Does anyone know if these replica items i.e robes be repaired if damaged? I have seen a few with new tokuno dye colors.
It states a durability of 150/150, can it be enhanced via POF to 255?
Or does the durability diminish in time like past items Lord Blackthorn's Exemplar and the Sentinel Shields?
I feel these data are very important to know in order to preserve the items for posterity.
I also see afew Shrouds of Takeesh around are these dupe items? Or are they also part of the Champ spawn rewards?
Does anyone know if these replica items i.e robes be repaired if damaged? I have seen a few with new tokuno dye colors.
It states a durability of 150/150, can it be enhanced via POF to 255?
Or does the durability diminish in time like past items Lord Blackthorn's Exemplar and the Sentinel Shields?
I feel these data are very important to know in order to preserve the items for posterity.
I also see afew Shrouds of Takeesh around are these dupe items? Or are they also part of the Champ spawn rewards?