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What is it about UO?



Anyone else quit to find greener pastures in a new game but come to find nothing can replace or top your UO memories?

I have tried DoAC, WoW, EQ, Warhammer, Realm, SW, Eve, and countless other lesser known titles, but have yet to find anything that makes me feel the way UO does.

My question, What brings YOU back to UO every time?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Anyone else quit to find greener pastures in a new game but come to find nothing can replace or top your UO memories?

I have tried DoAC, WoW, EQ, Warhammer, Realm, SW, Eve, and countless other lesser known titles, but have yet to find anything that makes me feel the way UO does.

My question, What brings YOU back to UO every time?
There is no place like Home! :)


Slightly Crazed
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Mainly the freedom in uo:spider: and the Houseing systems that no other games offer!! All Hail:bowdown: UO :bowdown:


Stratics Veteran
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I just keep my UO account because I don't want to lose my castle.
Yup pixel crack is why I am here.

My main game is WoW which is YEARS better then UO,

For all you haters, how many of you would still be here if UO never had player housing?

Think about it.


Crazed Zealot
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The things that I haven't found in another game are a skill gain system that doesn't necessarily shove you into a class, a skill gain system that isn't always a leveling grind, a system that enables the brand new player to have the same possibilities as a player who has been around for years (I took a one week old player to a peerless hunt this week, how many other games can you do that in?), a game that doesn't require that you do certain content at certain times, an in depth crafting system, a game where you can still make a good living without so much as attacking a rat... etc.

But the reason I came back to UO is the community. If the same people played a different game, I probably would have gone there. These are the people I laughed with, cried with, played with, screamed with for 11 years now, even when some of us were on our breaks. We've gone through weddings, divorces, children, deaths, graduations, drop outs, illnesses and all other life happenings together. It just happens that the medium we use to enjoy ourselves for a few hours at a time is UO.

Arch Magus

There's just something so free about UO.

Maybe it's the ability to place any item on the ground.
maybe it's housing.
maybe it's the interaction between players.

It's definitely something.

And to the previous poster (before Farsight): WoW is ridiculously boring and you don't actually get anywhere. wow for the lose.:sad4:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone else quit to find greener pastures in a new game but come to find nothing can replace or top your UO memories?

I have tried DoAC, WoW, EQ, Warhammer, Realm, SW, Eve, and countless other lesser known titles, but have yet to find anything that makes me feel the way UO does.

My question, What brings YOU back to UO every time?
I've been asking myself that exact same question many times. I tried AO, EQ, Ashen Empires and others. Nothing compares to UO. My impression is that UO has the most depth and allows the most different playstyles, thus is more entertaining than other games. UO never turns into a boring treadmill (unless tasks like BODs which you are not forced to perform). UO has a real history, and in UO players can leave a permanent mark in the online gaming world. The community is unique!

Lord Drakelord

Anyone else quit to find greener pastures in a new game but come to find nothing can replace or top your UO memories?

I have tried DoAC, WoW, EQ, Warhammer, Realm, SW, Eve, and countless other lesser known titles, but have yet to find anything that makes me feel the way UO does.

My question, What brings YOU back to UO every time?
Its really funny you should point out all those other game titles, as I never played a single one, they all lack something that UO has always had, family.


A lil off subject, but in Darkfall you can design your "house" or w/e they are going to be


Crazed Zealot
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Most games are progression-based (you follow a series of quests of increasing difficulty) while UO is mini-game-based (masses of little systems that interact). This gives us in UO great freedom to customize our experience.


Seasoned Veteran
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Anyone else quit to find greener pastures in a new game but come to find nothing can replace or top your UO memories?

I have tried DoAC, WoW, EQ, Warhammer, Realm, SW, Eve, and countless other lesser known titles, but have yet to find anything that makes me feel the way UO does.

My question, What brings YOU back to UO every time?
A couple reasons:

1) Levels - I can't stand them. After playing UO, levels feel like a pair of spandex bike shorts 2 sizes too small. I want my herding camping poisoning ninja chef. I may not have the most lethal combination of skills, but I find them to be the most fun. When they stop being fun I can use soul stone to mix skills around and come up with something new and different.

2) Freedom - My wife enjoys UO for entirely different reasons than I do, but the thing is she enjoys it. There is just so much we can do with this game between the various dev/EM events, player event, crafting, taming, PvM, PvP, etc. I've been playing since '99 and I finally have a tamer that can field a mare/dragon combo, never been much interested in taming until this year. Last year I focused on my crafting chars which were finally enjoyable because of KR. Before that it was PvM and Peerless. PvP before AOS.

