. If they do change anything it should be fair to the people that do the full hunt. They should make it that for each level u do u get a 10% chance of getting it and if u do the boss alone u will have 0% chance. Yea people are going to said thats not fair but if u watch at oaks only the real hunters are killing the dragons trying to get that extra chance of getting the drop but its always that _________ that just comes and gets hits on the boss that gets it. I'm not saying that every boss should drops one, I would like to know what other real hunters that do the full hunt think about this. and Yea thoese that think that just killing the boss should be all u need to do. BRING IT ON