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16 plants

  • Thread starter Lord Drakelord
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Lord Drakelord

I planted 16 plants yesterday, and I know that it takes two days for them to reach stage 2 as the ones in the box are now. Any reason why this happen? Eight of the 16 plants are on the table in the shap, the other eight are in the box in the back pack of the character in the picture.

The dirt from all sixteen came from the Moongate in Luna, and the plant bowls were all brought in Luna also. Seeds are from two plants.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Plants on your character have to age at least 24 hours only for their first growth. They are day one when you plant them and put them in your backpack, and 24 hours later at day two. Those locked down in a house are not even day one until the next server up. So if you planted them both at say 10 am, and you check them the next day at 10:30 am, the ones on your char are now day 2, while the locked down ones will only be day one.

Lord Drakelord

Plants on your character have to age at least 24 hours only for their first growth. They are day one when you plant them and put them in your backpack, and 24 hours later at day two. Those locked down in a house are not even day one until the next server up. So if you planted them both at say 10 am, and you check them the next day at 10:30 am, the ones on your char are now day 2, while the locked down ones will only be day one.
So if I leave the plants on the characters over night, they will be at day two, 24 hrs later, then I can lock they down?