if it's true that it's a level 8 stealable, that means about 12 full bookcases per year - for an item that's in enormous demand for rune libraries which typically have about a 100 of those bookshelves for decoration, that's just an unacceptably low number of possible full bookshelves
someone up there at headquarters totally dropped the ball on this one
they should make it a level 1 stealable - 2 at the most and sprinkle that entire area with spawn spots for it
level 8 ... really? (too much crack smoking going on up there at HQ)
someone up there at headquarters totally dropped the ball on this one
they should make it a level 1 stealable - 2 at the most and sprinkle that entire area with spawn spots for it
level 8 ... really? (too much crack smoking going on up there at HQ)