3) Community - never felt all that welcome in other games, having text restricted to a chat window and not overhead just sucks. Never really gave them a chance ...

4) Universe - I HATE (hate hate HATE) the warcraft universe. I've hated it since warcraft 2. It's dumb lame idiotic (sorry). I enjoy LOTR, but that WOW clone is so restrictive, poorly designed, and boring.

5) Quests - I dislike most NPC UO quests, ditto for WOW and LotRO. In UO NPC quests are completely avoidable until I feel like doing them.

6) Still New - I can find parts of Sosaria that I haven't visited before that are fun and interesting.

These reason result in EA/Mythic/OSI getting the bulk of my gaming dollars since 99. The crappy economy means that EA/Mythic are the only people getting any gaming dollars for the foreseeable future.


I am not limited to structured skill trees. If I want a Swordsman with Cooking I can do it.

Customized housing - your imagination limits designs.

Many crafting resources are readily available at a reasonable price - even in Luna if you look hard enough.

How many of those other game areas have 400+ possible foe ... aggro mobs and neutral animals, named monsters and humans.

How many of these other areas have been around long enough to actually have entries in a category for EXTINCT? Hmmm?

That's a 20-second burst of brainpower. I need coffee now.


Grand Poobah
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It's fun, it works (all jokes and frustrations aside), I already know how to play it, already have a built-up character, I know the lore, it has enough lore to be used as a basis to RP but not enough to be strangling.


I just like it. Nothing terribly complex.

-Galen's player


Ive played quite a few other games since uo came out also and always end up back at uo, for me, its the matureness of most of the player base that does it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The freedom...

House design,deco, storage. I may be a poor apartment renting college student IRL, but in game I can be a castle owning, veteran, pack rat. I can not only build a house the way I want to, but even with castles I can deco them exactly as I want to. There are so many items in this game that with a little creativity and vision I can do amazing things. Sure "Tile" based worlds may be a little out of date, but man it provides endless possibilities when it comes to house deco. I love seeing other peoples house designs and layouts. Some of them are the ugliest most hideous things I have ever seen, and they make me feel so much better about my own design. Others are simply beautiful, and show me whats still possible and how much I can improve on. The intricate, detailed, customizable housing is probably the biggest reason I play.

Skills: I can mix and match any skills in any amount that I want to. I have tried a lot of games, and nothing is as cool as making my own character template. Sure, some templates work best for certain situations... but in UO i have the CHOICE to use those templates, or try one of my own. Easily the second biggest reason I play UO.

Gameplay: I can PvP, PvM, play in groups or alone, craft, garden, collect rares, and buy and sell anything I want. I can fish, I can hunt for treasure, I can tame and train animals. I have never been into roll-playing, but if I decide i want to try it, this is the perfect game to do it in. I can play whatever kind of character, and do what ever I want to do any day of the week. There are countless options and I am not forced to do a single one of them if I dont want to.

Its also kind of cool to log in and play with people age 10-75, nearly all of whom can each teach me about some aspect of UO I still don't know about after 125+ months.

Some of this just comes with time... but you can bet I will never even try another game unless it offers customizable housing, and skill freedom.

Lady Arwen

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Anyone else quit to find greener pastures in a new game but come to find nothing can replace or top your UO memories?

I have tried DoAC, WoW, EQ, Warhammer, Realm, SW, Eve, and countless other lesser known titles, but have yet to find anything that makes me feel the way UO does.

My question, What brings YOU back to UO every time?
I cant even count the number of times Ive asked myself this. Ive played Vanguard, WoW, Warhammer, and tons of others. And each time, all I ever wanna do is come back to UO. UO is like my home, and it always will be. Even though sometimes I get quite annoyed with it, and bored with it. The people Ive met in UO are like family to me. I havent gotten that close to people Ive met in any other games.

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's the people, people. :D I have friends from this game who have been through real life heartbreaks with me. They're my second family and life is better because of them.


Stratics Legend
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Stealing from other players. No other game has even bothered to allow this to happen. There were rumors this would be allowed in Darkfall, but I am now learning they have taken this ability out.

