I'm a little confused here. You state that most everyone you know that dyed their amor was PRETTY CERTAIN that EA would revert this yet they did it anyway and now you don't want them to do exactly what you were pretty sure they would do????
First, I don't believe that is true. I have spoken to a lot of people in the game on several shards that honestly thought that dyed deeds (both barding and house add-ons) were an intended change. Now, the dev team has come out and said that it wasn't intended. But, in the beginning, there was no such communication.
Secondly, another major issue is the inconsistency of EA's policy on things like this. Consider this,
1. Its ok to use dyes and slimes to dye add on deeds even though slimes weren't initially intended to allow that. At least according to the official notice about the slimes.
2. Its illegal to use dyes or slimes to dye barding deeds. Even though EA did not inform anyone on their official site that it was not intended.
3. It is legal to exploit game coding to break apart arcane circles, pents and abs to create custom 'floor tiles' even though this was not initially intended.
4. It is illegal to exploit game coding to acquire items or skills.
How is someone that doesn't read an unofficial game forum every day supposed to know what they can do and can't do in the game?
Sure, there are people that did assume that this change wasn't intended and still used the dyes and slimes to dye the barding deeds when it shouldn't have been able to happen. And there are people that then sold these deeds to players that didn't know that it wasn't supposed to happen.
I don't care what happens to those that KNEW this was a bug and exploited it anyway. But the ones that suffer, as always, are those that weren't aware. Those that relied on the actual game designers to inform them what could and couldn't be done. Those that don't read unofficial forums everyday.
Personally, I HATE all things neon in this game. It takes away from my ability to immerse myself in a medieval rp setting when I see it. I would be ok with all of the neon in the game to be phased out. And no, I wasn't one that either used the dyes or slimes on barding deeds, nor bought already dyed barding deeds. However, I think that the common player is once again getting you-know-what on just because the dev team isn't very good.
Of course, people on this unofficial forum will always jump up in cases like this and shout 'all exploiters should suffer and die!!!111oneoneone' and just totally ignore the fact that there are people in this game that just don't know every single line of code in the game, including those just released within new patches. I get that. I get that some people have that mentality. But, I think that in a game that struggles daily with a dwindling playerbase should do more to improve the experience of the common player instead of each and every patch (and the fixes those flawed patches invariably lead to) doing more and more to drive those players off.