Prince Caspian
1 - Smack talking punks who accuse you of cheating, duping, speedhacking, scripting, waterboarding, cheating on your 1040EZ and every other unsavory act possible simply because they don't like you. Yeah. You aren't my kind of guy so you MUST be into all kinds of evil.
2 - People that cheat at UO, by whatever means. It's not victimless, no matter how you rationalize it. When cheaters prosper, it is ALWAYS at the expense of honest players.
3 - Spammers at events. Honestly, man. What is your motive? I mean WHY exactly did you show up if you weren't going to listen? Other than ruining it for everyone else. Is that really THAT fun?
4 - People who use the term n00b. We were all new players at one time. It's not a bad thing. In fact without new players, the game ends. New players should be welcomed, not scorned. There was a time when YOU didn't know it all either, chief.
5 - How greedy people are at events. Sicarii is the perfect example. There was a handful of foolios (who probably had counterparts on every shard) who camped for gossamers 24/7. Fine, no problem. But the problem arises when you DARE to try to get the items for yourself and interrupt their precious profiteering enterprise. "We were here first, you prick!" Sure. And you also never friggin LEFT in the last 6 days, Tinkerbell. The rest of us only want one, and not having to buy it off your Luna Vendor for 100,000,000 gold, you ki-rin's ass.
6 - Getting poisoned at the last possible second on the bandie counter. Also, the fact that 120 Resist spares you from a Poison spell cast by anything (no matter how weak) maybe 1 out of 99 times.
7 - Invasions. I recalled into get some bolts from the Brit Archer, unknown that the invasion was there in full swing. A crimson dragon pops on in and does the mexican hat dance on me. And natch I have no hope of recovering my corpse because the screen is packed with more red than a Bloods Gang Picnic.
8 - The fact that Treasure Chests have never been updated with anything remotely interesting. Such potential exists for these quests. BTW any time you want a good laugh go to the Britan Library and look at the exchange rates for treasure maps. You get LESS than if you would have given half the gold in the box.
9 - PKs. I've written tomes on the subject as to why.
10 - People who assume I have a character named after the movie and am riding the popularity fallout as a fad. I read the book for the first time back in 1978. Not everyone gets their fantasy fix from movies. Some of us read.
2 - People that cheat at UO, by whatever means. It's not victimless, no matter how you rationalize it. When cheaters prosper, it is ALWAYS at the expense of honest players.
3 - Spammers at events. Honestly, man. What is your motive? I mean WHY exactly did you show up if you weren't going to listen? Other than ruining it for everyone else. Is that really THAT fun?
4 - People who use the term n00b. We were all new players at one time. It's not a bad thing. In fact without new players, the game ends. New players should be welcomed, not scorned. There was a time when YOU didn't know it all either, chief.
5 - How greedy people are at events. Sicarii is the perfect example. There was a handful of foolios (who probably had counterparts on every shard) who camped for gossamers 24/7. Fine, no problem. But the problem arises when you DARE to try to get the items for yourself and interrupt their precious profiteering enterprise. "We were here first, you prick!" Sure. And you also never friggin LEFT in the last 6 days, Tinkerbell. The rest of us only want one, and not having to buy it off your Luna Vendor for 100,000,000 gold, you ki-rin's ass.
6 - Getting poisoned at the last possible second on the bandie counter. Also, the fact that 120 Resist spares you from a Poison spell cast by anything (no matter how weak) maybe 1 out of 99 times.
7 - Invasions. I recalled into get some bolts from the Brit Archer, unknown that the invasion was there in full swing. A crimson dragon pops on in and does the mexican hat dance on me. And natch I have no hope of recovering my corpse because the screen is packed with more red than a Bloods Gang Picnic.
8 - The fact that Treasure Chests have never been updated with anything remotely interesting. Such potential exists for these quests. BTW any time you want a good laugh go to the Britan Library and look at the exchange rates for treasure maps. You get LESS than if you would have given half the gold in the box.
9 - PKs. I've written tomes on the subject as to why.
10 - People who assume I have a character named after the movie and am riding the popularity fallout as a fad. I read the book for the first time back in 1978. Not everyone gets their fantasy fix from movies. Some of us read.