I'll still giver a try, but at the same time, if it doesn't hold my attention...I'll be back to UO rather quickly...la


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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I would have to leave in order to answer the what brings you back part *grins*

What keeps me here:
Community - first and foremost.
We have a real community both in game and on forums. We band together and collect whatever we can offer when a player has been gone and restarting or been hacked. We tolerate for the most part the "black sheep" of our family who balance out the ray of sunshine posts with a thundercloud or two (or three or four...). We find those we connect most with in game and form guilds then friendships and finally families. No other game I have tried since starting UO has made me feel "at home" from the time I logged in. In UO I was welcomed on LS immediately at WBB wandering around asking my newbie questions. Love it still.

What else....my home. It has my personal imprint on the game right there. I did that, not a developer. When people stop by they are seeing what I created with my imagination. It's a cool feeling.


I did my stints in EQ, DAOC, WoW, etc etc, but nothing ever compared to UO. For me it was a matter of game design: UO is a virtual world that gives you tools (skills) to interact with it, the other MMOs are games with a "world" tacked on in order to house it.

Think about the things that come about from being designed first and foremost a virtual world. You can place items on the ground. You can build houses. You can build not only weapons and armor but furniture. Houses are placed on the landscape itself, not in some instanced "Housing Zone" suburbia. You want to be a ninja who also happens to make killer muffins? Go for it.

Then compare that to the design of other MMOs. A leveling curve is designed in order to keep subscribers busy running the treadmill, then game content is developed around that. So they come up with 50 levels, which means in order to support that leveling curve they need to develop X camps of monsters at level Y, or provide Z quests of ramping difficulty to reach 50. Oh, and in order to place those things, I guess they better throw a world together to house it all!

I guess I can sum it up by saying: UO is art, other MMOs are a product.


Yeah the freedom. You can do anything ya want. Skill based and not levels, houses. Player run events, anything from auctions to fights to casinos etc.


I agree about freedom, i love the fact that you can start anew get a group of people who are well above your class and hunt together.

Granted you may die but i dont think there is any other game that as soon as you start you can join, make freinds and have a good time fighting hard monster (if you choose) and get nearly the same reward chance!

I also love the diversity and the longevity, only game i have ever played that you cant finish but yet you dont get bored for too long!

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I have often wondered the same thing. I took 3 years off from UO and in that time tried Star Wars Galaxies, DAOC, and a few others. But never found anything that had the same feeling of freedom UO gives me.

For me UO was like a first love. Nothing compared, and I would often find myself fantasizing about UO while I was playing another game. In the end I realized that UO is where I wanted to be, and that's why I'm back now. Been nearly 2 years since I droped all other MMO's and came back to UO, and I don't regret it one bit. It's good to be home.


Anyone else quit to find greener pastures in a new game but come to find nothing can replace or top your UO memories?

I have tried DoAC, WoW, EQ, Warhammer, Realm, SW, Eve, and countless other lesser known titles, but have yet to find anything that makes me feel the way UO does.

My question, What brings YOU back to UO every time?
I can't say that I have ever quit UO in my 11+ years.

However, I did try EQ for a few months, didn't compare to UO.

I tried out LOTR for all of 3 days - hated it - didn't compare to UO.

I occasionally play Guild Wars when I can't find anything I want to do in UO. I love Guild Wars for what it is. But it doesn't compare to UO either.

UO is unique and it has a something for everyone whatever your preference may be. That's what makes it so great!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Community, plain and simple. Well I've never left UO for another game. I've checked out a few but never went so far as to actually play them. UO is home and I love my shard.

Well ok housing too, I love my customized houses!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's the people, people. :D I have friends from this game who have been through real life heartbreaks with me. They're my second family and life is better because of them.

We loves you Mama Faith!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A lil off subject, but in Darkfall you can design your "house" or w/e they are going to be
Err... WAY of subject, especially considering that you're statement is completely unfounded and wrong... Unless you've played the full release of the game (impossible) you probably wouldn't know... Not to mention that word on the subject is that (considering there is NO PLAYER HOUSE) clan cities are in predefined locations, with a limited number of these pre-selected locations, with pre-designed buildings, in pre-designed spots in the pre-designed cities.


Darkfall really, really is going to be spectacular.. But it isn't going to capture the heart of half the UO players like some people think it will...


