Lord Achilles™
I would like to see if somehow faction fighting could become the only form of PvP. Honestly, the gate fighting is ridiculous, attack; run into a house, hide behind a house, or hide on the gate...Lame. Anyone wanting to do a spawn now to get any of the new things, has to worry about the ghost cams, and can't even enjoy doing a spawn. I think that all PvP should simply be factions, you want to PvP join factions, now a days you hardly lose anything, so you go into stat for a little bit, all the Dev's would have to do is maybe turn the timer down a bit. No more red's, you don't even go into stat as a red like the old days (factions do), red's are usless; you die as a red and dont lose hardly anything your not in stat and you come right back to fight R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S. At least if it was all concentrated into factions, you would have Trammies and PvP/Factions all as 2 more seperate problems to fix. Instead of having PvP balance issues, and some factions issues, and some PvM issues then what happens is you fix something for the gate PvPer's and something in factions gets messed up big time and the PvM gets messed up a little, or Vice Versa. Make it all one thing and focus your attention on fixing it as a whole instead of trying to make all the smaller aspects "balanced". I don't know to me it seems like if thought through this would be the easiest way to at least form 2 groups to balance, the PvP/Factions and PvM.