I wonder, how do Ilshenar spawns rate as "safe" (compared to Fel) when you can, at the Valor spawn, get jumped by a Greater Dragon (Paragon) that spawns naturally a screen away, while fighting an arachnid spawn - while STILL having to deal with a horde of Terethan Avengers (opposing slayer ouchies!). Or, for that matter, having 4 or 5 greater Dragon paragons spawn in the last stage of a Rikktor (I'd rather try to solo rikktor than a para greater). And the spawn for most of the champs is just as likely to loot you, and a heck of a lot less likely for you to find them and get the stuff back before its corpse decays from dying at someone else's hands. At least in fel, you have a character to look for, not one of 2 dozen creatures with exact same name, whose corpses decay in seconds.