What would it be?
And it can't be something like "reprogram all the game code from scratch."
Something specific, well, somewhat specific.
Not to be catty, but I'd make Customer Service the main goal. Warning: This answer is LONG, and though probably not perfect, at least it would be a good start, IMO:
Changes to Customer Service that I would implement (some of these things may already be in effect, I don't know):
(1a) I'd make one definitive, comprehensive, current list of all bannable offenses with a direct relation to how each situation should be handled (i.e. this offense gets this warning, that offense gets a 24-hour ban, etc.). I'd make sure it stayed current, that every GM (and anyone else who is involved with monitoring player behavior or decisions regarding banning accounts) had a copy, and that all were required to read and sign that they had read and understood it, and they'd have to do this for any changes made along the way. That way, it would not always depend on the whim of whoever showed up at the time of a dispute on how they handled it. Having definitive answers to given situations would relieve tension for both players and employees.
(1b) I'd make a copy of this list and its responses available to the player base out on my Knowledge Base. This would put player responsibility right back in the player's hands, as well as help provide the GM with some sound reason for their decision in case of dispute.
(2a) For issues that were not so cut-and-dry, especially those relating to the banning of accounts and/or appeals of decisions made, I'd have a process implemented to discuss individual cases, and handled very much like a court of law. Not only would it be GMs discussing what they should or should not do to the player, but I'd have an EA employee act as the representative of the player, and on that player's behalf, much like their personal lawyer. This would guarantee, as much as possible, that the player has a fair say and direct ear to EA, as well as cut down time and stress in trying to appeal a decision. This person would certainly be involved in Customer Retention, and as such, responsible more to the player's outcome, helping to ensure that the focus was on the individual customer.
(2b) To support these claims, I'd implement a way to fairly and accurately record in-game processes
and conversations, to be used as evidence for both EA and/or the player. For instance, something like a secure "Journal"-log or something of that nature.). This tool would be available for the player to initiate at will, but the text file would be held on Server-side, attached behind-the-scene to that player's account. Only a member of EA would be able to retrieve the file. This device would replace using the Journal to record as evidence, and as such, be incontestible about alteration by the player, as they would not have access to that file. However, a copy of that file would be emailed to them at the email address they provided, so that they also had all the same information for their personal records.
(2c) In addition to the text log, I'd create an in-game "PrintScreen" program that the player could use at will to take screenshots of a situation, but have the files stored behind the scenes again, on server-side. Information that would be tagged to this image would be the shard, facet sextant coordinates (location in-game), date/time stamp. This would ensure that the files could not be altered by the player. Players could choose to have those images emailed to them, and any screenshots not used could be deleted after a specified period of disuse, to reduce the storage space needed. (Players should only use the in-game "PrintScreen" program for paging/help/reporting-related problems. If they just needed a screenshot program, they would most likely have their own.) A good example of the use of this would be sending a screenshot to an ancient wyrm that spawns below ground to the Help Desk. Nothing further would be needed for the player, and a GM could quickly correct the situation without having to personally investigate, thus improving the response time.
(3) I'd have a definitive, comprehensive way to give players every opportunity to appeal account-punishment decisions, including using the information provided from the tools above, and I'd make sure that I provided exact steps and details to prove the case to that account holder if necessary.
This would include making it a simple process for the player to reach an English-speaking, Ultima Online-understanding EA representative. I'd do this, remembering they are (a) paying customers and that my bread-and-butter depended on repeat business, (b)that this issue was important to them, and (c) that mistakes actually can happen. I'd also keep in mind that I was doing this process for the good of the entire playerbase, and by supporting the previous decisions in as fair a manner as possible, I was protecting that playerbase as well.
(4a) I'd make sure that every GM had actually played this particular game as a part of their training, with ongoing immersion in playing included as part of the continued education, so that they would understand the players and the game as well as possible. Every GM or other EA Rep would have to completely and competently speak and understand English. While I would encourage the GMs to send players to the Knowledge Base for answers to their questions when applicable, as this would improve response time for the other players waiting for assistance, I would require that the process include: (a) Keeping the Knowledge Base current and comprehensive (b) Require the GM to point them to their specific answer via a link, (c) Require that the GM follow up with the player by sending an immediate in-game query asking if they found the answer to their question and (c) initiating live conversation with that player if they were not helped.
(4b) As part of ongoing customer service, I'd offer a GM Review process that was strictly monitored. I'd start with requiring all GMs to record in detail what each issue they handled was and how they resolved them, and an "Issue/Incident" or "Ticket" number created for each case. A copy of this summary would have to be sent to the player's email address, so that they could review the details, and offer a critique or dispute if necessary. In the case of serious complaints, to help protect the GMs and ensure that it was not just player-griefing, as well as ensure a fair hearing for the player a supervisor GM, as well as an appointed EA representative of the customer would be assigned to review the case, if necessary. The player would be informed of the outcome, in an appended log of the issue.
(4c) In the case of repeated similar complaints against particular GMs, in-house reviews would be done to (a) verify there was a training issue (b) verify if the GM is showing preferential treatment to any particular group(s)/player(s), or (c) specific maltreatment of particular group(s)/player(s) or (d) whatever the situation is. If further training is needed, all cases handled by that GM would have to be reviewed by a senior staff member until such time as they deem sufficient, or in extreme cases, that GM would be dismissed. This is an EA management call. Just as long as they understand that the GM, more than anyone (except maybe the Devs), is their face to the customer, and how the GM behaves and acts reflects directly on the company.
(5) I'd make the comprehensive list of bannable offenses available to the player-base on my website. There would be no guess work on what is ok to say or do and what is not.
(6a) I'd make a list of every item being currently duped available to the player-base. This would not require how to do the dupe, just to advise them of what they should be watchful for, rather than leaving it completely to chance that they get banned for owning and/or selling said items.
(6b) To support the above, this might also include the immediate "freeze" of these items upon discovery of the dupe, meaning that all items of the types being questioned that are currently being sold or held in-game, would go into a type of holding stage. They would be removed from the player-bases line-of-site, and not available to be used, traded or sold, until the dupe bugs were fixed and the dupes removed. While not ideal, this would ensure that no one is at risk of innocently buying or trading/selling these items. Any player who simply purchased a dupe would have that item back if found to be a legitimate item, or replaced with a legitimate item if they held a dupe. This should ensure no gold loss.
(6c) To help enable the ability to discern dupes from legitimate items, one change might be that all items currently being bought from player vendors would instantly have the following information recorded: Vendor name/vendor-owners name, Purchase price and Date/Time stamp. This information would be saved to the items properties, but would not have to be shown to the players in-game, so as not to have possibly distracting information displayed to them, but would help ensure the legitimacy of the purchase, as well as provide a way to help track the item's origin if necessary.
(6d) In keeping with the thought above, the same information would be recorded on each transfer/trade of the item. Again, this information would be saved with the item's individual properties. These should be small bits of information, and should not take up too much server resourcing, as that information can be stored where needed.
(6e) At any time the item is deleted or destroyed, all this server-side information can be deleted as well.
OK, I guess that's all I can think of for now. I'm not saying this is the only answer, or that they are all feasible, or are the best answers to the CS problems EA has, but I think it would be a decent sounding board on where to begin improving the Customer Service/Customer relationships that are suffering so badly currently.
Several things, like just having comprehensive lists of currently bannable offenses and words, and known duped items available to the player-base would be an easy beginning, I believe.