Old Man of UO
Monster loot has been in need of adjustment for some time now, and it has always bothered me that you could take 5 minutes to get a monster low on health and someone else walks in for the killing shot and get half the loot. Loot quality of lower level monsters is somewhat awful, and the current system of loot distribution on corpses discourages people wanting to share the kills. Currently, the more people who damage a monster and get looting rights, the less loot we find. Some people like to solo for the challenge, others so they don’t have to share. I say let them solo the peerless if they want to, but give us a reason to want to have others share in the kill. I propose that we change the system to encourage sharing the loot on monsters. Here is one way (and certainly not the only or even the best way):
1. Reduce number of items for all monsters, NPC’s, etc. significantly. What I mean by that is a high-end monster would have max of 5 items, and low end would have max of 1 item. Leave the gold amounts the same.
2. Increase the intensity of items, so that there is less “junk” but not so much that everything would spawn artifact level items. Balanced correctly, combined with the reduced item count on a corpse would give us about the same chance at something really good as we have now.
3. Encourage player cooperation by giving a loot bonus when damage is received from more than one player. Of course, this would need to be tested and balanced, but one way to do that is:
Overall, this would improve the loot drop on monster corpses while reducing the amount of junk we have to sort through. Something needs to be done with loot quality since fewer people are hunting lower level monsters, and this also encourages people to work together.
Higher quality loot over all, and a great reason to ask others to join in on the kill.
1. Reduce number of items for all monsters, NPC’s, etc. significantly. What I mean by that is a high-end monster would have max of 5 items, and low end would have max of 1 item. Leave the gold amounts the same.
2. Increase the intensity of items, so that there is less “junk” but not so much that everything would spawn artifact level items. Balanced correctly, combined with the reduced item count on a corpse would give us about the same chance at something really good as we have now.
3. Encourage player cooperation by giving a loot bonus when damage is received from more than one player. Of course, this would need to be tested and balanced, but one way to do that is:
a. Add 500 luck to the loot for every player doing at least 1/(n+1) damage, when “n” is the number of players doing damage. For example, if four players damage a target, there is a +500 luck boost for everyone doing at least 1/5 damage to the target. Eventually through randomness and various weapon damage ranges, there would be a maximum luck that would be added to the average loot, meaning it wouldn’t be necessary to place a hard cap on the luck. The more players doing damage, the higher quality the loot drop. This luck would be added to player luck and honor.
b. Increase the loot count by 50% for every player doing at least 1/(n+1) damage, when “n” is the number of players doing damage. In the above example with four players each doing at least 1/5 of the total damage, the total loot drop would be 15 items, instead of the max of 5 items, about 4 items of much higher quality per person. The more players doing damage, the higher loot count on the corpse.
b. Increase the loot count by 50% for every player doing at least 1/(n+1) damage, when “n” is the number of players doing damage. In the above example with four players each doing at least 1/5 of the total damage, the total loot drop would be 15 items, instead of the max of 5 items, about 4 items of much higher quality per person. The more players doing damage, the higher loot count on the corpse.
Overall, this would improve the loot drop on monster corpses while reducing the amount of junk we have to sort through. Something needs to be done with loot quality since fewer people are hunting lower level monsters, and this also encourages people to work together.
Higher quality loot over all, and a great reason to ask others to join in on the kill.