should require membership in the NPC Thief Guild. This would help farm out those who have merely picked up the skill to decorate their
Rico, what advantage does joining the thieves' guild give to a character that will never steal from other players' characters because the player has no desire to do that? I have never wanted to steal from another player in any way, shape, or form. I steal sigils because that is part of factions. I might steal items out of dungeons or from monsters. But I refuse to steal from another player.
So what exactly do I gain by putting my characters with stealing skill into the thieves' guild? I will still have the same risks I have now when I actually attempt to steal sigils or items. My thieves' skills won't improve and their chance to steal won't improve either. However, if any of my thieves' that belong to the thieves' guild should die, another player that I never bothered or stole from can take items from my character's corpse without doing anything to earn that right.
Seems that the only people who would benefit from this change are folks who have no concerns about stealing from other players.
How about this idea? If you want to loot another character's corpse and you had nothing to do with killing that character, you must belong to the thieves' guild? Then everyone who thinks it is okay to take another player's belongings without earning that right (e.g., by killing the character or by being partied with the person with permission to loot upon death) automatically opens themselves up to the same risk from everyone else who feels the same way.