Stratics Veteran
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4) Universe - I HATE (hate hate HATE) the warcraft universe. I've hated it since warcraft 2. It's dumb lame idiotic (sorry). I enjoy LOTR, but that WOW clone is so restrictive, poorly designed, and boring.
I seriously choke on my diet pepsi everytime I read or hear someone rave about the creative genius and wonderfully original lore in the Warcraft series. I mean, I seriously can't even hold my eyes back from popping out. These people haven't read any fantasy, or, their whole and exclusive exposure to fantasy has been Warcraft... or something. It has always been so generic and hokey and there is just so much that is incongruous or nonsensical about it that it boggles the mind. I think of Warcraft as (no offense) like Star Wars in the sense that someone kinda hacking themselves off as an original writer threw in a whole bunch of unexplained and poorly developed variety just for the sake of throwing out a lot of variety and not worrying too much about it fitting together or making sense. (Yes yes I know there's a whole book series world surrounding SW which develops all that stuff but unless they were hand written by Lucas then my criticism still applies insofar as the original "vision.")

Okay way off topic and not meaning to provoke SW fans. The point was, everything in Warcraft, at least in WOW for sure, is like they took something that a random letter arrangement program spit out like Nazguthlatiailwehakgldjhaeeeexxx and then sat around doing "everyone add one sentence" story writing to develop the plot and quests. Seriously. I know they throw in a lot of easter eggs and references to past games and such, but those were generic too. So it's generic building on generic. Grand Lich Warlock Wizard-Lord Hi Hooftoo, known to the night elves as Whoacsvklajaxcvzldkfjaewor, known to the Druids as aweriuawetjasl;kdfja;klsdera.... conquered the mystical world tree and tapped its mystical powers to awaken the sleeping bulrog ga'garths to come forth and do his evil bidding...

I mean seriously it's not that I'm illiterate, don't pay attention to detail, or don't enjoy a good fantasy story. I always read the description of quests and such when I played WOW-- I just still had no clue what was going on because it was so unmemorable, poorly written, unoriginal and generic. It wasn't worth remembering or paying attention to.

Oh that plus, every boss and sub boss in the entire game uses lines like a villain in a black and white silent movie. Let me refer to my Mob-a-Day World of Warcraft calendar a coworker gave me for Christmas, not knowing that I cancelled 9 months ago...

The strands of LIFE have been severed! --- Ysondre (why is a green dragon names like a missing Huxtable kid?)

Okay, seriously, no one pays ANY attention what the enemy npc's in game say anyway, because when they're talking, they're usually also in the middle of killing you. But what the hell? The strands of LIFE have been severed? Does that give someone goosebumps? OMG WHAT A GRIPPING VILLAIN!?

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been asking myself that exact same question many times. I tried AO, EQ, Ashen Empires and others. Nothing compares to UO. My impression is that UO has the most depth and allows the most different playstyles, thus is more entertaining than other games. UO never turns into a boring treadmill (unless tasks like BODs which you are not forced to perform). UO has a real history, and in UO players can leave a permanent mark in the online gaming world. The community is unique!
Definitely a good, valid point and something that always crosses my mind when thinking about UO versus other games. You can be ANY playstyle you want. You aren't regulated. Sure it might not be effective, but WHO cares. You can make the template, and have fun with it.

Other games though?...NOPE. You are resigned to things called "talent trees" and other such things where you are just plain limited.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The people Ive met in UO are like family to me. I havent gotten that close to people Ive met in any other games.
You are not just speaking subjectively, there is a personableness in UO that doesn't exist in other games. Part of that is precisely BECAUSE there is not constantly something urgent, big or epic to do in UO. There's downtime for people to trade, talk, meet, get to know each other, in town or in someone's house in between fights. Other games give you a lot to do--maybe too much. Some even penalize you if you do not constantly keep busy. I ultimately got fed up with the fact that in World of Warcraft you were constantly making decisions on who to abandon--- you have friends who play more than you, or play more intensively powergrinding, and level faster. And in 3 days of that they are grinding on stuff that you can't handle fighting. And then you have friends who can't make it on as much, who are 10 levels behind you, who you wind up babysitting and hurting their experience by partying with, because you're higher.

I despised that... still do. Unless you just so happen to have friends who all play exactly the same amount, WOW's design puts wedges between you or even prohibits you from playing together. During the levelling stage even minor differences in playtime will result in big level gaps over a couple of weeks. And at the endgame stage how much you play (and how intensively) will determine what raid guild wants you, what dungeons you can manage to go to, and what quality of gear you have access to. This in turn winds up segregating you into doing different things because you don't have the gear for Onyxia (just pulling a name out of a hat) and your good friend gets bored and has way better gear than anything that drops in the dungeons you can handle.

