Quick math:
30 % chance of getting a drop total
12 people minimum per spawn (Out of experience playing at various times on my shard, the same 11 people show up to nearly every spawn near the end. It's a really odd "coincidence")
=2.5% chance of getting a drop for yourself, which is 1 replica or deco item every 40 spawns.
Now consider there are 6 or more items in every spawn, and most people are looking for a specific one. That means that you'll have to do about 240 of a specific spawn for YOUR drop on average.
Now if each spawn takes 40 minutes to do and there's a 20 minute respawn timer, that means there is an average of 48 spawns a day, and the spawn with your item comes only once every 6 spawns (to be fair, the LT sash is a shared and is possible about 2 times in 6, the 3rd being Oaks). So the spawn with your item happens about 8 times a day on average. That means if you play 24 hours a day, it would take...
40 days to have a collection of everything. On average (your milage may vary)
Now this is just the numbers for Trammel Valor and Humility spawn. Oaks items will come more quickly since it spawns twice as often, but fewer people will get them since it attracts twice as many people.
In other words, as we've clearly seen by now. The items coming out of Trammel will trickle into the economy compared to the items coming out of Felucca, where the spawns are faster (10 minute Baracoon? And that's a slow one), respawn more quickly (valor triggers it, not a timer) etc.
I consider that fair.