Players with a stick up their backside and an attitude precisely like what can be seen in the above quote, and which characterizes every post you make.
I see you chose to ignore my entire post and focused on one specific part. Typical.
The insulting, belittling, condescending attitude that an online game, which everyone pays for and invests time into, should really only be the way you say it should be. If you choose to impose PvP (i.e., PK someone), that choice should be open to you, but the choice to not engage in it voluntarily (i.e. go to Trammel, or non-PvP shard) should not be open to others. And if said people do want and make such a choice, they are just whiner crybabies who need to "learn" how to enjoy playing a game according to your desires and whims, even though they pay the same monthly fee as you.
I never said people shouldnt have a choice. They had a choice back then, it was called just leave the game, simple as that. Then they wouldnt be paying for anything. They knew they were logging on to PvP game. If they couldnt handle something like that, then why did they even bother buying the game to begin with? They were the makers of their own misery. It wasnt their PK's fault, nor was it the game's. It was their own. No one was keeping them on UO, they could have left if they couldnt figure out how to play the game.
Today, all people like me are asking for is classic servers, not the reversion of the current ones. I never said, revert all of the current servers, I said, make new retro ones and we will see which is the more popular.
That kind of arrogance, I believe, is what the poster I had quoted meant about you. And it seems he was spot-on.
You call me arrogant, yet you criticize me for criticizing those who once she-dogged for trammel, yet you do not cirticize those who oppsed the PvP for what they did. You preach about double standards, yet you enforce one yourself. Those who oppsed the PVP forced a way of playing that violated the way many other players enjoyed by eliminating the open PvP. Those people were paying just as much money as those who opposed the PvP. How was that fair to those who liked the open PvP? The people who opposed the open PvP came on the forums, insulted PvPers, calling them grifers, jerks, and every other name in the book. So where is your criticism for them? hmm? So, its okay for people who oppose PvP to call people who like it whatever they want like griefer and such, but when pro-PvP advocates speak up and call them whiners and carebears, its bad? Whats that called? Oh, its right on the tip of my tounge..... wait, I got it! DOUBLE STANDARD!
Not only does that make you arrogant, but a self-righteous hypocrite too.
So, when I say it was players like you who ruined UO, this proves I was right on the spot about it.
The fact that it's an incredible double standard that you characterize anyone who doesn't like the game the way you say it should be (and everyone else should just have to adapt) as a "whining, complaining she-dogging crybaby", yet that "shut up and adapt, learn to like it or stop whining" answer does not seem to apply to yourself, or to people like you, who wish for open and free griefing rulesets to return universally, is just a side benefit of your weak and vitriolic argument which depends entirely upon saying people who disagree with you are whiners, rather than actually making your point on its merits.
No double standards from me, I just call things like I see them. I did try to adapt to the new UO. Again your lack of reading skills strikes again. Time and time again I have said I played UO up untill modain's legacy, then I quit because I couldnt take the game anymore. Seems like I was living up to my own standards. I couldnt take it anymore, so I quit. Get it now, or do I need to post it in big neon letters with everything broken down phonetically so you can sound out the words and maybe grasp what is being said to you.
Again I never said for open PvP to return to all servers. Seriously, did you even pay attention in grade school? Or were you one of those.... special children who had to stay back a few years? As I have said in my posts, I as asking for retro servers, seperate from the post AOS servers. The retro servers would have the PvP, not the post AOS ones. See how that works? Or do you need to re-read this a dozen or so times so you can comprehend the word "The".
I criticize those who did not try to adapt back in the old days because I tried to adapt to the "new and oh so great" post AOS changes that have thus far proven only detrimental to UO. Did I come on to the forums after AOS and cry and pancake after my smith got gimped and my GM made gear was rendered garbage? No, I tried out the new system, mostly to no avail because I didnt have the 500k gold for the 120 power scrolls. Did I come on here and whine when my warrior/mage became useless? No, I changed him from a warrior/mage to a paladin, undoing a lot of hard work I put into the character. Did I complain when I had no choice but to move to trammel because I didnt have the epic gear needed to fend off the new uber artifact reds who were now dominating everything? No, I moved to trammel and delt with it.
So, no, there is no double standard, sir, there is only a disgruntled player who put up with a lot of years of crap updates and expansions out of loyalty to a game I once enjoyed immensely.
Hell, this line here tells me all I need to know about you...
or to people like you, who wish for open and free griefing rulesets
If you were any sort of fair or impartial person, you would acknowlege that old UO wasnt all griefing and rampant PK'ing, and simply said you wish for open PvP to return universally. But you didnt, and that wasnt what I was asking for, so you would have been wrong either way.
And, about griefing, it still happens, even in trammel. getting PK'd isnt getting griefed, its just getting killed. Griefing is the act of causing another player grief, and its a lot easier to do it in a non-PvP environment. I remember after the split I went into trammel to see what was going on. I went into third level despise to kill the ogre lords there. I found an entire guild hogging all of the spawns down there. I managed to get one lord for myself. As soon as I started to fight it, the guild started attacking it too. After it was dead, the looted it and left nothing for me. I shrugged it off at first, though, meh, no biggie. But after the 4th or 5th time, I got ticked off. I confronted them about it, said, Hey, stop taking my kills. Their reply: "lol, tough **** noob". lol, tough **** noob...... yeah, thats not griefing, now is it? (if you can't tell, which you probably can't, Im being sarcastic)
What was worse, that became a trend, and very popular one at that. Loot and kill stealing ran rampant in Trammel. Why? Because there was no repercussions for it. People could be the biggest jerks they wanted to be because there was no way to get back at them. I met reds with more respect than that. And thats just one instance of non-violent griefing. There is only one way to violently grief, but there are hundreds, if not thousands of ways of non-violent griefing.
Bottom line, you've got not right to look down your nose at me. You may try to act intelligent and speak like some collegiate dictionary, but you're no better than any other mud slinger on here.
I'm calling for retro servers, so those of us who enjoyed the real UO can do so once again. Those of you who are afraid of getting PK'd and lack the maturity to handle it, say in post AOS la la land for all I care.