I think a lot of people, in WOW, get too obsessed with levelling and the next big item drop. That's why there's less of a social feel (everyone busily powergrinding the next level) and also why most people in WOW, even if they originally joined with friends or made a lot of game friends along the way, wind up basically solo'ing the game, and joining raids like mad with people they don't really know or like. It's all about progression and the next piece of gear. And if your friends can't keep your pace, whoosh, out the airlock. I'll see you next time I stop by Ironforge but we're not probably going to actually go play the game together because I gotta get back to Naxx and get my next epic and you're still in noobie blue gear.

Diomedes Artega

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stealing from other players. No other game has even bothered to allow this to happen. There were rumors this would be allowed in Darkfall, but I am now learning they have taken this ability out.

I'll still giver a try, but at the same time, if it doesn't hold my attention...I'll be back to UO rather quickly...la
Yep, have to say I agree with this as well. Sure other games have rogues, assassins, lol albeit even called thief in some online games. But for the most part, the class is just to boost your own or parties drop rates, have a somewhat more unique fighting style or what have you.

The UO thief reigns supreme for using stealth tactics, stealing, and having ANY template you deem necessary. i.e. Disarm/wrestling thief, nox/ninja thief, etc. There are just so many strategies to going and getting the next good piece of loot.

Some games you can steal from the creatures, but no others can you steal from players and have it be fun.


Seasoned Veteran
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Most of what everyone said but then again twas my first MMORPG experience and u know ur first's always hard to forget, lol. :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most of what everyone said but then again twas my first MMORPG experience and u know ur first's always hard to forget, lol. :D
What sucks is that our voice is going to be irrelevant for years to come, even though some of us were, almost literally, the pioneers of the MMO continent. Because we are so vastly outnumbered by kids just now able to vote or drink alcohol, whose very first mmo experience was with EQ or WOW (which for design purposes are almost idnetical games IMHO...) who will take THAT as their yardstick for buying future MMO's. Not UO.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

What is it about UO? Well for me, its a few things.

1 - Skill based instead of class based/level based. I always thought it was silly in other games that you had to choose a class and that you were barred from picking up certain weapons, etc. Really, what would prevent a mage from picking up a sword and attempting to use it?? Sure, he may not be very good with it, but just like anything in real life...the more you do something, the better you get at it. This was one of the best attributes of UO to me.

2 - Open PvP - well, at least for the first few years. This was really the golden age of UO, when PvP meant more than just bragging rights. Areas were controlled by PK or anti-PK guilds, and there was a true sense of community. We did lose that, but the memories remain. And in some ways, PvP still has a little of that with Champ spawns.

3 - Nostalgia. Don't listen to anyone that tells you that UO holds no nostalgia factor for them. If they have been around a while, it does...for certain.

4 - Friends and community. We have all met people in UO that we still know and see often. I would miss many of the people I have met if I left.

5 - Playablity. Unlike games like EQ and WoW, there is no "top". In UO, you can just keep on playing and playing, changing your template as you feel the need to...and never have to retire your characters.

I think many of us that still play from the old days are addicted...seriously!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is it about UO? Well for me, its a few things.

1 - Skill based instead of class based/level based. I always thought it was silly in other games that you had to choose a class and that you were barred from picking up certain weapons, etc. Really, what would prevent a mage from picking up a sword and attempting to use it?? Sure, he may not be very good with it, but just like anything in real life...the more you do something, the better you get at it. This was one of the best attributes of UO to me.

2 - Open PvP - well, at least for the first few years. This was really the golden age of UO, when PvP meant more than just bragging rights. Areas were controlled by PK or anti-PK guilds, and there was a true sense of community. We did lose that, but the memories remain. And in some ways, PvP still has a little of that with Champ spawns.

3 - Nostalgia. Don't listen to anyone that tells you that UO holds no nostalgia factor for them. If they have been around a while, it does...for certain.

4 - Friends and community. We have all met people in UO that we still know and see often. I would miss many of the people I have met if I left.

5 - Playablity. Unlike games like EQ and WoW, there is no "top". In UO, you can just keep on playing and playing, changing your template as you feel the need to...and never have to retire your characters.

