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One word EA Results!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like most people i am sick of playing verse people that cheat 24/7 using illeagle 3erd party programs. Now that EVERYONE has there duped IR and ther made from duped hammer valorite weapons the game is 100% unbalanced.

For years you have said you would address these issues and for years you havent done anything. Maybe one of your dev team could run down the hall and teach your gm's the rules.

Your service is getting worse by the day.

Do your job!


Sounds like your enjoying your gameplay. I can tell you love this game.
I know the Devs are good, right? You are an optimistic person.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like most people i am sick of playing verse people that cheat 24/7 using illeagle 3erd party programs. Now that EVERYONE has there duped IR and ther made from duped hammer valorite weapons the game is 100% unbalanced.

For years you have said you would address these issues and for years you havent done anything. Maybe one of your dev team could run down the hall and teach your gm's the rules.

Your service is getting worse by the day.

Do your job!
Don't worry. I'm sure these dupes will be taken care of like they have been.
And they did address these issues before. Remember how monk robes were introduced? And I'm sure you remember the mass bans and those destroyed buildings that still reside around Luna.


Hmm... 37 posts and a majority complaining about something... not sure what that says:spider:


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now that EVERYONE has there duped IR and ther made from duped hammer valorite weapons the game is 100% unbalanced.
Surely if EVERYONE has their duped IR and duped hammer valorite weapons, they're all on pretty much equal footing.

Mr Man

Hmm... 37 posts and a majority complaining about something... not sure what that says:spider:
It means he's not happy with the game. Most people dont bother posting in forums if they are enjoying the game. Hence the 37 posts. I wasn't aware that you could only post if it was positive.