i have a guild called OCD, hehehehe
Taz, you bugger, i didnt know you where as sick as me!
ya, that collection is all for my main mage on sonoma.
is is scrolled to 120 in all skills.
the stones hold all 55 skills currentlly in game.
of those skills they are ALL to the GM level.
if they are able to go to 120 then i think most of them are there.
i think there are a couple that arnt, and that was because my mage allready has those skills 120'd on him at present, so i figured id leave them at 110 on the stones so my other toons could use them if they needed.
hardest skill: taming. no token, no scripting, taming is by hand the hardest to do, but most rewarding.
easiest to do: pretty much ever skill in game is easy once youve done it 20 times, you find the short cuts and such. i dont think any skill is really hard or easy anymore, i measure it more in how much its gonna cost me to get it done and if i have the funds available or resources available to do it.
most useless - never come off the stone again skills... forensics, taste id, item id - those three i never used after GMing.
other like herding ive put on in the late of night when no one is watching and i cruise around fel dungeons moveing all the spawn to the entrance.... hehehe
all though i completed working all the skills a long time ago, getting them finally onto full soulstones took all the work and time to get.
but like Taz stated, by far my BIGGEST accomplishment is making all 21 of my toons on every shard.
think i have one or two shard left to get to, but overall i have most of them done.
there is nothing like the feeling of being able to log into any shard in game and pick any template i want and just go play.
what do i credit all that work too?
my job, hahahhahahaa, if i wasnt able to kill time at work playing UO i wouldnt have 1/10000000000 of what i have done to date.
as it is ive spent many of my entire days playing UO and avoiding work like the dirty habit it is!
i have a challange for you all, come to my castle on SONOMA and walk through it, if its not the BIGGEST lag hole youve ever been in then ill eat crow.
besided the soulstones doing thier dance, 2 of the side turrets have every library/musem reward on them.... all turned on, hehehhee, not to mention every lock down in the castle is full of stuff i find, steal, rob, murder to get over the last 11+ years.
here's a old map of how to get to it from back when it was part of the 'Township' that was there, coordinates are same, deco is different.