I think many of us that still play from the old days are addicted...seriously!
Very well said Morgana. I'm just very saddened, coming back out of nostalgia to play UO again, how much #1 has been compromised by itemization since I left. :( I feel like that's out there, EVERYWHERE.... free games, single player games, other MMO's.. how many times can game developers possibly think it's exciting to sink hours into farming gold or farming drops to gear out my character? I'm so tired of it to be honest and I never even sank a fraction of the time in it that hardcore raiders did in other games. It's everywhere and I hope people will burn out on it. But some people get bored and quit if ther'es not constantly something vastly superior to try to get first, and then use on hard mobs or other players.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Yeah, the item based nature of post AoS UO is somewhat annoying for us old timers...but, one of the main reasons I play my tamer most is because I am not really limited to certain items.

I certainly do not mean to derail the discussion with any pro or anti tamer talk, so let's not...ok?

But the point is that some templates rely more heavily on items than others. Which I think is a real shame because back in the pre-AoS days, you had a lot more choice as to what your character looked like...from a gear perspective.

It seems now that everyone has pretty much a similar set up (Crim cincher, Quiver of Infinity, same artifacts as one another...etc. etc.)

But we do have dyes I guess.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, the item based nature of post AoS UO is somewhat annoying for us old timers...but, one of the main reasons I play my tamer most is because I am not really limited to certain items.

I certainly do not mean to derail the discussion with any pro or anti tamer talk, so let's not...ok?

But the point is that some templates rely more heavily on items than others. Which I think is a real shame because back in the pre-AoS days, you had a lot more choice as to what your character looked like...from a gear perspective.

It seems now that everyone has pretty much a similar set up (Crim cincher, Quiver of Infinity, same artifacts as one another...etc. etc.)

But we do have dyes I guess.
*Would not have said anything pro or anti tamer even without your disclaimer* ;)

I have pretty much tried to find a gear non-dependant build other than tamer just because, frankly, I do not have the time to sink on maxxing a tamer. And I've failed. I'm also amazed at the number of people who will shamelessly tell you to just go to x website and get your tali/cinc/whatever with a credit card. I'm like huh? But it does get to the point where when everyone else has it... it's hard to play competently in any sort of group setting without it. I end up hiding behind other people a lot... I guess the only difference we have is that I'm not hiding behind a pet, lol. I'm hiding behind the person with the quiver of infinity and cinc.


Grand Poobah
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Nutshell version:


I have tried playing WOW, it sucked, horribly. I downloaded the trial, played 2 hours, and quit.

UO is simple, you can pick ANY skills you want, no stupid level system. Problems with level systems as I see, once you reach level X there is nothing else for you to do but fight. In UO, you can redesign templates, move skills around. There is never that dull brick wall you hit after building that character.

Naturally, the house system is awesome :D

I like the chat system, text appearing above the character. It feels more homely that way. I imagine the reason other games don't show it over the character is because in 3d, all you have to do is look the other way and you missed what they said :p

And community of course :D

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

*Would not have said anything pro or anti tamer even without your disclaimer* ;)

I have pretty much tried to find a gear non-dependant build other than tamer just because, frankly, I do not have the time to sink on maxxing a tamer. And I've failed. I'm also amazed at the number of people who will shamelessly tell you to just go to x website and get your tali/cinc/whatever with a credit card. I'm like huh? But it does get to the point where when everyone else has it... it's hard to play competently in any sort of group setting without it. I end up hiding behind other people a lot... I guess the only difference we have is that I'm not hiding behind a pet, lol. I'm hiding behind the person with the quiver of infinity and cinc.
Nah...don't buy items from websites. If you want the items, buy gold and find the items in game for gold.

Not that it matters much, because you are probably supporting cheaters one way or another, but in most cases, items you buy for cash cost more than the gold required to by them in game.

Just FYI.


UO is the first online game that I play so it is like a town where I was born and grow up. I became comfortable with everything in it, know how to do things around, have lsome ong time friends. It had its glories and down-time over years but it still holds itself together pretty well. Just like you hometown, you come back to it even there are better places out there.


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Stratics Legend
Nah...don't buy items from websites. If you want the items, buy gold and find the items in game for gold.

Not that it matters much, because you are probably supporting cheaters one way or another, but in most cases, items you buy for cash cost more than the gold required to by them in game.

Just FYI.
I have noticed this and I've also noticed the opposite. Heritage (I think..?) tokens in game cost , at least when I've seen them, which is rare, about 24 million gold. 24 million gold is roughly 24 real life dollars in terms of buying gold. However you can just go on uo gamecodes and get a legitimate heritage token for I believe 9.99 for your account. (Lets you choose from green soulstone and some other reward choices.) I guess they're just banking on most people not knowing you can go straight to UO direct and, at least in terms of dollars vs. gold, get it much cheaper, and undeniably legitimate, from EA directly.

