Wow. I've never met someone with such a warped sense of reality. What is wrong with you?
I could say "I have never met someone so incapable of following a point", but actually, that wouldn't be true.
So you are comparing a murderer character, in a VIDEO GAME, to Michael Myers and Jason Vorhees??
As far as concerns players who refuse to communicate, and simply attack you on sight, yes, they might as well be Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees in game in terms of the viability of "hanging around Fel and being part of a social community with these players." Someone earlier in the thread mentioned about how even the resource gains and such which can be acquired in Fel never brought together a Fel community again outside of PvP. If you'd actually followed the train of points instead of merely leaping to a dramatic conclusion that I was saying all players with a red character are sociopaths offline, which I never claimed whatsoever, you wouldn't have had this misunderstanding. I said that in terms of trying to actually socialize or "live" in Felucca, aside from merely gathering my resources and then chugging back to Trammel, it is not possible with people who Pk you on sight, no provocation, no communication. The idea of staying in Felucca on any "ongoing" basis other than to collect mats and run, and rubbing shoulders with these people who have no interest in any interaction other than killing you (not even speaking to you), is like trying to be friends with Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers. If you still have a problem with that statement, it is your own lack of reading comprehension.
A red gains profit by looting and insurance gold. A red can't go to doom, or sit there and farm and mine, like you. I am assuming you went to fel once, died to a red, and now you have a venddeta against all people who choose a different play style than you.
What does this have to do with anything I said, whatsoever? What does this have to do with a player who refuses any form of communication and simply attacks you on sight? If a player acts that way, I have to treat them as an extremely dangerous monster, essentially. Because for all game purposes that is what they are to me if they simply fly at me to kill me the moment they see me.
Not in years have I went searching for a blue miner to kill. I used to, because I wanted your ingots. If you didn't have any, I would rez you and move along.
I hear this trite little anecdote from so-called PvP'ers, reds and PK's over and over and over. You would think there had never been a PK who killed someone innocent, and you'd also think every PK was a nice noble guy living by a code where he'd offer his victims a rezz and a pat on the back afterwards. If that had been at all representational of how PK behavior works in Felucca, either in the past or today, I doubt we'd have Trammel. So either a lot of you lie or tell euphemistic versions of your own behaviors, or you simply are the mild minority out of a group of players who engaged in usually much more vile PK behaviors.
Now adays I only play to fight other willing participants, since loot garnished is hardly worth anything anymore.
And because you don't have a choice, since only if you're really lucky and camping areas in the middle of nowhere for hours at a time, you won't catch players like me who are there to gather resources quietly and retreat. Everyone else stays in Tram.
If I am fighting someone one vs one, and defeat them, I say "good fight" and ressurect them. If they want to fight another round, we go again.
Again, so what? Even if you're telling the truth, and we take everyone who gives this same story about how noble of a red they are at face value, there are still clearly so many other people NOT behaving this "nobly" that your little anecdotes fail to change the overall picture of what happens in Fel.
Get over yourself and stop making blanket statements in situations where you have no idea what you are talking about.
I wouldn't go there if I were you. You misunderstood most of my points and then proceeded to give me a bunch of irrelevant information about how you claim you conduct PvP activity. Which is entirely irrelevant in regards to stories about how a lot of people-- most players who've gone to Fel, probably, have stories about being instantly attacked, without provocation, by the first red player they came across. Or at least have had that experience here and there enough to not want to hang around Fel and make it a "home."
But you wouldn't know, like you said, you don't go to fel, so stop pretending like you do.
I spend quite a lot of time in Fel, but strictly for crafting and gathering purposes. I do zip into town to smelt or buy some extra tools on occasion but these are almost invariably deserted. The times I've seen other players outside of Fel Yew (which I can count on ... mm... three hands probably), the ones who were red immediately flew at me and killed me.
So, it's a nice (albeit irrelevant) fairy tale to believe in reds like you. But you are either so few in number or so inactive or so well behaved that you are not the representation of red players in Fel.