I'm ok just really sore. Especially my neck. The guy ran the stop sign and smashed into my side of the van. The glass busted out and hit me and the door can't be opened anymore. It messed the steering up too so we had to borrow my grandparents truck until we can get another car.
I've had a bad day but at least I wasn't hurt worse. As bad as my van looks it's a miracle I wasn't.
I'm sure I will playing again soon. I just started doing champ spawns a couple of days ago and have been having fun so i will be playing again as soon as I stop hurting.
Sounds pretty nasty...but glad that you can still be upbeat about it
Was in a bike accident many years ago, got thrown several feet from the bike and landed right in the middle of the highway, flat on my back. It was raining and roads were slippery. The momentum kept me seemingly spinning forever on the asphalt. Good thing I was wearing a backpack, and it was taking the brunt of the damage.
I swear time slowed down to a crawl. My life didn't past me by, but so many things were going through my head. I know I should find a way to stop myself from spinning, so I put my palms and feet down to try stopping/slowing the spin. But felt my palms heating up, knowing that I'll risk ripping the skin off badly, I gave up using my palms and logically worked out that I should just let the rest of the momentum bleed off.
When I did that, my balance changed and my head hit the ground, helmet strap snapped (yeah, old helmet) and flew away. I curled into a ball and was going "fu*k, ok, gotta keep my head up" "fu*k, I hope no cars come now and hit me" "Roads looks slippery and it'll take more time for any braking cars to get traction".
After what seemed like an eternity, I finally stopped spinning. Walked off with only a couple of light cuts. Bike was totalled though. Looking at the damage to the bike, I was very lucky that there was no traffic, lucky I did not land on my head, lucky I was wearing my backpack and lucky I was able to escape serious injury.