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This forum for ONLY PVP thieves????


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been running a thief and posting under my alt for yrs now. And now that thieves are getting some stuff to do..other than steal from players, This forum has become a whiners corner. Why is it exactly that a char with stealing ...which makes them a thief...is unwelcome to post here and ask advice from other thieves? wa wa We're not stealing from only players..we're stealing from monsters now too.
I've heard the "most thieves here are ONLY pvp thieves" answer over and over...and yet this is the thieves forum. Not treasure hunters...not rares collectors.. THIEVES. Just cause one or two people wish to keep the reins on their lil empire is not a good enough reason for thieves to get flamed every time they post about a stealing issue that doesn't involve a players pocket.
Any one else see this as a ******** way of doing things? why do we need a separate forum for stealing from players and stealing from monsters?

* dons flame ****** suit and waits to see what happens*


I agree. Theif is a theif. Got theiving questions, feel free to ask. This is the place for it as I see it. PvP and Pvm. Now that there is actually something to steal, more players will come here. I never got off on swiping aids or potions from the gates.

Arch Magus

Maybe if some people weren't elitist jerks we could get some more people into the profession....

*glances upward*

I mean, grow up for Christ's sake.....

Arch Magus

Any one else see this as a ******** way of doing things?



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is why you don't make midgets (mental or otherwise) mods. :p