... directly following Nys & Ta's wedding!!!
We'll post where and when it pops so everyone can come!
We'll post where and when it pops so everyone can come!
Never fear hon. This wasn't a one-time thing. You'll get your chance for a Harrower Death Robe as well!I was not able to game yesterday...sadly my "ultimate goal" for UO was to just once....just once I'd like to go after the Harrower. *sigh* Just...just once.
I'm sorry I wasn't there...
Nice pictures from the public harrowerI know Nystul posted some pics in the wedding thread but I figured since I took FORTY screen shots, I'd post some here too (in no particular order)! Again, it was TONS of fun. I just wish I'd gotten a shot of the mass of people coming thru the gate at the start!