When I was logging in a few minutes ago, I noticed this advertised in the patcher, and found a link to this: Ultima Online Legacy Token.
It mentions three options, items "such as": The Hooded Shroud of Shadows, The Charger of the Fallen or the Green Soulstone.
What are these, and what are the other options? Depending on what is offered, I might bite. It's just ten bucks, and if certain items I really, really want are available, I'd take them.
So this is a fruitless hunt for a Rose of Trinsic... I want one of these not because of the petals, but because I was there for the Siege of Trinsic, and was present when Chesapeake killed Juo'Nar before we were supposed to and the server had to be reset. Man, those were the days! but even if the Rose isn't available, I might want something else!
It mentions three options, items "such as": The Hooded Shroud of Shadows, The Charger of the Fallen or the Green Soulstone.
What are these, and what are the other options? Depending on what is offered, I might bite. It's just ten bucks, and if certain items I really, really want are available, I'd take them.
So this is a fruitless hunt for a Rose of Trinsic... I want one of these not because of the petals, but because I was there for the Siege of Trinsic, and was present when Chesapeake killed Juo'Nar before we were supposed to and the server had to be reset. Man, those were the days! but even if the Rose isn't available, I might want something else!