Zero monsters that are worth killing for their items, other than peerless's (waste of time) and champ spawn bosses (too infrequent). Even with luck their is nothing worth killing, I mean go kill 50 ancient wyrms with 1700 luck and see what you get. Odds are you won't even get close to anything as good as val runic armour. I'm not sure if the problem lies in luck or in that their is nothing worth killing. In my opinion the problem lies with the minimum intensities, currently the only thing worth doing for loot (other than Bods) is strongboxes. Why? Because it's minimum intensity is 75% (or 76%). This basically means if you roll hit chance or defense chance the minimum it's going to roll is 11%, so on the odd occasion you do get a weapon with hit chance, you know it's going to be high.
Monsters on the other hand have the tendency to be completely random in terms of luck (e.g with 1.4k luck you'll get 1 fire resist sometimes then 15 others), which leads me to believe that luck determines how high the maximum intensity is rather than the minimum. I purpose that a new looting system should work something like this:
1. Luck: Luck should determine the minimum intensity of the items off of the monster; 1400 luck should provide about a 60% minimum intensity. However the minimum intensity cannot exceed the monsters maximum (nor should it be above 75) which is determined further on.
2. Fame and Karma: The fame and karma of a monster determines:
A. The amount of items which a monster drops. E.g: An ancient wyrm would drop roughly 10 items, a minimum of 3 weapons, 3 jewels and 3 pieces of armour. Peerless bosses will drop at least 30 items.
B. The maximum intensity. E.g An ancient wyrm has a maximum intensity of 100%, a long with Barlons, ML mini bosses, peerless bosses, greater dragons and other high end monsters. A Ogre on the other hand would have a maximum 30% intensity, a mongbat would have a maximum 10% intensity.
However, with this new system monsters towards the high end of the spectrum should have their health increased, they should do no more damage than normal, nor should they do anymore special moves or anything but most definitely don't increase the health of any of the tamable pets (to keep the balance in order).
By adding in this system not only will you remove the problem of people duping val hammers to create items which are quite literally impossible to get by PvM, but you will also add a reward for PvM. I mean be honest, when was the last time you killed an ancient wyrm for the loot? And when was the last time you got something good off of a monster other than a peerless?
Monsters on the other hand have the tendency to be completely random in terms of luck (e.g with 1.4k luck you'll get 1 fire resist sometimes then 15 others), which leads me to believe that luck determines how high the maximum intensity is rather than the minimum. I purpose that a new looting system should work something like this:
1. Luck: Luck should determine the minimum intensity of the items off of the monster; 1400 luck should provide about a 60% minimum intensity. However the minimum intensity cannot exceed the monsters maximum (nor should it be above 75) which is determined further on.
2. Fame and Karma: The fame and karma of a monster determines:
A. The amount of items which a monster drops. E.g: An ancient wyrm would drop roughly 10 items, a minimum of 3 weapons, 3 jewels and 3 pieces of armour. Peerless bosses will drop at least 30 items.
B. The maximum intensity. E.g An ancient wyrm has a maximum intensity of 100%, a long with Barlons, ML mini bosses, peerless bosses, greater dragons and other high end monsters. A Ogre on the other hand would have a maximum 30% intensity, a mongbat would have a maximum 10% intensity.
However, with this new system monsters towards the high end of the spectrum should have their health increased, they should do no more damage than normal, nor should they do anymore special moves or anything but most definitely don't increase the health of any of the tamable pets (to keep the balance in order).
By adding in this system not only will you remove the problem of people duping val hammers to create items which are quite literally impossible to get by PvM, but you will also add a reward for PvM. I mean be honest, when was the last time you killed an ancient wyrm for the loot? And when was the last time you got something good off of a monster other than a peerless?