I agree though that it's frequently a rip. In particular powerscrolls and specific items on UO sites are listed at LOL prices (I look, but have never purchased an in-game item online.. I do it mostly to gauge rarity or demand level) where you'd be better off buying the gold and purchasing the item in-game from someone. I agree you are probably totally correct that in any event, your money or gold is going to someone who is a bit nefarious... if not outright crooked. But what can you do.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Heritage tokens generally cost about $300-400,000 gold on most vendors, even in Luna.

If you are seeing them for millions...move on to another vendor.

Then again, which shard are you on? I am only talking about Atlantic.

I think you are confusing Heritage tokens with Legacy Tokens. Legacy Tokens are a little different than most items though.

For example, I bought a 120 taming scroll near the Yew gate in Tram for about 2.5 mil in gold recently. Most of the websites selling these are getting as much as $15-20 USD. That makes no sense.

If you are going to buy in game items for cash (which I don't recommend), I suggest that you find the item in game...look at the gold vs. dollar cost, and go that way...but always look first.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heritage tokens generally cost about $300-400,000 gold on most vendors, even in Luna.

If you are seeing them for millions...move on to another vendor.

Then again, which shard are you on? I am only talking about Atlantic.

I think you are confusing Heritage tokens with Legacy Tokens. Legacy Tokens are a little different than most items though.

For example, I bought a 120 taming scroll near the Yew gate in Tram for about 2.5 mil in gold recently. Most of the websites selling these are getting as much as $15-20 USD. That makes no sense.

If you are going to buy in game items for cash (which I don't recommend), I suggest that you find the item in game...look at the gold vs. dollar cost, and go that way...but always look first.

I wasn't sure about the Heritage part. It's a token of which one reward choice is Green Soulstone. That's all I know, because that's what I got it for and didn't care about the other choices. I got it legitimately from EA purchased as a gamecode, because I didn't want to wait a year to use a soulstone.

I have seen 120 taming for up to 49.99 on UO item sites.... I N S A N E. My tamer is like in the (hahaha) 60ish's, so it's totally not an issue at all.... short of being laid off I do not foresee the time to get my tamer anywhere near that high for months and months, even if then. It does, perhaps, imply though that a lot of the suppliers for the UO item sites are not really Fel players... since they seem to overcharge, or have a limited ability to supply, Fel items.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

The Legacy Token is a good purchase from uogamecodes.

If I didn't already have like 10 soulstones, I would buy them there! Same thing with Charger of the Fallens...I have seen vendors selling these for 10s of millions of gold. It makes no sense.

Kensai Tsunami

My many UO friends keep me here. its hard to put into words but some of them are every bit as close to me as if i had known them in rl all these yrs. some i do actually and that bond is pretty cool since it includes UO and rl. the huge variety of things to do in UO(2d thanks) also ranks very high for me. UO really lets you make it personal when it comes to houses also. not to be less than manly but i really dig havin my own unique house that i built personally.
then there is the fact that my wife in rl plays UO and that we met in UO. so, this game has value to me well beyond just a buncha pixels and numbers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My many UO friends keep me here. its hard to put into words but some of them are every bit as close to me as if i had known them in rl all these yrs. some i do actually and that bond is pretty cool since it includes UO and rl. the huge variety of things to do in UO(2d thanks) also ranks very high for me. UO really lets you make it personal when it comes to houses also. not to be less than manly but i really dig havin my own unique house that i built personally.
then there is the fact that my wife in rl plays UO and that we met in UO. so, this game has value to me well beyond just a buncha pixels and numbers.
I try to be careful about that. Chumming around with people every day (or every week) for years in games tends to create an artificial sensation of familiarity and friendship. I find that the real test... is see what happens if one of you stops playing the game for an extended period of time. It can be a rather rude awakening sometimes to feel like good freinds with someone in-game and find they just don't really have much of an incentive to return e-mails or stay in any form of touch if you take a break, or stop logging in.

Of course none of that may apply to you, since you mentioned knowing a lot of them offline too, which is great. But I just notice a common theme is people saying things like "people in game are my family", etc., and it can be rather harsh to find out that the bond extends not much deeper than the pixels in the game when you no longer share playing an MMO together.