Aye I know that, but if you really are only doing it for gold in your pocket or replicas, then bring a group of three or four people that you trust to the spawn.. Even the Illsh/tokuno spawns, which is all I do, are always open.. Typically people will do one and move on to the next. Rarely do I see more then one of the tram ruleset spawns going on at the same time.
I've never done a spawn with guildies or friends yet. I always start a spawn and end up having people show up, or walk into one in progress. And I've had pretty good success at replicas. Even if you're afraid to set foot in fellucca, not everyone is cold hearted. If you bring a group and someone ends up jumping in, you can always ask them nicely to leave.. I mean, can't guarentee you any success with that but I'm sure most people wouldn't mind. After all, there are plenty of these spawns to choose from.
Anyways, once again, best of luck to you with future endeavors. Just try to have fun in the proccess of getting these replicas. Perhaps if you are getting this frustrated about the drop rate, you should try doing something else that you actually have fun with